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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Have returned to the 5:2 fold after a month or so away. Had been doing 5:2 since August but after an initially good first month my weight was just flatlining. I know I eat too much on feed days but find constant calorie counting too much. I also get ridiculously crabby on my fast days, snap at my partner and my kids, and generally aren't very nice company. But having said that I can see the benefits of this WoE, I felt generally better and was grateful just to maintain weight. Since coming off my weight has started to rise again :-(

I was thinking of maybe trying a relaxed 4:3 to see if this suits me better. On the 'fast' days I'd give myself up to 1000 calories. This also gives me less feed days but I still can avoid calorie counting most days.

Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts? Thanks.
Welcome back @Jenmum. Maybe you could try 16:8 to ease your way into fasting again and knowing that you can eat at about 2pm might make you less crabby and would help the fat loss.
Welcome back!

Really, intermittent fasting is very flexible and so it is fine for you to play with different ways of fasting to see what works for you. Just keep to the main points: 1) ensure you have some reasonably long periods when you don't eat at all; 2) have some days of low calorie intake and some of higher calorie intake; 3) if you want to lose weight, ensure that overall you are taking in less calories than your TDEE.

So, 4:3 will work fine, I'm sure, but for maximum benefit, try on your low calorie days to have at least a 12 hour period (this can be overnight) but preferably 16 or more hours when you don't have any calories. This period of not eating gives your body time to repair and also lowers insulin levels which is essential for weight loss.

Everyone is different so each person needs to find the fasting method that suits them. If you'd like more ideas about different ways of fasting, just ask and there will be a host of folk ready to help!

Good luck, Merry Christmas, and do let us know how you're getting on.
Thank you both. I wasn't aware of the additional benefits of a 12 hour plus period of fast on insulin so that's really useful to know.

Guess my main issue is eating too much on my feed days - not for me the decreased appetite many report. Any way I can encourage or act on this without calorie counting or feeling terribly restricted? Haven't tried 16/8, maybe I should consider that?


It's certainly one more strategy to add to your repertoire. I have found 16:8 quite a fat busting method, but in my case it's coupled with 4:3. I know that some people rely solely on 16:8 and have been very successful with it. Experiment with what works for you. Here's hoping for your success too Jenny. :victory:
I find 20/4 works well for me, keeps the snarling down to a manageable amount :0@
I started mid November and have found 5:2 the best method for me by far. The first few fasts were the most difficult, and it does get less difficult. But there are two issues, firstly there does seem to be health benefits for fasting beyond simple weight loss, and needing to loose weight. So, the benefit of fasting can be gained by shorter fasts than 36 hour 5:2's,but there is no escape from the need to also reduce weekly Kcal intake to loose weight. There is no rush. What I have found is that I did loose weight simply on 5:2,but did gain by adding short fasts on say one other day by skipping breakfast. Try fasting one day a week at first, delaying the eating as late as you can then eat say 800-1000 kcal for the rest of the day. Then, if you can move on from this trying other methods of fasting. I would also find calorie counting every day doomed to failure. Good luck!
:heart: Hi Jenmum and Welcome back :heart:
All good advice from everyone the only piece of advice I can add is because the longer fasts are better for us see if you can go all day eating evening meal only then make your meal high on salad or veg to "bulk" up and fill you up
(you probable wont need to raise to 1000 cals ). then as you say only 4 normal days to be a little cautious with.
:clover: Good Luck this time around :clover: :clover: Sue
Hi and welcome back:

This will give you the information you need to compare possible results from 4:3 with 5:2. It is really just a math thing. 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6600.html

Here are some tips that might help going forward: 5-2-diet-chat-f6/topic6317.html

And this illustrates why it is important to just keep on keeping on with 5:2: post71147.html#p71147

Good Luck!
Hi Jenmum and welcome back, this is such a personal thing for each and every one of us and it takes a little bit of time to work out what suits you best. If you wish to read more about 16/8 then the link is in my signature. I do it every day with no calorie counting as my maintenance but, like everything else here it is flexible, no right, no wrong, just experiment til you get the formula for you. Good luck

Ballerina x :heart:
This is an interesting thread and one that I identify with, except I don't find fast days difficult, but I definitely feel that I eat too much on my feeding days.(I don't count calories) I'm also experimenting with this WOE with a 16-8 for a couple of days in between fasts. I'm not having much success at weight loss, but have stabilised my weight and really enjoy this regime. If I can get through the festive season without gaining, then I will make a real effort with both eating and exercise in the new Year. BTW Love this forum and all the gems of info you all pass on to the newbies :)
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