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Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 08:07
Sorry you are hurting but better now than much later. There is someone lovely out there for you, promise,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 08:40
I am sorry you are so, so sad pinchypops.

Take care of yourself.

Hugs & love.
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 08:47
Wishing you strength at this difficult time xx
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 09:49
Thank you all.

We actually broke up on my birthday, which was not what I was hoping for.

I've had awful dreams all night and have forgone work today. I know that that probably isn't the best idea, but I just can't deal with people at the moment.

It's hard because I still love him, yet it was my decision to end it. Having the person that you are in love with constantly contacting you and asking for another chance, begging you to love them again and asking why you hate them - it's so hard...

I feel like someone's died. I know I sound melodramatic, but that's how bad it is.
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 09:55
Oh poor pinchypops! I really hope all the messages of support and understanding you've had will help you through this very painful time in your life. x
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 10:01
@pinchypops you are right it is like a bereavement. Time will be the healer but that is not much use to you right now. Talking about how you are feeling, on here and hopefully with friends around you, will help you to work through it.
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 10:32
Be strong pinchypops! It's very hard to stick to your decision in these circumstances, but despite the pain, you know the reasons for your decision are good so it was the right thing to do for you and, in the end, for him. Time is the healer and the bad dreams show your brain is processing it all, which is a good thing. More hugs coming your way...
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 10:57
So, so sorry @pinchypops, hugs to you from me too. :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 11:10
Sorry to hear your sad news pinchypops & sending hugs your way :heart: Sometimes our instincts are the right ones to follow even though now it does feel like a bereavement. Take care of yourself & take it one day at a time & let us know how you are getting on.
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 11:25
Just read your post and I am really sorry for your heartbreak. I will tell you I know what you're going through but it's something so personal that, no, I don't, only have an idea of it.

Somebody told me long ago "better to have loved and suffered than to never have loved at all", that's true, even if it's hard sometimes.

Wallow (is that the right spelling ?) if you need to and as long as you need to, I learned that in "Gilmore Girls" years ago (I know, I am crazy sometimes.... :bugeyes: ) it helps to heal.

And we're here if you need to talk

Take care of yourself :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 11:50
Poor lamb, tons of good advice here as ever so just a big old hug from me {{{+}}}
All shall be well.
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 13:55
Sending massive hugs PP..its awful that these things happen..
I know you said that your family werent happy about the age difference so maybe they arent the best people to turn to
Only time can help you recover and in the meantime come on here and share with us
Probably most of us have been in that situation and know how terrible it feels so can commiserate
Also talk to friends you can trust and perhaps ask yr gp for counselling if you feel like it might help x
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 14:10
Big hugs my dear, these decisions are never easy but it's clear you've thought long and hard in order to make this choice and I'm sure as you say that it will be best for you both in the long run, however hard it is now. We're all here for you xx

Make sure you take plenty of time for yourself now, enjoy the space it gives you because you just know that once you find someone else you'll feel the same as we all do some of the time, wondering why we bother with having partners at all when they can be so much hassle! So, take the positives from this situation and enjoy the single me-time while you have it (no doubt someone's going to try to snap up a catch like you before long)
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 14:15
Oh gosh it's horrible isn't it. You don't sound dramatic at all - it is a loss that feels very real.

Take some time out for yourself and have some "me-time".

Hope you feel better soon, and lots of love xxx
Re: Heartbroken
13 Jan 2014, 14:30
So sorry you're going through this, Pinchy. I echo all the love and good advice. As Caro says, stay strong, keep to your decision.

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