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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Where are you @pinchypops? Are you still on track? Come on, you can do this. We're all watching and cheering you on. After seeing your pics and seeing how well you've done, I'm following your lead. Let us know how you're doing. :heart: :heart:
I'm here @justdee, I'm here. Today I've had a clementine, butternut squash soup, half a crayfish and rocket sarnie, and then sushi for supper = around 550 cals.

I got on the scales this morning, following a weekend involving TWO CHINESE TAKEAWAYS and a Thai meal at Tampopo, chocolate, ice cream, loads of orange juice, cheese, plus several glasses of wine...half a stone heavier!!

I can't go on like this, I've done so well and now I'm sabotaging myself.

I am going to fast again tomorrow - fruit for breakfast, chicken flatbread for lunch and an options hot choc when I get home (maybe a clementine, too).

Wish me luck, people, I really want to be at least back at my lowest by the 21st December (our one year anniversary!)
I have just read your first post and I want to thank you for giving me a 'kick up the butt'.

I have been off-track the last few weeks, and everything that you described is how I felt.

My son's Wedding is this coming Saturday, and I was going to be slimmer, but unfortunately I let crappy stuff get in the way!!

As of today, its onwards and downwards, with a lot of help from my friends on this Forum.

I did try to fast yesterday, but it was a half-hearted effort, and fell into a hole.

Once again, many thanks for your post pinchypops!

Go Pinchypops and Magiee you can do it! Fight the good fight.Its hard to get back on the horse but no regrets. Live in the moment. Keep trying and soon it will be easier again. You know it works.
Xxx julianna
Good luck @pinchypops get back on that hoss and pony up!You know you can do it..we all have a wibblewobble now and then
And @Maggiee enjoy the wedding!
I know what you mean...i was Mother of the Bride last year and icould kick myself coz i didnt lose weight ...i was so stressed about losing weight that i couldnt lose weight..BUT it was a magic day anyhoo and i' m sure it will be the same for you and that you' ll look lovely x treasure the day,it goes so quickly!x
Hi pinchy, glad you're still with us.

**just putting on my bossy boots**
Now, get a grip girl. You know as well as any of us, that having 3 meals like that and all that other lovely sounding stuff in a weekend, is not going to end in a loss. Everything in moderation.
**taking boots off**
Sounds lovely though, hope you enjoyed it :) . As for the gain, does it really matter? Weight goes up and down all the time with this WOE but we know it's SLOOOWWWLY really going down. Just concentrate on your fast days and the rest will fall into place. Well done for getting back on track with them. If you're going to eat out or have takeaway try to do a 16:8 and go easy on the snacks. Don't stress about it, the most important thing is to make sure you do your 2 fast a week. The weight will go up and down and it may take some time but we will get there. I hope it gets easier for you. Sorry for telling you off. That works for me, someone just pointing out the obvious helps me wake up and get back in the zone. Good luck :)
Thank you, justdee, I did need a telling off!

Today I fasted...a 355 calorie tandoori chicken flatbread and a 40 cal options hot choc. I still have 100 cals left, so if I feel too hungry I still have room for a piece of cheese or a couple of clementines!

I actually found back to back fasting days far easier than I thought, although I've been grumpier than usual (though that could be down to my coworkers behaving like knobheads...)

Lunch out with uni pals tomorrow, which I fully intend to enjoy, but will endeavor to have a healthy breakie of yoghurt and fruit, and either a healthy supper or nothing at all depending on how much I eat at lunch.

Thank you everyone for being so supportive, it really is lovely! xx
I have not fasted since April. The summer got in the way and I just couldn't motivate myself again, luckily I managed to pretty much maintain my weight. I am managed to fast Sunday and today :-). I hope to lose the last half stone I want to lose after Xmas.
But you've already done so well! You're in the healthy bmi range and everything!

I just need to remind myself why I used to be fat and the fact that I have been so much happier and felt a real sense of accomplishment since losing the weight. I had lost two stone, now I'm at one stone eight pounds.

I also really need to join a gym, but won't be doing that until after the new year now.

We can all do it! Isn't it great that it's so easy to discuss and return to though?
That sounds like a good plan pinchy, enjoy your meal tomorrow. You're doing well too, you got a little lost but I can feel you're getting back into the zone. good luck to both of you. :)
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