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Getting back on the 5:2 horse
26 Nov 2013, 19:29
Hi everyone,

I haven't been around for a while and in all honesty, neither has any kind of successful fasting! I've been terrible recently and have gained weight because of it!

So, I'm back - no excuses, no 'just one piece of toast', no 'just an extra couple of hundred calories' - Proper 5:2 fasting!

Today I had a 280 calorie wrap and some home-made sweet potato and carrot soup.

And that is enough - don't need anything else.

Sorry if this seems a bit self-indulgent, I just need to push myself back into the 5:2 world and keep checking myself, as, as I've found, it's very easy to return to old bad habits and I don't want to be that person anymore.

I've felt shitty recently and I'm sure much of it is due to a diet filled with red wine, carbs and chocolate!
Well done pinchypops for taking control again. Sometimes it's just the wake up call we need and your body is obviously telling you it doesn't like the way you've been treating it lately! I'm sure you'll soon be winning the battle again once you get back into the 5:2 groove :wink: Best of luck! :clover:
Welcome back pinchypops, I've missed your bright and cheerful posts. Looks like you need our support now. You respond really well to fasting but it can be hard to get back into to it after a break . Sounds like today's going well, so well done. When's your next fast day? Just concentrate on those two days for now till you get back into the swing. Did you hear @carorees is in a size 10 and there's no reason why we can't get to our desired size in the next 6-12 months.
Xxx julianna
Thursday's the next fast day, julianna. It could prove difficult, as Thursdays are usually date-night with the bf (which generally includes a meal out or a take away), however, I have found back to back fasting days too difficult. I also need to work on eating healthily and not drinking on feed days, as I have slipped back into the habit of having the odd glass of red wine a little too often!

Tomorrow I am going to start the day off with a piece of low cal toast with almond butter and marmite, followed by a banana snack. For lunch I'll have an avocado and crayfish salad wrap (sweet chilli sauce and coconut yoghurt) and in the evening I'll have the remainder of my sweet potato and carrot soup.
You can do it pinchpops :like: I reckon we must've gotten on the wrong horses! I'm back on the right one now though :)
Would Monday and Wednesdays suit you next week? So you can keep Thursday more relaxed. I think this WOE should be flexible and work around you.Re wine I only have 2 alcohol free days a week and I'm still losing and enjoying life. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Tomorrows menu looks yum.
Mondays and Wednesdays would be better in theory, however, as I work 8:30-12:30 and then have uni 1-8 (sometimes on 3-8) on a Wednesday, I sometimes need to extra's a tough one! Although I work 8:30-7 on a Thursday, so.......

Basically, I need to stop making excuses and just get on with it!
Welcome back pinchy. Missed you, and you know what you are capable of so jump back on and enjoy.
Hi pinchy, with all the change in your life this last few months, it's no wonder you got a bit side tracked. It's good you're back. Just have a look back over your pics for a reminder of how well you can do on 5:2. When you feel that you need extra fual, stay strong, grin and bare it and take pleasure from the knowledge that on a busy fast day you burn more cals. Maybe Thursday should be a 16:8 this week so you can enjoy a meal with bf, then do the 2 fast next week. Good luck hun, you know you can do this and feel better for it.
Dee :)
Welcome back pinchypops. We have missed you! Many of us have shrunk since you last visited so you have work to do! You know you can do it. Hope it went well yesterday :heart: :heart:
YooHoo pinchypops!
Good to see you back! :D
Now, I think you've hit the nail on the head- making excuses. You know this works for you and it needs the discipline and structure to start off with (again).
So here's a helping hand, get back on that horse, no more excuses.
Lots of support, persuasion and help here
and of course, the wet fish for slapping about the head if required! :D
Good luck to you.
Nip into the Christmas tent- it's a riot in there!
Welcome back Pinchypops and thanks for sharing that. I know what you mean about too much wine and chocolate and feeling shite afterwards. Good luck and welcome back on the wagon. :clover:

(PS I got a bit confused with this topic and another one about '5:2 and horse riding')
Fasting day menu for today...

Clementine, Yoghurt, Cheddar Slice...Crayfish, Avocado and Spinach Salad, with Feta and Sweet Chilli Sauce....evening 'treat' of Options Hot Choc.


Can't work out why I'm finding this so much more difficult than before.
I'm back on the horse again today too. Had about 5 weeks now of not really fasting, my husband's been away with work, I've been rushing about not being properly organised about it, and so I hadn't really been bothering. Now my body is feeling it, I feel sluggish and I'm also now suspecting that fasting has made my periods a lot less painful, because I've been suffering this week with horrendous pain!! So it's time to start up again properly.

Today is a fast day, and I've done fine till now with eating nothing at all, just now feeling pretty hungry though. So I have to push through. I keep telling myself it's really worth doing this if it means I'm not incapacitated for a whole day and a half with cramps though.
pinchypops wrote:
Can't work out why I'm finding this so much more difficult than before.

@pinchypops Cos it's bl**dy cold!

Have to say though, your fasting day menu looks good :smile:
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