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Hi . I stopped a couple of weeks ago I'm afraid. Life on the road has got in the way and it became too hard with business commitments which normally involve food - and pretty grotty stuff too. I lost quite a bit in the first two weeks but I imagine I have put it back on again. Going to pick it back up again when I can. Thanks for organising the challenge Bean.
Thanks very much @Nursebean for galvanising me into some action by setting this challenge!

Was delighted with the stats until this week....when the old water retention kicked in to skew the whole thing (honestly, I am too old for all this nonsense!) but then, nothing I can do about that....

So I'll happily wave goodbye to my 11 packs of butter thank you very much.....and join you next Monday, Beanybobs, on the M/W/F thingy!!

Hope you all have a super week xxx
Hi all
Its been an erratic month and I havent stuck to DODO but I have lost 2.8 kgs this month and have certainly refocused my resolve for fasting in its many forms. Thanks Bean for getting us allorganised, whats next?
Have a lovely break Nutty @Hazlenut20 you've done really well on this so you deserve a fast-free time! Enjoy ;)
Well at least the challenge got us thinking about fasting again and trying different methods. Today I have started my new alternate week fast so I'll just fast today and Thursday this week and then MWF next week and so on. I think that might be slightly easier for me. Only time will tell...
Well done for giving DODOing a go xx
@nursebean thanks very much for running the DODO give it a go challenge. Image Image Image

It's certainly provided me more tools for maintaining and shaken off the head fog we all suffer from time to time. I thought it might be a bit drastic but 5DODO fasts were manageable for me and I'm almost back to goal :smile: If you look at my tracker there is a pattern emerging where I peak at 128 (sadly not due to hols) and then bring it down. As I mentioned previously on the thread I have reduced fastday cals to 300 and will continue with this strategy. So that is what success looks like for me at the moment and I'm very happy with that. I do seem to unnecessarily get my knickers in a twist about maintaining. It probably sounds bonkers to others, me quibbling over a few pounds. But I guess that's the game of maintaining, never taking your eye off the ball. I do feel there is a dark force out there conspiring and playing with my success - it's not going to win though cos I am! Good to get that off my chest, thanks for listening everyone. I think I'll shake it up every now and again to keep the dark force on it's toes :wink:
Onwards we go ........
@hazelnut20 and @nursebean last week was just awful. Id steadily lost a bit and had a couple of days over my TDEE but not massively so....but my weight just piled on and every day was a gain for a good 5 days and I was pretty much back to the weight I started at doing this challenge, so suffice to say that I felt crap and havent posted as I just felt rubbish.
The weight seems to have stabilised over the past couple of days and I was surprised that my weigh in this morning was not quite a bit higher.................
I'm fasting today and Thursday this week and will join you on MWF next week....

Well done to all of you who have/are breaking the back of this... thats what keeps me going, hoping one day I'll be in that league :smile:
Oh @raggy sorry to hear you've bean really struggling. And it sounds like my fellow bean @Lizbean struggles with maintaining too. Hey ho! At least you gave DODOing a shot. You can always fall back on it at a later date!
I'm quite glad to be 5:2ing this week if I'm honest :wink:
@nursebean and all DODO challengers. I'm sure you have all seen the erection of the great wobbly tent and I hope you have popped into the May maintaining thread for equally informative reflections - it's good to know what is ahead as it helps now.
Sister bean, thanks very much, I love your group hug! :heart:
Hi @Ballerina thank you for saying it as it is - a reality check for us all to re-group is wonderful, well that is how I see it :heart:
Yes @Lizbean I think many of us will be heading over to the Wobbly tent now! :wink:
@nursebean do you think we should buy @Hazelnut20 a tea urn as it's likely her teapot is too small :wink:
Haha! Good idea :grin:
Ive just slunk into this tent days late to say that the one and a half pound i lost during the DODO challenge is back on..
I'll get my coat .... :confused:
Now then @raggy - rest assured we are going to get to the bottom of what's going on for you!

Two words spring to mind.......tape measure! Have you measured? We've said it before....scales are not always as kind as they should be, given the effort we have put in....but the trusty tape measure never lies....and nor do trousers!! I am a pear...and when I lost very nearly 4 stone on 5:2 last year....I really enjoyed having some space in my jeans where the chunky thighs used to be! Sadly, they came back when I took my eye off the ball & regained nearly 2 stone....but I returned to fasting in March and am doing my best....which is all anyone can ask...

I've got a busy few days ahead, & was away last week, so I haven't had time to check out the Really Rather Wobbly tent that was recently set up......but please please, Raggy, hang on in there, keep posting because there is loads of support available on this lovely forum....and we are all willing you on!

Gotta dash, take care xx
Thank you nursebean for the challenge. I'm glad I gave it a go. I don't think I lost any weight or centimetres. It was all too much like a diet and I became obsessed with eating on the off days. Thinking about food all the time. I'm not surprised @CandiceMarie that you put back on the weight you had lost. That's what diets are like. It might suit some, but not me. Still, like I say, I was glad I tried it and am not left wondering what it would be like. It is such a relief to be back on 5:2. I managed today's Monday fast really easily and now I am looking forward to eating breakfast for 2 whole mornings.
Bless you@hazelnut20, you are truly a wonderful person, with such a caring nature :)
This fluctuation just gets me down but where I would usually at this point just think.... fallen off the wagon so rather be hung for a herd of massive cows, than a mini lovely lamb!!!, I read your message and pulled my self together and got on with my day of fasting.... which went very well.
If you think you've got chunky thighs then you should take a look at my little sausage thighs. I swear they were rubbing so much as I walked the other day, that I could hear squeaking !!
I need to invest in a tape measurer as I'm fitting into my work clothing better and not feeling like a pig on a spit.... I can now actually do up the button on the one pair of trousers I've dared to wear (others are not getting past my hips unfortunately).
Wow, I am in awe of you managing to get off 4 stone....thats soooo impressive, even if you put 2 back on.
I am taking you great advice and will keep posting and not shy away because I am feeling rubbish and down because I cant seem to loose and put on 6lbs..... I can do this :wink:
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