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Weight Maintenance

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My official weigh-in day is Sunday but when I weighed this morning I was 149 pounds, two pounds over my 147 target weight and just on the edge of my 2 pounds 'buffer'. :shock: I had friends to lunch on Wednesday, made loads of food that I wouldn't normally have in the house and have been 'eating it up' since then! I have also had a glut of Bramley apples so have had apple and blackberry crumble, with custard, three times this week and not small helpings either! :pig2:
I am fasting today to counteract all the food that I have been eating, excessively, during the last week! I am hoping that tomorrow's weigh-in may bring better news! :smile:
StowgateResident wrote: I had friends to lunch on Wednesday, made loads of food that I wouldn't normally have in the house and have been 'eating it up' since then! I have also had a glut of Bramley apples so have had apple and blackberry crumble, with custard, three times this week and not small helpings either! :pig2:

Hi @StowgateResident,
The good news is: you can affort yourself these things when you are maintaining by fasting :grin:
I have a celebration weekend and one of the reasons is that today I am one year on maintenance :victory:
No worries about that, sustainability is one of the most outstaning features of IF :cool:
Well I haven't got the excuse of a birthday or fasting anniversary - and have been enjoying my food so far this week! Am on holiday in Anglesey - yesterday spent helping @PennyForthem and OH on her chutney stall at the Anglesey Oyster Festival, where they have a whole marquee full of local, artisan produce just asking to be bought! Did I resist? Did I heck! Of course, I had to taste most of the chutneys and pickles, as people were asking about them, and I had to appear knowledgeable ... (And for the record, they are divine :victory: ) I also did the rounds of the stalls, tasting cheese, pulled pork, chocolate, not to mention some delicious crispy fried oysters with home made tartare sauce. Later shared a meal with PFT and OH - fresh crab and charcuterie, chicken and roasties, followed by Aldi mint and choc ice cream and ... Salted caramel fudge squares, bought from the stall next door. Dare I go back for the second day today? Well yes, I dare!!!

No report on weight - no scales! But sticking to 16:8 this week :shock: :wink:

PS - the only thing I did resist was the champagne that was offered with the oysters - but it was £10 a glass! :shock: :bugeyes: :curse:
Happy birthday @PJ-K for yesterday and for maintaining one year today! :like:
@Silverdarling that sound just the perfect holiday I am quite jealous hope it has been a profitable time for Pft enjoy today you can get back to being careful next week. :oops: :wink:
Well, yesterday's fast worked and this morning I weighed in at 147 and a half pounds. :victory: I don't usually weigh after a fast day but that it just the way it has worked out this week. I may do another fast on Tuesday, just to consolidate the loss - and eat more mindfully on non-fast days. It's soooo easy to allow little treats to become big parts of daily eating habits. The Bramley apples are now safely in the freezer and will not be allowed out - except very occasionally! :grin:
Good for you all successful maintainers. I am not successful this months. Even though I am having my two fast days and added hot yoga twice a week to my routine, I am up about 800grs after my two fast days and it is not coming off. In the last few weeks, I have not seen my target weight on the scale and am very disappointed. I don't like to add another fast day to my week :curse: :curse: :curse: :curse:
@StowgateResident what are Bramkey apples and why do they need locking up? Are they naughty...:-)
GMH wrote: @StowgateResident what are Bramkey apples and why do they need locking up? Are they naughty...:-)

@GMH & @StowgateResident, I was wondering the same thing about the Bramley apples? :wink:
Pariah wrote: Good for you all successful maintainers. I am not successful this months. Even though I am having my two fast days and added hot yoga twice a week to my routine, I am up about 800grs after my two fast days and it is not coming off. In the last few weeks, I have not seen my target weight on the scale and am very disappointed. I don't like to add another fast day to my week

Hi @Pariah, sorry you feel this way. I suppose you already considered that:
- two fast days should surely be enough for maintenance
- your weight is already pretty low, so given your BMI your length must be in the order of 1.50? Which would mean your BMI is not a good indicator.
- perhaps you are close to your 'good weight', so gaining less than 1 kg is something that could happen without it being too serious?

How about your 'non scale indicators' (apart from how you feel right now :smile: )?
@GMHand @chinchin, Bramley apples are a type of cooking apple available extensively in Britain (and on one of the trees in my garden!) but not so much overseas. They are very soft and fluffy when cooked and make absolutely delicious baked apples, apple pies, apple crumble and apple sauce. I have been over-indulging on all of the previously mentioned, so that is the reason why mine are now shut away in the freezer and only allowed out on special occasions!
Also plodding on this month, and still trying to figure how to maintain. If I do 6:1 the weight creeps slowly up. I tried not to worry about it. It creeps up slower.
Most of you skip breakfast, but I love my yogurt, no-sugar Muesli + blueberries breakfast. So now I decided skipping lunches instead. Husband: will you have coffee? Will you have milk in your coffee. Yes, yes. Husband, it is hard to know when you are fasting and when you are just not eating!!! (On fast days I have black coffee). sigh!
I am on this haul only until Advent, then my 'little fast' begins, before Christmas. But that is still a long way ahead. :neutral:
I'm with you on the breakfast, @Margotsylvia. I, too, love my muesli (mine is not the no-sugar kind though, it's full of dried fruit & nuts!) with , mixed seeds, natural yoghurt, milk and a little dash of honey and look forward to it every day - unless I'm fasting! It is the only thing that I ever weigh because I know how heavy-handed I can be with the muesli and it is surprisingly high in calories.

I wouldn't want to give up my lunches either, so I try to make sure that I don't eat too many cakes, biscuits, ice-creams and puddings. If I can mostly steer clear of those, I find that I can maintain reasonably well. However, if I add those back on a daily basis, then that is when I have to have a few fast to remove the added weight!
Another week gone without a fast, despite a considerable amount of cake and snacks in the weekend. Perhaps speedskating two times a week takes up more calories than I would expect...
You don't hear me complaining of course :sun: :island:
@Margitsylvia I'm with you, my perfect fast day would be late bfst, then late lunch, in other words early dinner. Eating 2 meals a day would be quite easy for me. @StowgateResidentthose Bramley piles sound like Granny Smith's? I could have a house full with no temptation :-) but if u made me the crumble, ooh la la!
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