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The 5:2 Lab

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I think its hard at first as we are brainwashed into being anti-fat. When I went low carb I had been low fat for years and it seemed alien. I feel tons better eating that way though. Not everyone likes or needs to go as low carb as I do. I follow Barry Groves formula of 10-15% carb, 20-30% protein and the balance as fat. I use the My Fat Secret site to record my intake as it splits it all down for you and also gives you intakes averaged out over a month.

I know it all sounds a bit nerdy and I don't worry about keeping a record as much now as I pretty much know what suits me. I was very careful at the start as I needed to get my blood glucose down fast.
I've moved the discussion on protein into a previous thread that was started on the subject...hope that's OK!
Getting back to protein: I have read a couple of books by Joel Furhman. Furhman is a recognized expert in nutrition and how nutrition affects the body. His book on fasting converted me (I read Mosely's book first, then Furhman's).

Anyway, Furhman says over and over that we eat TOO MUCH PROTEIN and that it's bad for our bodies. He said you can get more than enough protein in your diet strictly from veggies and nuts (i.e., plant based). I'm quoting this from memory, but I think he said that the USDA recommends something like X amount of protein a day. which is 3 to 4 times the actual amount our bodies can safely make use of.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is you probably shouldn't worry about protein intake too much. BTW--full disclosure--I was a protein addict. I was told 20+ years ago I had hypoglycemia and that I needed a lot of protein. So I gorged on protein. I am trying to cut back on it now....

Are green leafy veg classed as carbs in this example then? Though to get 100 grams of carbs via cabbage leaves or lettuce would be an heroic amount of cabbage or lettuce I should think.
I've just had to check up on the amount of protein I'm eating as I got confused between protein and meat. Thankfully I am well within the limits as I doubt I get much more than 40g of protein a day. Protein is expensive, whether meat, nuts or dairy.
P.S. I may be in the minority here, but, to me, "low carb" means low processed/refined carbs such as bread, rice, and pasta (and others, but those are the classics). I personally don't feel that consuming carbs from leafy green veggies has a downside. :-)
Green leafy veg have very few carbs so you don't need to worry about them unless as Julie says you're consuming heroic amounts! You could have 750g if cabbage and still not eat 50g of carbs!
@carorees thanks for the list of carbs, I also thought I was eating too many, but some days it would appear that I have very little indeed.
Yes thank you everyone. lots of food for thought!
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