Starting a maintenance journal with a 'classic' pledge (at least when you're Dutch) seems to be an appropriate topic for post number 100.
And that makes it official: I am stuck to this WOE as a 'faster for life'
Maintenance has been very easy so far, as I have been gradually lowering my number of fasts from 5:2 to 6:1 to 13:1 to none in the last three weeks. Almost begging for the next fast, but the pledge not only applies to not gaining, but also to not losing any more weight.
I will keep you posted!

And that makes it official: I am stuck to this WOE as a 'faster for life'

Maintenance has been very easy so far, as I have been gradually lowering my number of fasts from 5:2 to 6:1 to 13:1 to none in the last three weeks. Almost begging for the next fast, but the pledge not only applies to not gaining, but also to not losing any more weight.
I will keep you posted!