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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Major operation and fasting.
12 Mar 2014, 11:24
I am finally due for my neck disk operation on Tuesday (barring them cancelling for some reason) after waiting for 18 months. It is considered a major operation and for now I'm not terrified of the prospect. I think my feelings now are that I'm resigned to it.

What I need to know from the more medically inclined is the how, what, when of fasting I should follow prior to the operation. I will see how I feel after the operation of course as I've been told I will be lucky to be able to eat soup for at least a week, if not a month, so I may be on an enforced fast then anyway.

But back to business. I am planning on fasting on Monday prior to the operation. Should I make this a full liquid fast and just carry on with the fasting on Tuesday as will be needed, or should I have a 500kcal or more meal the night before? I have regularly fasted two days back to back so doing a Monday, Tuesday fast won't bother me. Or should I eat normally on Monday and maybe fast the Sunday instead?

What is best for the operation where blood sugars etc are concerned?
Very best of luck m'dear and all shall be well and slim by the sound of it :0)
Wishing you al the best, too Julie. Can't help with your question, but I'm sure someone knowledgeable will be along soon x
I was given instructions about what/when to eat prior to surgery. I think it has to do with the anaesthetic. They put me on a drip on the day of the surgery. I suspect it was electrolytes and glucose.

Good luck!
I can't help you with your question either, but hope someone else can. I'm just posting to wish you all the very best, that the operation goes as smoothly as possible, and brings you great benefits.
I'm sorry I didn't see your post before now Julie so a I expect that you have already had your operation now. I hope all went well & that you will soon be feeling much better. :heart: :heart:
Hi Isis, nope its next Tuesday, six more days to go. I'm looking for advice particularly relating to fasting.
Good luck! Personally , I'd fast on the Sunday. You'll have to fast on Tuesday, so make it easy on yourself.
Glad you've got your date @Julieathome Hope all goes well for you if it was me I'd fast Sunday because you'll get plenty enforced very low calorie days after your operation
Good Luck with the surgery and I hope they keep
it for for Tuesday. :clover:
From my experience the recovery phase from two surgeries (months apart) is far shorter and easier with fasting. Would suggest just doing your normal fast days.

Please train your OH to relay your status. A month would be an eternity for this concerned forum.

I too would fast on the Sunday and eat normally on the Monday before you HAVE to be nil by mouth - as you know fasting stresses your body and therefore if you're having major spinal surgery I'd think that would be stress enough, non? They usually have you nil by mouth at least 12hours pre op anyway to ensure your stomach is empty when you are intubated. I imagine at some point during your anaesthetic someone may check your blood glucose and if thought necessary they can give you IV fluids if you need them but I'd not do 2 back to back fasts in this instance. Hope that helps? And good luck for your op and a speedy recovery.
I suggest you ask @jools7 who is an anaesthetist so she'll be able to give you the best guidance.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you make a rapid recovery and will be fighting fit v soon! : heart:
PS I don't think it matters for the op and your blood sugars because they can alter them if they needed to (by IV fluids or insulin if they were high) but purely from the point of view of your body and recovery etc it seems best to eat when you might have a period of not being able to.
I can't answer your question, julie, but I add my best wishes and love to those of all the others. :heart: :heart: :heart: :clover: :clover: :clover:
OMG! I've just found out, after getting all het up and getting the family all fired up, that my operation isn't now due till the 25th, maybe!
Its no wonder people go in for operations all stressed out, they don't get told the proper date, or they get postponed etc and it gets their blood pressure up. Now I'm so angry I could cry.
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