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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Understand completely as a 34 year old who just finished cancer treatment back In April, love & strength to you both xx
What a shock for you all. Wishing you strength for the upcoming battle. Sending you warm hugs.
Hi Gillb So Sorry that is awful news, and as said before she was a young and otherwise healthy person before this diagnosis :heart: :heart:
I'm sure I don't need to say never give up hope because she won't.
For me personally I'm also guilty of focusing on the weight side of this WOL and starting with a BMI of over 44 I'm sure you understand this however you may have noticed recently my posts do include the health issues because in reality that was the first thing I benefited by.
Good Luck + my prayers are with you and your family :clover: Sue
I am so sorry. Add my thoughts and prayers for your daughter, you and your family. Take care. :heart:
Very sorry indeed to hear your news, this must be a difficult time for you and your family. I hope the prognosis is good and that together your family can get through this and come out the other side with relief and smiles.
I am so sorry to hear your news. And you are very kind and right to remind us that there is much more to life than our weight - there is also our health and the health of those we care about and for.
That is sad news Gill, and I understand a little what you are going through as my daughter had leukaemia as a child which involved a few years of treatment and worry.

That being said it can be surprising the strengths that you discover when you need them, the friends that you make who are going through similar situations, the knowledge that people, even apparent strangers, really do care and that you aren't alone in dealing with the inevitable shock and fear that comes with such a diagnosis.

Cancer treatment is coming along in leaps and bounds and I sincerely hope that your daughter has a full and quick recovery. It does make us appreciate what is truly important in life, I know I couldn't believe I'd been worrying about getting a new carpet when my daughter was diagnosed, it just seemed so trivial and materialistic.

Sending you, your daughter and family lots of love and healing vibes. xx
So sorry to hear your news. It was the health benefits that drew me to this way of life in the first place, however sometimes in the persuit to lose wright I have forgotten this.
Oh Gill, how worrying for all your family. You are quite right about health and it must have been very hard for you to write this post, brave even. I can only wish your daughter all the luck in the world but she has a strong lovely mum who no doubt will be her greatest asset.

Best wishes to you and your whole family and as many virtual hugs as you can cope with,

Ballerina x :heart:
Dearest Gill I am so very sorry to read this devastating news.
The good news is that treatment nowadays is much more effective, survival rates are higher than ever before, and huge strides are being made in developing even better treatment.
I have a very dear friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34. After initial treatment it returned in her bones and her liver.
That was 10 years ago! She has been on constant treatment, but has had a good quality of life for these 10 years. It won't go away, but if they can contain it as they are doing its great.
When I was nursing if you had it in your liver 3 months was all you had.
Fortunately not so nowadays.
Once you have a treatment plan things will get easier as you'll know what you're dealing with.
Sending you all healing thoughts, and will remember you in my
I am so sorry to hear about your daughter and hope she gets better soon. I do agree though that the main benefit is for health. I started on the diet to lose weight which is not really happening but with under active thyroid it is difficult but have lost a few pounds but what I have found is the symptoms of my stomach problems has reduced drastically and will continue for this alone.

Take care
Oh Gill! :heart: Such devastating news, just take each step one at a time and you all will get through this troubling time. You might want to re-read the section of MM's book where he talked about the benefits of fasting before each cancer treatment. It seems to help deprive the cancer of food and protects the good cells since they are already in repair mode. The medical field has made tremedous and amazing strides in cancer treatments in recent years. All the best to you and yours, we are always here for you, keep us informed, we really do care! :heart:
So sorry to hear this. I hope she will be ok. I am a cancer survivor and it's just about the most scary thing thats ever happened in my whole life. Sending good wishes to you xx
Thank you all so much for your support which means a lot. Because this forum is fairly anonymous and I don't really know any of you, it makes it easier to unburden. We are a strong family with many good friends in real life thank goodness. I will update as we find out what happens next. Thank you for being there.
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