I was surprised to learn this:
Since white table sugar is sucrose, does this mean that all the fructose in (sucrose) sugars goes directly to fat?
- In the same way there is no other option for fructose, except maybe with fibers. See here:
It's a video called "Sugar the bitter truth"
(from this post)Sucrose is made up of one molecule of glucose joined to one of fructose so maple syrup, technically, is 49% fructose, 51% glucose. Sucrose is split into its two components in the gut.
Since white table sugar is sucrose, does this mean that all the fructose in (sucrose) sugars goes directly to fat?
- In the same way there is no other option for fructose, except maybe with fibers. See here:
It's a video called "Sugar the bitter truth"
It's long, but it breaks it down to the molecular level of what happens in the liver. It turns out, that the fiber in fruit buffers the way insulin responds to the fructose in fruit