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Re: Anyone in the US?
16 Jan 2015, 19:31
@gladster, Welcome to the forum. I used to do the Rotation Diet back in, what, the 1980s? Diet all week and then eat what you wanted on weekends, if I recall correctly. It worked for me, though later I read something that supposedly claimed that studies showed it didn't work for most people. Back then I could lose weight just by cutting out dessert, bread, and potatoes for a month. It's much harder now.
Re: Anyone in the US?
17 Jan 2015, 20:46
Hi Peebles! Yes, the Rotation Diet that I did was in the 80's. That was awhile ago and though I had to work at losing weight then, too, it seems to go much slower now. However, I have the whole rest of my life to work on it. I like the 5:2 because it seems so easy to me. My steady diet of 1200 to 1400 calories had me on a plateau and I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to use this system to at least lose maybe 30 more pounds (though I need to lose more).

Four years ago I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and had to go on a six-month chemo protocol that added a lot of weight to me. Then my Adrenals crashed and that added some more in a hurry. I have been working at whittling that weight off for 1-1/2 years. I have had to learn great patience. Hopefully, between Plexus and 5:2 it will move just a bit faster. I know my body is doing a lot of internal healing and weight loss is not the body's main priority.
Re: Anyone in the US?
17 Jan 2015, 23:59
Yes, I am in the U.S.! I'm waving from southern California! I just joined the forum yesterday.
gladster, I hope you are healing well. Eating well and fasting can only help.
Re: Anyone in the US?
18 Jan 2015, 02:15
Welcome Marygrace!
Re: Anyone in the US?
18 Jan 2015, 10:21
Geez...wrote a big post, hit submit and then it asked me to log in and poof, my post is gone. :dazed: So frustrating!

Anyway......welcome to all the new faces! Glad to have you here!

I'm determined to get a loss this week. My first 2 weeks have not been good. Fasting days are no problem, so I think I just may be eating too much on the other 5 days. I really don't think so, but what else could it be? I have been keeping a rough estimate of my calories, and I really don't want to have to count, but until I see the scale go down, I'll have to keep better track. I'm planning on 4 good boot camp sessions this week too. Quitting is not an option so.........onward we go!

Have a good week everyone!
Re: Anyone in the US?
19 Jan 2015, 15:44
Good morning everyone! Last weeks modified 4-3 went very well. So, I'm going to try it again this week. I know I ate to much this weekend because I find it hard to control myself at potlucks. There are so many yummy food choices its just so hard to stay healthy. However, I knew my fast day was coming and I was looking forward to it.

Today is still warm (mid 30's) and it is snowing outside so the kids and I will be enjoying the weather while we can. Yesterday someone out for a country drive pulled over by our pond and took a picture of our snowman on the ice rink. They said it was so cute and 'country' that they could hardly stand it lol. My kids were so proud.
Re: Anyone in the US?
19 Jan 2015, 17:04
sourbaby wrote: Hi all!

I'm so curious why I the 5:2 diet is so much more popular in the UK than in the US. Maybe because it's a diet that actually involves purchasing LESS food, and doesn't promote buying "fad" products that are expensive and benefit the diet industry? Hmm. Not sure. Anyway.

Looking for anyone in the US who is following this plan, I'm on PST (in Arizona), would be nice to say hello to you all!

Hi Sourbaby,

I was doing the 5-2 regularly from Jan to July 2014 when I kinda reached my goal weight. I stopped the diet then coz we were making this trek to Everest Base Camp and I did not want to lose any more weight. We did the fantastic trek in October but unfortunately I did not get back into Fast mode till today. I intend to go back to 5-2 to shed that weigh again.

I am in Dallas, Tx - CPT also. I'm not sure either why this diest id so much more popular in the UK than in US> I first heard about the diet on NPR Radio,

Would be great to hear from others in the US!

Re: Anyone in the US?
19 Jan 2015, 17:53
@gladster, Once you are contending with glandular problems like the ones you describe all the common wisdom about weight loss stops applying. Sometimes just not gaining any more can be a huge achievement. Are you seeing an endocrinologist affiliated with a medical school? They sometimes know things the local ones don't.
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 12:32
I'm in New York. I've been on 5:2 for two weeks and am so glad to find a diet I can stick with. At times the fasting days are a challenge but there's always tomorrow!

