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Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 18:35
Weird fast day today..usually they go pretty smoothly but this afternoon, i began to feel very very tired and sick,and my heart felt like it was fluttery or palpitating...tongue and lips went numb..symptoms are passing off now,after about three hours,but i need to go to bed coz i feel so weak and tired.
Anyone else had similar experiences on a fast day? Been fasting most weeks for nine months now and never had this before...really not very nice at all x
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 19:00
No idea but hope you feel better soonest {{{+}}}
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 19:31
I have also felt very tired today and sort of spaced out. It has been very hot though so may have been that. I have drunk lots of water today too.
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 19:33
@CandiceMarie Hope you feel better soon,
I really don't like the sound of your symptoms all put together sounds awful, and never heard of the likes with fasters before.
Off to the doctor tomorrow for you lady. ♥
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 20:24
That doesn't sound good @CandiceMarie. Better do as your auntie @Sue.Qsays and get yourself checked out by your doc pronto! :like: :like: :heart:
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 20:53
Might be the heat together with the fasting over-stressed you. I would ensure you are hydrated and have had enough salt. Get checked out at the docs as well.
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 21:32
Thanks folks! Its not the heat coz i can't take it...been indoors with the fan on all day and drunk lots of water
Feel ok now i' m in bed, but if it happens tomozz,i' m off to the doctors x x
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 21:43
Time for a check up my friend. I had some similar symptoms my last fast day, but no numbness or tingling. Thought mine was just another M.E /CFS day. Just the increased fatigue and weakness, not tingling etc. that is one symptom of hyperventilation, you could try breathing into a paper bag if it happens again, but don't test it too long, ok? Best to check it out with one of those M.D people. :-) you are too important to take chances with. Phyllis
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
23 Jun 2014, 23:08
I had a run of feeling shivery, light headed and really crap about 9 months into fasting. In the end it seemed to be if I'd had alcohol the night before, or a lot of sugar later in the day before. So now I avoid those, and don't get it anymore.

Bottom line is the better I eat the day before, especially the evening before, a fast, the better I feel.

The numbness and tingling sound the most worrying. Like everyone else has said, visit your GP and rule out an underlying cause.
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 03:56
Not the symptoms to ignore, says she who has just has the full workup for BP problems. Get thee to the GP. It may be nothing but better to know for sure. Good luck!
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 05:09
How are you the day @CandiceMArie? Hope you're feeling better. Are you getting to the quack? I would echo carorees' advice and make sure you get enough salts.
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 07:00
Hope you're feeling better today, but much as I dislike dealing with docworld, that was too weird to sweep under the carpet. Please get checked out. :heart:
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 07:31
Doesn't sound very could Candice. Hope you are feeling better today.
if it happens again on a fast day I would try eating something straight away to see if it is fast related. Maybe you are coming down with something?
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 07:38
Just checking up on you today CandiceMarie? How are you feeling now? Still light headed? Let us know as we are all worried about you! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Funny fast day feelings?
24 Jun 2014, 07:44
@CandiceMarie. That's weird, I felt exactly the same yesterday. When I got up I felt out of sorts and sick. Later in the afternoon my heart was pounding really badly and I was getting numbness/tingling around the left side of my mouth - like I'd been to the dentist and had a local and it was wearing off. It was very concerning at the time but a few hours later I felt ok and I certainly feel fine now.

I think @KataMac has a point. I had a really heavy carb day on Sunday and I have started to notice that if I do that pre fast then I don't feel too good on a fast day. It might just be too much stress on the body.
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