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Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 19:59
Going to give the Lindt 90 a whirl@CreakyPete x and @DavidF think you should too x
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Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 20:04
You are no (blinkin) use.

No, really I think there is link to protein in here some where....I'm sure of it.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 20:07
CandiceMarie wrote: Going to give the Lindt 90 a whirl@CreakyPete x and @DavidF think you should too x

I think I should not.

I know the consequences.
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 06:32
The "shy" (bad) choc fairy @silverdarling. :grin:
Actually, thank you. The choc IS good, wouldn't have found it without you and I'm over my cravings for a good few weeks now! But when(if) the need strikes again I know where to head.

Just a note to anyone interested - I truly am a reformed chocoholic, who in the past has deliberately eaten myself to the point of actually being sick in an attempt to put me off the brown stuff ( it didn't work). I can now look at the artisan stuff and enjoy just looking and happily walk away. I rarely buy any of it or the more mainstream kind. Just sometimes I fancy some and this week two large bars have passed my lips - the third has been given away as it was a bar too far. All this since 5:2!
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 06:37
Exactly AnnieW! I still have choc but much less and smaller bars ... Have had a stash in the cupboard for ages which would NEVER have happened ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

All cos of this WoE! All about not depriving yourself :lol: :wink:
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 13:24
I have been following this WOL since January 2013 - on and (a little) off. I still have a very sweet tooth and the occasional chocolate craving still hits! The trouble is that when it starts it can continue for a couple of weeks! My absolute favourite is to eat a whole, 200g, bar of Cadbury Whole Nut chocolate in one evening, actually it's probably in one hour! If I add this to a family sized bag of Maltesers - not on the same night but a couple of times within the same week - it can soon add up to a very hefty calorie load!

I have tried substituting good quality dark chocolate, as advised by many on this forum, but my mind doesn't recognise that as the 'right' sort of chocolate.

I have had to accept that this will happen from time to time. I refuse to beat myself up about it and, in the fullness of time, the cravings pass and I can go another few months with a minimal amount of chocolate.

This WOL is all about making it work for you and I don't want to stop eating chocolate, so this is what I do! Eat and enjoy! :smile:
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 13:47
@silverdarling took my "are you really a chocolate lover" test in Edinburgh, that is a piece of Lindt 99 % chocolate. If you think it's OK then it is the chocolate you crave, if you think "Bleugh!!" then you are probably after a bit of milk and/or Sugar too. I also like cocoa powder stirred into plain yoghurt with some berries.
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 14:19
You're probably right, @barbarita. For me it's all about the sweetness, so perhaps I should just eat condensed milk by the tin full! :smile: Chocolate is probably less sticky though! :frown:
Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 14:40
Tried one square of the 90% Lindt chocolate last night. Unexpectedly strong, slightly bitter, then gone. Not at all what I thought it might be. A life time of preferring milk chocolate make this an entirely different experience. Agree with the sweetness thought.

Added a square to bullet coffee this morning mixing it in with a hand blender - subtle, a bit creamier than usual, a nice variation. Seems to hide the coconut flavor. Looking forward to trying this with the other bar that I purchased: Lindt Orange.

You're missing out, David!

Re: Choc craving.....
02 May 2014, 14:41
Mmm condensed milk (said in a Homer Simpson voice) High fat - doesn't bother me. Probably high carb as well, darn it!
Re: Choc craving.....
03 May 2014, 06:39
Just got link to this from someone on Facebook - if you don't want to be tempted, don't look!
:shock: :grin: :razz: ... ClassKey=1
Re: Choc craving.....
03 May 2014, 06:51
I like my chocolate the darker the better, but havent seen 99% in NZ, will have to look. If you crave it eat I say!!
Re: Choc craving.....
03 May 2014, 06:59
@juliewil10 - am sure it's there somewhere, just waiting to be discovered ... :shock: :wink:
Re: Choc craving.....
03 May 2014, 07:10
I eat 2 squares of the Lindt 85% when I feel like chocolate and this makes normal chocolate taste rather sweet and sickly. However I do like the Aldi hazelnut or almond chocolate and can easily eat the whole 200g bar in one go so I must not give in and buy it.
Re: Choc craving.....
03 May 2014, 07:29
I too am a chocolate monster, have had none all week, and there is a heap in my fridge, I may crack soon though :confused: :oops:
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