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Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:53
:clover: :clover: :clover: Welcome back, Pinchy, I was wondering where you were. Your friend has accdentally done you a favor. And you are still weighing less than when you started, so that's something to be happy about.

You know how to do it and that we are here cheering you on.
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 14:39
Chook wrote: Welcome back. :like:
Your colleague is a tactless bitch and should be ignored! :unlike:

I agree and welcome back @pinchypops. :victory:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 14:57
Hi pinchy, I'm in the same boat as you, although I hadn't lost as much as you in the first place. I started back on monday, after not fasting for weeks and weeks, I'd not really fasted properly since before xmas and regained almost all the weight I'd lost.
You know you can do this and summer is just around the corner so that's a massive incentive. I'm doing 4:3 this time and I'm on my 2nd fast of the week today, it seems to be as easy as when I first started (hope I didn't speak to soon). When are your fast days? We're almost the same weight so if you want to buddy up, give me a shout. Good luck
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 15:09
@JustDee we should definitely buddy up!

Having my first fast day in months today. I've had a baked sweet potato and homemade chilli, with coconut and mint yoghurt. I think that probably comes in at around 400ish calories, so room for a banana or something if I fancy it later on.

I don't know which days will be my fasting days - I used to do Monday and Wednesday or Thursday. When are yours?xx
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 15:29
Pinchy, since you left we started a low carb tent. Why not pop over and have a look?
Your sweet potato may be quite high carb, as would a banana.
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 15:35
Lovely to see you posting again pinchypops! No one on here is judgemental and you know you'll get all the help and support you need from other members to get stuck right back in again to this fab WOL! Best of luck!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 16:04
Challenge your colleague to join your efforts. You'll both win.

Madcatlady - Is your avatar holding a rifle with a scope on some poor defenseless dog??

Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 17:03
Well good thing your back then. I was away for awhile also and now that I'm back I 'm on the downward trend again. I left because I fell back into the trap of carbs and was loving every minute of it! I personally cannot eat any of that white stuff without packing it on. What are your trigger foods?
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 17:16
Welcome back @pinchypops and @justdee! Like you, I took my eye off the ball in October and by January had regained thirteen and a half pounds. After eight weeks I was back to my target weight, so my real target now is to keep it off!
Good luck to you both. You know this WOL works and how to do it, so it should be plain sailing, especially now you have buddied up. :smile:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 17:30
@clairemarie - my trigger foods are...carbs, also. And wine and cheese.

My biggest problem recently has definitely been alcohol consumption. Cider and wine - mainly wine - is my problem. I've gotten to the point where I can easily quaff a whole bottle of wine in an evening and not think of it as abnormal.

I could have a perfectly healthy day of eating and then ruin it by drinking, followed by bad food and often chocolate. That's the other thing - when I was doing 5:2, I barely touched chocolate, and when I did it would be a square or two now and again, because I appreciated it and also acknowledged how many calories are in chocolate. Whereas, at the moment, I'll happily scoff down a 650 cal bar of Daim Dairy Milk in one sitting - not even that - the other night I finished one in less than 5 minutes.

I think I go into panic mode and shove it down as quickly as possible - stems back to comfort eating when I was younger. When I do the 5:2, however, I know that I'm allowed chocolate if I want it, and so eat less...

Anyone else find this?
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 17:43
ADFnFuel wrote: Challenge your colleague to join your efforts. You'll both win.

Madcatlady - Is your avatar holding a rifle with a scope on some poor defenseless dog??


I'm not aware of the target of my puss's attention - apologies if it has caused offence - I shall change it to something more personal once I get the technical capability!!!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 18:04
Nice one pinchy, a buddy is just what I need. Do we need to put a post on the buddy thread? go public :)
I've not had anything to eat yet, just water and one coffee with milk. Going to make dinner now, 2 egg mushroom omelet and salad yum :) My fast days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 18:36
Hello again!
I cannot believe how incredibly rude your colleague is. That is just appalling!
However it's brought you back, and that's good!
Good luck!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 19:06
Hallo, good evening and welcome back to PinchyPops and justdee, buddying up to lose, and this time let it stay lost!
Are your progress charts and TDEE up to date? Then you will know how much to eat in a feed day, make it a quarter of that on a fast day. Up date yourselves on carbohydrate amounts, try to keep under 150g a day, logging on e.g. Myfitnesspal will help you keep on top of this.
Very best of luck and here's a hug each {{{+}}}
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 19:09
Just been speaking to my mum and as she said - my cousin is getting married August 2015 and I'm a bridesmaid! Therefore, I have something to really look forward to and get sexy and healthy for.

My mum also said that I'm beautiful any size and that she only thinks I should consider weight because of health reasons.
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