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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi Jenny :heart:
Well 8 weeks @ 1lb average per week is doable :heart:
When i first began and i was very cautious with all my 3 weekly fasts, waking up the day after not hungry and skipped breakfast quite a few times, walking each f/day because I quickly found this to work and a suppressant Brilliant !!!
Well i need all the help i can get from any avenue well to my supprise 4 weeks and i'd lost 1stone :heart: I know I've loads to lose and would lose quicker than most but I was well chuffed to say the least. :heart: :heart:
Now i'm aiming to lose my holiday gain of 5kg plus reach my interim goal for Christmas a biggie i know but i'm so up for it and my motivation/mojo is still very high i so wish i could ''share '' this with you :heart:
My sister has seen this in me since April and seen my results and i'de never preach to her to join me but now she has :heart: Good Luck and hope you
recieve my virtual mojo. :clover: Sue :clover:
JennyH10 wrote: Thanks @Sue.Q :like: :heart:
I'd like to get down to 9 stone for Christmas. That's 8(ish) lbs in 7/8 weeks?? Might be a bit much to hope for but I'll give it a go! Even if I get to 9 st 2 lbs it'll make exactly 2 stone lost, I'd take that right now! :like: :grin:

Jenny that's exactly where I am, 9st 2lbs with a total weight loss of 2 stone to date! I am also hoping to lost another 7lbs before Christmas. Maybe we could keep in touch and motivate each other?!

Thanks again Sue, you should be a motivational speaker/coach :-)
Jo, you're on! x
JennyH10 wrote: @kencc You're absolutely right. I'm eating junk and too much of it. I think it's because weight loss was easy in the early days and I was making healthier choices on my feed days because of the novelty of a new way of eating. My appetite was reduced too. After I'd lost a stone I got complacent and used the fact that I was fasting as carte blanche to go nuts on my feed days and my appetite came back with a vengeance!

I'm having this exact problem, with perhaps different timing. I'm not struggling with fasting, but my non-fast days are a mess. I'm trying to focus on just eating healthy on those days. Seriously considering a wine-free month as well!

I'm not sure if anyone has said it (just skimmed the thread), but if you're taking NSAIDS, maybe have three small meals on fast days. It might not be best for health benefits, but as long as you stick to your calorie limit, it shouldn't affect weight loss.
**creeps back in**
Hi everyone!
I've just re-read this thread and want to thank you all again for the support.
My shoulder is absolutely fine now, has been for ages, and I've been sticking to 5:2 since I last posted in October. Except for Christmas week but I was feeling so awful with a cold that I hardly ate anything anyway!!
Anyway, despite my best efforts my weight is still exactly the same as it was back then, it actually hasn't come down any further since last August :-(. Every time I fast I lose a bit, the next day when I eat it comes back on.
I'm not giving up on 5:2 because without it I'd be putting loads of weight back on I'm certain, at least this way I'm maintaining.
I enjoy my food and I'm not prepared to diet on the 5 days a week that I can eat so I really don't know where to go from here. I've increased my exercise and people have commented on my improving shape (not heavy weights or anything so that doesn't explain why I'm not losing weight as I'm not really gaining muscle) but I don't really know what else I can do to lose more weight. I'm considering 4:3 to be honest, I'm pretty much an all or nothing sort of girl when it comes to food!
Any suggestions most welcome :-) xx
Oh also forgot to add in my last post that I missed coming on here last week to celebrate my fastiversary, 52 weeks on 5:2!!
Only lost 22-24 lbs in total though. I should have easily got to my target of 44lbs but it wasn't to be.
Hi and congratulations on your weight loss so far.

You apparently are averaging your TDEE each week. That would mean that you are over eating your TDEE on your non diet days. If you not prepared to 'diet' on those days, I would agree 4:3 should help - as that would cause you to 'diet' on that additional day.

Good Luck!
Hi jenny,just noticed that@janeg has written and i agree with her wholeheartedly.
Best to keep on her good side coz its her who applies the wet fish! X :grin:
Seriously tho,if youre in pain and on heavy meds,maybe hold back on full fasts for now til you feel a bit better
Drove thru your neck of the woods yesterday on the way to Formby..i love that shop in Waterloo..Dombey and Sons..specially at Christmas!
was sad to see Satterthwaites has gone..but relieved as well..too many irresistible goodies on those shelves :razz:
Congrats on fastiversary..losing 22 lbs + is not to be sniffed at..well done! And probably best for yr body that you havent lost too much more..just end up with a baggy body! X
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