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I'm back but I've lost my mojo.
27 Oct 2013, 15:12
Hi guys.
I've not been on here in ages.
Hope you're all doing well on the 5:2.
I need a kick up the backside if I'm honest.
I lost my holiday weight from my week away in August and I've still done 5:2 every week since then but my weight is fluctuating and I've not really lost anything since. It has been half term this week and for the first time since January (apart from my week away) I didn't fast at all. I just couldn't be bothered. I'm taking strong NSAIDS for a torn rotator cuff and some other meds to protect my stomach from the NSAIDS but they make me feel nauseous when I take them on an empty stomach so that's not really helping my frame of mind for fasting either.
Basically I'm eating really badly and too much on my feed days and I need to get a grip now.
Any advice, kicks up backside, slaps in the face with a wet fish all gratefully appreciated! :wink:

watch out here comes the wet fish!!! :-)
not sure what to advise but give it time and start again when you are fit and ready, no point if your heart isnt in sure it'll pass and you can pick up from where you left off! and it does sound as not too much damage has been done weight wise, so beat yourself up and look after yourself!
now, ready for the kick up the derriere? only kidding!! :-)
Hi Jenny and Welcome back :heart:
Here comes the kick up the bum !!!
Get that did you? Coming from a large lady that should have hurt indeed :victory: But regarding your mojo you have the tools to get stuck back into this WOL and its very forgiving so come back to us and try again, the meds may hamper your progress so take it a day at a time to start with just doing the best you can and leave out any crap you may have reintroduced into your days, come on we can do this together I'm repairing holiday damage of 5kg !!! in one week, starting tomorrow we will combat this together
:clover: Sue :clover:
The wet fish is on standby...
But before he is brought into action, be nice to yourself. Pain is awful and can really drain you. The NSAIDs can be horrid too, so don't be so hard on yourself. Can you maybe do 16:8? Or one fast a week and 16:8? Try and concentrate on your success and why you decided to do 5:2 and how well it has worked.
If that doesn't help
the wet fish is raring to go... ;)
Hi and welcome back:

There is no doubt 5:2 can be a pain for all sorts of reasons: post71147.html#p71147

But when I have trouble, I think very hard about what I've accomplished with 5:2 (I see you have lost about 10.5 kg), what will happen if I stop 5:2, and if I really want to go back to where I was before I started 5:2. Forcing myself to make a conscious decision to stop 5:2, knowing the consequences, and deciding they are better than continuing, usually does the trick.

Good Luck!
Hi and welcome back. Why don't you try a couple and see if your mind clicks back into gear? Sorry you are in pain. Hard for the brain to process pain and fasting at the same time. But if you start now, you will feel great by Christmas. :clover: :heart: :clover: :heart:
Hi Jenny,

Nice to see you back. Don't despair, this happens, roll with it and you will find that you will come out of this torpor as quickly as you dropped into it. Relax, don't punish yourself, just go with the flow and you will be back in harness, good luck,

Ballerina x
Hi Jenny,can only say i echo what the others have already said
Take it gently and before you know it you will have your mojo AND your groove firmly back in place x
Aww thanks so much for the support guys, it's much appreciated :-)
I'm fasting today and feeling OK so far.
I think I'm more fed up about my lack of weight loss over the last few months than anything else. But, I have to be positive and say that if I hadn't have been doing 5:2 I'd have definitely been piling the weight on.
So, onwards and upwards I go, just need to address my excessive eating on my feed days now. I might just have to go back to tracking/calorie counting for a little while, much as I hate it! xx
Hi Jenny
I know how you feel. Since August I've fasted twice a week and not only haven't I lost anything, but I've climbed back up a few pounds. Like others have said, I'm trying to keep focused on the loss I have, and remember that if I quit I'll be in a much worse position! Good luck to you!
Hi Jenny,

Don't fret the ping-ponging, it's your body lowering your set weight point! For three months I've been fluctuating but I've found by sticking at it the fluctuation points are getting lower/less as my body gets to grips with being lighter. I'm looking at it now as actual real progress in my journey to my target!

Good luck!

Know how you feel, but it's just hang in there all the best onwards and downwards through this patch for mojo. Pain and immobility from shoulder tear must be frustrating too
@nycnyc2013 it seems like we're pretty much the same BMI and same weight loss and both having a little blip at the same time. I wonder if there really is a specific reason that's more than just reduced energy requirements?

@CandiceMarie I noticed you're from Liverpool, so am I!! Whereabouts are you? I'm from Waterloo/Crosby area :smile:

@kencc You're absolutely right. I'm eating junk and too much of it. I think it's because weight loss was easy in the early days and I was making healthier choices on my feed days because of the novelty of a new way of eating. My appetite was reduced too. After I'd lost a stone I got complacent and used the fact that I was fasting as carte blanche to go nuts on my feed days and my appetite came back with a vengeance!

Luckily my OH is following this way of eating too and he's also stuck in a rut and only yesterday we agreed to clean up our diets on our feed days again. I have been really busy work-wise lately (I'm a pastry chef, this does not help :lol: ) so my kitchen has been up the wall and I haven't been cooking family meals from scratch as much as usual.

OK so now I know exactly where I'm going wrong, what I really need to do now is find motivation to do something about it :grin:
Hi Jenny. :heart:
Could Christmas be an interim first goal for you both :heart:
The fact that you're doing it together should make it so much easier so make the festive season your motivation :clover:
Good Luck to both of you :clover: mojo returned :clover: Sue
Thanks @Sue.Q :like: :heart:
I'd like to get down to 9 stone for Christmas. That's 8(ish) lbs in 7/8 weeks?? Might be a bit much to hope for but I'll give it a go! Even if I get to 9 st 2 lbs it'll make exactly 2 stone lost, I'd take that right now! :like: :grin:
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