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A different fasting protocol?
26 Aug 2014, 17:09

I'm not sure too sure if I am posting in the right place, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm just wondering if this type of fasting protocol could work, or would I lose to quick & become unhealthy? 16:8 fast 5 days a week with a 23:1 fast 2 days a week, or 23:1 fast 5 days a week with a 16:8 fast 2 days a week.

Also any different ways I can go about a fasting protocol?

Thanks so much!
It's understandable that when we commit to a project, we want to see results as rapidly as possible.

However, there's a lot to be said for keeping things simple and adopting one change at a time so that you can be sure that it's that change that has contributed to a particular result. IF as a weight management strategy is relatively recent compared to other methods so although there are several useful trials and reports there isn't as much detail about some of the nuance as some of us might prefer.

There are many, many different ways that you might tweak a fasting protocol but I doubt that anyone could predict the outcome with confidence. And, in my experience of some form of fasting since 2011, the form of fasting that is least restrictive, the most flexible and easy to live with, seems to be the one that works for people who use it to progress to maintenance and stay there. It may be a biased sample, but the people who tried out very complex eating schedules and (say) restrictions such as minimising particular food groups were the ones who kept drifting away and returning in a cycle when they didn't achieve what they wanted in a particular timescale.

It's possible that you might want to switch between different fasting protocols as you move through your weight loss towards maintenance and in maintenance. For now, and in the early weeks/months, it might be good to accept the rate of progress of whichever fasting schedule to which you've committed and only amend it if it's demonstrably not making any difference to your health/other goals.

I edited out the rest of this answer as it was turning into an essay on flexible diets and its association with BMI, health and weight maintenance. Overall, flexibility and sustainability seem to win out over high levels of restriction. I probably haven't phrased this well but it's the best that I can do for now.
Indeed say the first option isis doable, the second is too extreme and could well cause problems. If the first option proves to hard or too fast you can either drop the single meal days or the 16:8. Fir me 16:8 alone or two days of a single meal were equally good enough to lose weight without feeling restricted but I would find combining them hard to sustain.
I'll give the first option a blast. If it deems not doable I'll switch, I'll change it around. What problems could I face doing fasting again? Especially with 2 days a week with eating 1 meal.

I'll be giving it a go. 5 days 16:8, with 2 days 23:1. Want me to blog about my journey? I'll try my best too, as I'm not an avid blogger, but I can attempt it.
Hi, see my signature? That's what I did and it worked well for me. Not sure if I have understood your question but I hope so and that my reply helps. Good luck with whatever you decide and yes, please do keep us updated. Sharing experiences really helps us all learn.
IAmLiam wrote: I'll give the first option a blast. If it deems not doable I'll switch, I'll change it around. What problems could I face doing fasting again? Especially with 2 days a week with eating 1 meal.

I'll be giving it a go. 5 days 16:8, with 2 days 23:1. Want me to blog about my journey? I'll try my best too, as I'm not an avid blogger, but I can attempt it.

This article gives some ideas about creating your own fasting method and what kind of frequency of fasting we recommend: ... ng-method/
Thanks for all your replies, it does mean a lot.

I've come up with my own fasting method, this is Monday; - Normal, Tuesday - Thursday; 16:8 Fast, Friday; 23:1 Fast, Saturday; 16:8 Fast, Sunday; 23:1 Fast. Rinse & Repeat! It seems doable to me and fits my schedule perfectly, now too see how my body reacts. Shall I keep my progress updated here or within my own blog?

IAmLiam wrote: Shall I keep my progress updated here or within my own blog?


Whichever you prefer.

I think more people see it if you post here but a blog keeps the comments separate from your posts whereas here the comments are 'in line' so you might prefer the blog format. It's up to you!
I could however start afresh and put for example: Update XX/XX/XXXX - Put my progress here and how I'm getting on etc.. Put that in my first post on this topic.

Sounds good?
IAmLiam wrote: I could however start afresh and put for example: Update XX/XX/XXXX - Put my progress here and how I'm getting on etc.. Put that in my first post on this topic.

Sounds good?

I would say start a thread on your progress in the progress diaries section: progress-f4/
rather than this general chat board!
Hi Liam and a warm welcome to you. Through reading all the info and experiences on this forum, I'm confident you will find what is sustainable for you - I have. As many say this is not a race or quick fix, it's a journey to wellbeing. So, take it easy and do visit everyday as I have found that has delivered my success. Catch you soon. :clover: Lizbean
Lizbean wrote: Hi Liam and a warm welcome to you. Through reading all the info and experiences on this forum, I'm confident you will find what is sustainable for you - I have. As many say this is not a race or quick fix, it's a journey to wellbeing. So, take it easy and do visit everyday as I have found that has delivered my success. Catch you soon. :clover: Lizbean

Thanks a lot Lizbean! I will find my feet and get it going!
What's 23:1 please don't tell me its fasting for 23 and eating for 1 hour. I guess i can pack it in, in an hour if i was ravenous.

Seems extreme even if it is for only a certain number of days (just my opinion).. I thought fast -five was bad, but I guess if it not dangerous to your body, then go for it. And dont forget to drink liquids so as not to dehydrate
Juliana.Rivers wrote: What's 23:1 please don't tell me its fasting for 23 and eating for 1 hour. I guess i can pack it in, in an hour if i was ravenous.
You've got it exactly right, @Juliana.Rivers - tho' by the time some have finished tweaking diet plans it's sometimes hard to know what's in the original plan and what is someone's interpretation of it. Then, when it doesn't perform in line with expectations, the tweakers attribute the failure to the original diet/schedule which advocated no such thing.

Off-topic. Adding one restriction to another, without any clear evidence to underpin their combination is popular in some places. Sometimes I look at the summary of WOEs in a profile when someone's asking a question and I've no idea what someone is eating or when. I've modified this slightly but one I'll never forget from last year in one forum was: ADF, Warrior, 23:1, Paleo, and Leptin Protocol with some uncommon foodstuffs and supplements. (No, it didn't deliver the results he wanted as it seemed to trigger COE for him which was so unfortunate and uncomfortable.)
It may seem different my protocol, but it worked for me the in the past, and now I'm using it again but in a different manner 2 days instead of 7 days of 23:1.

@SSure What is COE?
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