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Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 10:30

I do get these..... :frown: :curse:

I'm sure there is a connection with protein here.

I did google for it once and I seem to recall one suggestion was to eat protein to try to stave a craving off.
One thing is for sure, for me, It's half an hour's enjoyment and repent for the next month. I might as well just slap it straight on my stomach.

Any thoughts here?


ps not if this is the right place for this post(?)
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 10:36
Oh you can't live without chocolate! Just enjoy

Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 10:45
Yes you can bean. @nursebean and you are living proof if this fact.
Just have a few squares of high quality, high coco chocolate or as I do have a low fat hot choc.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 12:24
Never heard of a link between chocolate and protein. Interesting. Must find out more.

I find the very high cocoa solids chocolate is the best as it is lowish in carbs and the cocoa solids are supposed to be good for you!
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 12:32
I eat two squares of Lindt chilli chocolate every day except fast days. Two is plenty, as it's dark chocolate.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 12:41
Cocoa is a plant, therefore, chocolate is salad & salads are good for you! :lol: I know it must be true, I saw it on FB! :p
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 13:36
David also it supplies chromium so I say in moderation as a treat every few days in the dark variety and it's a winner
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 14:53
As I have written before, Lindt 90% chocolate is almost the perfect balanced foodstuff - lots of fat, some protein and only a little sugar. 50 kcal per square and two squares is plenty. Eat it from the fridge for best effect, just let it melt/dissolve slowly...
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 15:02
Like most of us I love chocolate. I have gone low carb this week and I'm pleased my cravings for unhealthy foods (including chocolate) seem to have gone (for now). Wonder if this has something to do with eating more protein.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 18:05
Have also realized recently that chocolate is far more enticing than before. Just put 90% Lindt on the shopping list. Might have to lick an old car bumper to test for a chromium difficiency - for scientific purposes of course.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 18:08
ADF, that cracked me up!

I'm another dark chocolate lover, but admit that I can barely hack the 80% stuff :bugeyes:
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 18:31
Oh just go and have some!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 18:34
I think you are all leading me astray....

I maintain the conspiracy theory. :frown: :starving:
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 19:40
Well, it was @silverdarling that has led me, willingly, astray! Having heard about Aldi's Moser Roth chocolate I sampled some and due to the fact that a large Lindt type bar is actually 5 individually wrapped bars I was very good and rationed it all out. Then this week a craving hit and last night I went back for some different types. Bought a raspberry pannacota bar (lovely but very sweet) and all gone :oops: , a milk chocolate bar (tasted just like Lindt and only £1.09 for the 5 bars) and all gone :oops: :oops: . The orange and almond survives for another day or three. I feel a fast coming on! Luckily I am still in my maintaining band but many more cravings like this and I won't be.
Re: Choc craving.....
01 May 2014, 19:47
I'm the chocolate (bad) fairy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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