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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Ballerina - don't think she would have the gumption to try and fail, to be honest ... Tried to post a response directing to this site, but 'sign up' email not arrived yet.

I do feel like challenging this kind of ignorant nonsense more now though, whenever I come across it. :pissedoff:
I don't think that she has a problem with 5:2. She probably has a problem with those who can't stop talking about it and I feel for her. It's like I have no tolerance for the Atkins/low carb preachers. They go on and on and oooooon and it is sooooo boring.
And she does have a point about thinking people are made of ham. I see buses made of burgers and trains made of ice cream. People are still people though, I only like my friends and I wouldn't ant to eat them. As per strangers, nope, I would never eat a stranger!!!
TML - this woman's a journalist whose 'style' is always to write in this sort of vein ... See her other stuff by googling. Her twitter posts even worse. Wouldn't mind if it was genuine, but these people never are: it's all a 'stance' they take up.

I know what you mean about people going on about certain diets though.

However, no one like that on here, now is there?? Hmmmm?? :shock: :wink:
:lol: :lol: TML wrote......"I see buses made of burgers and trains made of ice cream."....... :lol: :lol: :lol: Have you been dreaming again? :grin: :grin: :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
Haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you naughty, naughty girls!

No, Ballerina, I see them when I'm wide awake and fasting. Why do you think I try to stay at home on fast days?

Silverdarling, I've heard about her, never bother to read her stuff. I just think that she is right to feel bored.
i read the times article and thought it would put off people that were thinking of trying this wol because, to me, it came across as quite negative, tho i have never read her before so dont know if that is her normal style or not - but i thought it was a bit derogatory

Any grown woman who referred to herself as 'Gracie' and who dared to put her fingers to my lips would get aforementioned fingers bitten off. Especially on a fast day :grin:
Here is The Times article if anyone wants to read it in full.
Any grown woman who referred to herself as 'Gracie' and who dared to put her fingers to my lips would get aforementioned fingers bitten off. Especially on a fast day :grin:.................. :lol: :lol: :lol:

love the picture this conjures Jonil16

Ballerina x :heart:
Thanks Franglaise

3/4 read that article and stopped because it is a whole host of hogwash

Asked OH 'have I been crankier since I started fasting?' .. his reply was that I am just my normal cranky ... Well he's not much help ... Stand by my convictions ... Hogwash
Susan thank you so much for pdfing the article!
i did the same Gillymary - asked hubby and he said he had not noticed any difference at all - just he gets more teas that he likes ie pies on fast days when i have huge prawn salads - i am not a fan of pies so for him its a big treat :-)

Yes, I can be that cranky, bad-breathed, fixed stare faster by 5pm on a really hard fast day. Not every time but sometimes. I think it's Someone Else's Problem if they have to deal with me then, mainly OH poor lamb, but I try to avoid Humanity as best I can and smile sweetly through the hunger.
This is being brutally honest of course. Generally fasting isn't that bad and if you are busy it wings by.
Caitlin Moran writes for a living, is humorous and would be the first to say take her musings with a pinch of salt, it's not meant as gospel.
Thanks Susan, I enjoyed the article as a piece of humorous writing - not sure she has got all her facts right but probably near enough!
Azureblue, I think you hit the nail on the head as to the spirit in which the article should be taken. I never take Caitlin Moran's writing that seriously - I just love seeing how her powers of observation coupled with her amazing imagination are going to exaggerate the he££ out of whatever she has decided to train her sights on that day. Few writers can pull it off like she can.

And remember, she ended it with "But they just sit there, being a size 10, not listening." If that ain't a backhanded endorsement for the diet (she has made a lot of journalistic hay in the past out of the fact that she was a fat adolescent) I don't know what is.
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