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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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One of my regular 4:3 - so, if it's Monday, I'm fasting. :)

:clover: to all of us
Hiii Magic Monday Gang! Not with you today as fasted yesterday,so am looking forward to some blunch later
( breakfast and lunch combined)
Going to keep the cals low all week for a last week of Feb push!
Bean i hope yr room is ok! X Image Image
Where have I been? Not been fasting correctly for about six months, getting back on from today. Wish me luck.
I think our plumber has sorted it already! Very fast and efficient worker ;)
Good luck SSure...the first fast of the week, eh? May it be a good one.
So're not having breakfast either? I always think its amazing that you go to bed feeling pretty peckish after a long fast day..and you wake up not fancying a breakfast. Strange, but true :smile:

Oh @Rosyjan its happened to us all...don't worry. The good thing is that you're back! Good luck today. :heart:
Good to have you back @rosyjanLike Bean said,happens to lots of us - some worse than others ( i lost and regained two stone..have now re lost over a stone!)
Have a great day :like: with you in spirit x
I'm in today even though it's my birthday :oops: but I've had a great weekend in London, gourmet meals, champagne and now my tummy needs a rest, birthday or not! Happy fasting everyone, have a good one
Happy birthday @SkinnyJeans.

@Nursebean, Hartleys sugar free jelly pots - 10 calories and well worth it.

I'm in today as well but I'm already in a bit of trouble - just raided the fridge. Managed to keep it to 2 oatcakes with houmous. Dinner is a greek salad bowl from Sainsburys to which I usually add some ham to up the protein. I've just checked the calories in the salad bowl and it is only 174 cals so if I can get through the afternoon without any more mishaps then I won't have wasted a good fast day.
@Skinnyjeans? What are you doing in the Fasting tent...on your birthday?!! :?: :shock: Come on, you mustn't fast on your birthday...start tomorrow instead :wink:
Thanks for the jelly low-down @Wildmissus I think I may get some next time I'm out. A little pot of jelly might stave off a few cravings. Should have had one on me just now because I've just eaten a few silly things: cheese and marshmallows...doh!
Actually, if I remember rightly, I used to have jelly a lot when I was on the Dukan diet. :confused:
...much happier with fasting :smile:
I was in, my fast day is 20 minutes off being officially over. I almost forgot to post in this thread as I've been extremely busy. I managed an ok fast. Hoping this Thursday's fast will show a loss. :clover:
Hope everyone did well and will do well today, that covers two hemispheres.
Many thanks for support it is helpful.
nursebean wrote: @Skinnyjeans? What are you doing in the Fasting tent...on your birthday?!! :?: :shock: Come on, you mustn't fast on your birthday...start tomorrow instead :wink:

I actually really have had enough birthday eating over the weekend that for once I'm really in the mood to fast, maybe I have finally turned a sensible eating corner! Also I bought a fab pair of leather biker jeans in London this weekend, size 10 and they fit!! So the excitment of that is more than enough :grin:
You really are Skinny Jeans aren't you! Image
Fasted 19 hours on this stretch so far, going well. Sparkling water is my friend today :0)
Well done and good luck m'dears.
Happy Birthday SkinnyJeans!
Fasting as usual today & feeling rather rumbly & I have a sore throat & hoping that I'm not getting a cold. I seem to be doing a repeat performance of last February & not easily losing weight so I need to keep to proper fasts. Just coffee & a miso soup until supper.
I hope you all have a good day :clover:
Well done indeed @Azureblue thats the way to go!
D'you know, in a way, I wish I was with you guys today because I've just eaten too many marshmallows...and thats straight after cottage pie for lunch. Yet, tomorrow I will control myself and just have a meal in the evening. I wonder why it works like that? Just as well I fast every other day, otherwise I'd be well and truly screwed! :confused:
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