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CHRISTMAS CLUB 2013 campsite
16 Oct 2013, 21:54
Hi peeps.

It's Feb 11 and we are extending the Christmas club target date to Feb 15. If you havent replied in this or other thread ... t8676.html

please do so. we have only 11 days left
this is the official countdown thread.

If you are a club member and need to check in click here.. ... t8676.html

Hoping to get all christmas club members to review targets and update signatures to help with overall club stats.

(Green means the member has reached their Christmas day goal already and are on "maintenance" or if they have further to go to overall target weight then onwards and downwards - let me know if ive missed you as a "green achiever"
Going for 250 kilograms loss for the whole group by Feb 15.
current tally as at Feb 1: 240kgweight lost

(please advise if ive doubled up on any one and have omitted you from the official list when replying to you. sometimes hard to keep up. )
Ahh i love the little reindeer Juliana x
Thanks for the invite to the zcrimbo club..going along now to register x
yeah reindeer is cute

we have 50 members thus far! lets get to a nice round 60 still room in the tent
Member 1 Juliana.Rivers juliana-rivers-u5822/
Member 2 juliewil10 juliewil10-u3363/
Member 3 PennyForthem pennyforthem-u511/
Member 4 Dhana dhana-u2578/
Member 5 dimmit dimmit-u8923/
Member 6 Dietingdebbie dietingdebbie-u2653/
Member 7 Alf alf-u6915/
Member 8 carorees-u61/
Member 9 gillmary gillymary-u6556/
Member 10 wineoclock wineoclock-u3140/
Member 11 Azureblue azureblue-u527/
Member 12 Betsysgr8 betsysgr8-u3018/
Member 13 wildmissus wildmissus-u1108/
Member 14 silverdarling-u6142/
Member 15 MaryAnn maryann-u4328/
Member 16 Ballerina ballerina-u1139/
Member 17 Janey47 janey47-u6402/
Member 18 Pamico pamico-u8054/
Member 19 kamatildat kmatildat-u11244/
Member 20 MissyMoo missymoo-u2931/
Member 21 Rasa rasa-u10371/
Member 22 Suchard007 suchard007-u777/
Member 23 Otter otter-u9709/
Member 25 Windsinger123 windsinger123-u1398/
Member 25 Bobby bobbyd98683-u9772/
Member 26 Sallyo sallyo-u4626/
Member 27 gigi55 gigi55-u2465/
Member 28 Nicki_24 nicky-94-u5651/
Member 29 Chickvic chickvic-u4899/
Member 30 Second Alto secondalto-u10821/
Member 31 Abbie Taylor abbietaylor-u4511/
Member 32 Judio judio-u6471/
Member 33 Bobshouse bobshouse-u2001/
Member 34 Motherof2 motherof2-u7300/
Member 35 lizzieh lizzieh-u8867/
Member 36 nycnyc2013 nycnyc2013-u4033/
member 37 mollymalteser mollymalteser-u11255/
member 38 julieathome julieathome-u8607/
member 39 vildekhaya vildekhaya-u9906/
member 40 waratah waratah-u5998/
member 41 amberenchanged amberenchanted-u4288/
member 42 candicemarie-u10639/
member 43 iztla iztla-u10381/
member 44 geekycatsjourney geekycatsjourney-u7159/
member 45 Jejum jejum-u9364/
member 46 bofa45 bofa45-u9433/
member 47 TheFrog thefrog-u4532/
member 48 Welshsupergirl welshsupergirl-u4757/
member 49 angie090465 angie090465-u9338/
member 50 minsmum minsmum-u7946/
OK, I'll join! My goal is 64Kg by Christmas. 2.69Kg to go :)
Roll up roll up
for the crimbo club! X
Gah, 69 days??? Is that all?? Will have to get a move on!
Iztla wrote: OK, I'll join! My goal is 64Kg by Christmas. 2.69Kg to go :)

OK your in for 64kg goal.. member number 43 Istla
Nicky_94 wrote: Gah, 69 days??? Is that all?? Will have to get a move on!

You know its christmas soon when Aldi bring in the Christmas treats and Stollen. that happened last weekend ugh.

Hey everyone, what a great idea for a discussion.

For you, what triggers that "eeeek its going to be Christmas soon and i gotta get my act together" feeling.

Unfortunately I am usually still doing that eek thing Christmas Eve. By then I give in with what I have managed . Sad but true :(
@Juliana.rivers you put Dhana in twice again, Caroline aka carorees is member number 8 ;)
thanks betsygr8.. i must have picked up an old list with that problem as someone mentioned that to me before.
I had a target to reach by the end of 2013. Seems my body has decided differently. I just don't know what would be a doable target by Christmas.
I need an aim. Have lost it a bit over the last couple of weeks. I would like to be around 79 kg for Christmas. Will update tracker tomorrow morning. :)
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Nicky_94 wrote: Gah, 69 days??? Is that all?? Will have to get a move on!

You know its christmas soon when Aldi bring in the Christmas treats and Stollen. that happened last weekend ugh.

Hey everyone, what a great idea for a discussion.

For you, what triggers that "eeeek its going to be Christmas soon and i gotta get my act together" feeling.

I got sent two christmas catalogues from toy shops this week! Have to say I'm still in denial though and usually remain that way until the christmas lights go up in my town at the beginning of December, that's when I have my eek moment!
:reindeer: :reindeer: Can I join? My aim is 94.9kg by Christmas. I'm at 98.5 today and my average is 400g a week so ...
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