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I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:00
Hello everyone.

Last summer I lost nearly 2 stone following the 5:2 WOL - and I loved it! I felt healthy, attractive and in control. Then I stopped.

I have just weighed myself (having put it off for ages) and I have gained back 13 pounds of the weight that I shed. What prompted me to weigh myself this morning was following a colleague's comment yesterday. I showed her a photograph of my tiny, petite and gorgeous mother, and my workmate laughed and said 'are you sure you're related? She's beautiful!' Ouch. The comment that followed wasn't any better, 'Does she make you feel awful for being fat?'

So now, here I am again. Feeling fat, bloated and a bit down in the dumps.

Various fairly big life changes have occurred for me over the past 6 months. I've moved house twice and am currently in the process of moving again, I started a new job, a new degree, have taken on work as a freelancer, broken up with my boyfriend, hated my living situation, blah blah blah. But it's time to stop making excuses and get on with living as healthily as I was before all of this.

I've 'made a comeback' to this site a couple of times before and been welcomed lovingly by its members. This time I really do mean it. I apologise for the false restarts in the past, and I apologise for making excuses. It's time for me to start again.

So here I am. All 13 stone 3 of me - ready to get back into the 5:2 WOE, and hopefully the 5:2 community.

Pinchy xx
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:04
Welcome back, Pinchy. The beauty of 5:2 is that you know it works for you as you have done it before. So it will work again this time. Sounds like it is time to start taking care of yourself again. As for your colleague, what an a*se.

All the best with it.
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:06
Welcome back. :like:
Your colleague is a tactless bitch and should be ignored! :unlike:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:06
Hey @pinchypops,

First off - what an awful colleague! Good grief. People have no tact. I wonder what happened to her brain to mouth filter. And secondly, Welcome back! You never have to apologize for life getting in the way...just know that you are in control. You already know this WOE works, it is just a matter of getting a couple good fast days under your belt. I'm sure you'll fall right back into the swing of things. A lot of members find themselves in the midst of "what the crap happened" but the forum and all the lovelies are always here to help us back up. I just started back up (after a LONG hiatus) and feel great, now that I have a couple of fasts under my belt. You should go to the buddy tent and team up with someone who needs help restarting. Good luck!!!!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:07
Hi pinchy,sorry about your horrible ignorant colleague
With any luck,maybe she' ll leave soon!
You are welcome back a hundred times if you need to..i was only wondering how ypu were getting on just this morning..also @danielle21711has anyone heard from her?
If its any consolation Pinchy,despite being only 5 ft 3 at most, i wd be thrilled to be 13 stone anything
Glad to hear from you,good luck with your journey..its an up and down one for many of us x
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:12
Hi @pinchypops :heart: - welcome back - you've done it before and you can and will do it again. :victory:

Ignore your colleague - people like that just make horrible comments because of their own insecurities / issues. When I come across rude people I just smile politely and then think "not very polite" thoughts about them in my mind! :wink:

Good luck with your journey :clover: :heart:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:24
Thank you everyone. The members of this site are always so truly lovely!

The thing is, my colleague really isn't a bitch. She's a big lady, too, and we constantly discuss our diets and wanting to be slimmer. It bothers me more when she compares us, ie, 'so and so has gotten so slim, not like us, eh?'

Time to get back to healthy, happy me. With summer round the corner, it seems like a good time to restart!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 12:29
Welcome back and no need to apologise - life happens and unfortunately weight seems to creep back on so much easier than we lose it (I should know - I gained 7 stone in as many years!)

We are all in this together and here for each other as you know.

I suspect your colleague is like some I have met in the past - knows she can't lose weight and wants to keep someone by her side for security. The only thing worse than being a failure is being a failure on your own!

Just get back into it and enjoy the results as they come - at least you haven't waited to regain ALL of what you had lost!

:heart: :victory: :heart: :victory: :heart: :victory:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:04
Hello my little pops. Hope you're ok get your but in gear and show us why you're made of. I shall never forget your progress photo of you standing side on in your gym kit. Lets see if you can get us another.
Well done for committing to come back. See you later for updates no doubt. :heart:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:07
Welcome back and as others have said, you've done it before so you can do it again and really show the colleague how it is done. I assume she has her own internal devils to deal with, but her weight problems are not your problems. So, don't let that stop you, GET BACK IN THAT SADDLE GIRL and DOOOOO it, good luck, not that you need any because you know how it works, :wink:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:09
Hello pinchypops! Good to have you back in the fold :)
Get your head in the right place, think about having a buddy and get back into it. Your confidence will ocme back and you'll feel goooood. You know you will. And you may even convert your colleague :D
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:10
Hello I bet you getting thinner takes quicker than her learning tact.
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:11
hello pinchy (((hugs)))

I could have written that, exactly!! In 2011, I lost 2 stones to take me to 13.3lbs. Put another stone back on and it took a friend's 'remark' to make me stop and think. In an odd way, she's done you a favour.

Welcome back!
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:16
Whoa! Be careful pinchy!
@janeg has spotted you so the wet fish wont be far away if you ( and me) dont pony up! X
Re: I got fat again....
26 Mar 2014, 13:34
Welcome back @pinchypops We've all been wondering where you'd got to, well done on returning now before the damage got even worse you know what needs to be done so join us and let's all journey together.
Not nice comments from that friend but thank her because she's returned you to all your friends on this forum and yes just in time for our summer plenty fresh salads.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
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