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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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OK, besides being hungry, even after a late lunch with pasta and ice cream (twice; the ice cream that is) I have to say...
1. I seriously need to try that French butter with the salt crystals! I will begin a crusade to find it in Greece. In case I don't, I need all of you good Brits tell if it is available anywhere in the UK.
2. Duck fat... I make a mean pasta with duck or goose fat and butternut.
3. How about tatty scones? Ooooooooooooooh sexy food!!!
TML - glad to hear the day's events have not affected your appetite :razz: :razz:

Re butter with salt crystals, I think Franglaise posted something about it recently ...

And goose fat? See Nigella about that one :lol: :lol: :lol:
Franglaise wrote: i never eat low fat anything or butter substitute or diet drinks. I love real butter (mine favourite is Grande Fermage aux cristaux de sel de mer de Noirmoutier - butter with salt crystals in it) and I've never given it up whilst dieting - it has never stopped me losing weight.

Oh yes of course :oops: :bugeyes: it was earlier in this thread! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Yes, tattie scones are one of the great pleasures of life. It's funny my Italian dil adores them, but not fried with bacon and eggs, like me, just as they come :?: Note to self, buy tattie scones to take to London on Wednesday....
I put them in the toaster!!!

Nigella... now there's an example of a healthy person who eats EVERYTHING and looks FAB!
Have you guys seen this one?
Thank God she's ditching the Saatchi. I always found it disturbing that he didn't like to eat her food - he's always struck me as a control freak. She'll be better off without him imo.
I sooooooooooooooooooooo agree!!!
That's it I am on a mission now to source some very good quality cream and with my pink salt crystals get on with the job of making my very own butter with salt crystals. Then on a 'way hey' day indulge. I make my own Marmalade so it is likely to be toast with my recent batch of cumquat marmalade made with cumquats from my garden. Umm served with a pot of tea ~ heaven!
Please may I come to your house for tea? :grin:
I think we may all be turning up on your doorstep, gillymary!

:cool: :cool: :cool:
The more the merrier, there are plenty of spare marmalades in the pantry cupboard as my marmalade consumption has reduced. You might want to bring some artisan sour dough as my DH refers to my efforts at bread making as woeful
Wow! This thread took on a life of it's own!
Had butter on lovely new Charlotte potatoes this evening, so delicious with fresh broad beans and carrots and a cheese and onion slice. Have felt full all evening, which is good as my 24 hour fast has started.
Happy fasting fellow fasters x
Julieathome wrote: Can I mention CRUMPETS!

Certainly you can. I love'em slathered with Mainland Buttersoft (triple churned NZ butter) and Vegemite. Oh so yummy! I once read that crumpets were good on a diet as the butter drained through but.. people don't leave that butter on the plate... do they? Sacrilege!
Sometimes I think I'm the only one on the planet who can't tell the difference between butter and margarine. I only use butter now, after growing up being fed margarine because it was supposed to be healthier. But I just don't really care. Maybe since I'm not a big bread eater. I cook certain vegetables in butter--like beets, leeks, and mushrooms. I also like it on corn on the cob.

The butter in Japan comes from Hokkaido.
I love tatie (potato) scones with thick butter spread on them then put in the micro wave to melt and soak through. when I was a wee girl a million years ago we had bread and butter with Demerara sugar sprinkled on top, was that because I was Edinburgh not Glasgow. By the way my Mother who eat Butter, spread thick all her days lived till 92 and still had all her faculties so that has been my reason for sticking to the tried and tested.
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