Not sure why 5:2 hasn't taken off here YET.... Likey since there's no business promoting it.

Anyone else in NYC?

Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 13:44
Welcome Joan & all newbies!!

I had a good fasting day yesterday and am looking forward to eating a bit more today! I've not been having much luck losing these first couple weeks, so I logged my food for today into MFP and it only came to 1200 calories! Hmmm...guess I have some room for a few macadamia nuts for a snack and some sour cream on my baked potato tonight! I don't want to have to count calories every day, just trying to get a handle on why I'm not losing. I know my exercise has something to do with it. Sore muscles and all that. :dazed:

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 14:09
Wow - great to see so many new faces - welcome everyone!

Joan, I'm a bit north of you, in Saratoga. I was just in the City this weekend, and I'm so glad to be home! I just can't handle that many people in one place. And yet, I got to spend a few minutes alone with Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" (well, just me and the MoMA security guard). I don't know how that's possible in a city of over 8 million people, but I was happy for it.

I haven't decided if I'm fasting this week or not. I just took some radioactive iodine, I'm going to have a test today and tomorrow, and then I take a bigger dose of radioactive iodine on Thursday. I haven't eaten yet (and can't for another hour), so I'm thinking I'll just go for it and fast, unless I feel queasy and then I may have things like saltines, ginger ale and chicken broth. But if this calms my thryoid down, it will be worth it.

I was at a big knitting convention this weekend, and I brought home enough wool to make four new sweaters, as well as some new patterns and a book. So I have my hands full for a while :-D
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 14:21
Greetings from Baltimore. I can't remember if I posted on this thread or not. :)

I am fasting today after trying out a 4:3 fast last week. My post holiday weight is a couple pounds up and I am not seeing much change in the scale the last week or two. I too do not want to count calories on my feed days, but think I may need to put a bit effort in on that front for a bit. It is definitely a bit more challenging to be active this time of year.
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 15:10
Howdy! I am from Wyoming and in the early stages of 5:2. Just ran across this website today! I became interested in fasting and started with 16:8, then switched to Fast 5, and finally ran across 5:2. I have been frequenting a Facebook page for 5:2. I started in December, but found it hard to get serious until after the holidays. This is actually my 3rd week of seriously sticking to this WOE. I am not sure why it hasn't taken off in the U.S. I have mentioned it to a few people and they look at me like I've lost my marbles! So, I just keep it to myself now! I am still stuggling on fast days, so have to rely a lot on willpower. I just read that you should lay off carbs on fast days and that might be my problem! Reading all your posts with great interest and hope to pick up tips that will make it easier for me!
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 19:21
Welcome, @bcostig50! Post in the Introduce Yourself! forum, and lots of people will respond and welcome you too. There's just a handful - relatively speaking - of Americans on the site, but loads of folks from all over who are supportive and full of good advice.
I'm in Colorado, so closer to you geographically than almost anyone else here. I kept my mouth shut about 5:2 as well, until people noticed I'd lost weight. I still don't talk about it much, though I've got my next door neighbor doing it. My first convert! :smile:
Re: Anyone in the US?
20 Jan 2015, 19:39
Hi from the great state of Virginia! I've been doing the 5:2 plan since the middle of July, 2014. Had a bit of a set back at the Christmas holidays, but finally saw a drop of 3 lbs. at last Friday's weigh in :victory: , so I've been doing my little happy dance the last few days. I too don't know why this plan hasn't caught on more here in the USA either. I mentioned it to some of my friends and family and they looked at me too like I was nuts. But perhaps when I've reached my goal weight, and I finally feel like I can accomplish this with the 5:2 plan, they'll be a bit more inquisitive. It's a fast day for me today and so far so good, just coffee and lemon water. Planning on having chicken breast (4 oz.) baked with some vegetables and then topped with 1/2 cup of marinara sauce. I'll add a tossed salad with low calorie dressing and that's my typical fast day meal. I find not eating during the day and just the one meal in the evening works the best for me. Hope all of you who are fasting today will have a great fast day!
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