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Re: "I Quit Sugar"
16 Sep 2013, 21:46
I have been watching my "added sugar" intake on feed days too while 5:2ing and doing very with it - Better losses than the norm (about 1.5-2 lbs a week right now). I think it would be very difficult to cut out all sugar longterm and have it still be a sustainable lifestyle. I just try to avoid extra sugar items and I don't stress to much about the sugar in things like dressings etc, but don't choose very sweet dressings. I do eat fruit because I love it, but I also limit it (Also the fiber in fruit slows down body's absorbion and insulin spikes). I do blow it once in awhile but I think the trick is finding something that you can sustain longterm and not freak out if you have some now and then

Regarding the diet soda question, I don't think it has the same effect on the body, but I heard it does trigger cravings with the brain. I personally limit my diet soda intake also as of late because the added sodium was slowing down my weight loss.
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
16 Sep 2013, 21:53
Tara25 wrote: Exactly, claremarie. No one is ever, ever going to convince me that fruit is not a healthy food choice. If these people like Sarah Wilson are all cutting out fruits and some vegetables because they have the 'toxic sugar', what the heck are they replacing them with?

Balance and moderation. As always.

So to summarize you are saying that regardless what biochemistry dictates you will reject it? Interesting mindset.
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
16 Sep 2013, 23:37
Thanks Juliana.Rivers for your link

A bit of a wade through but excellent analysis and balanced approach. I sent it to my daughter who actually read all the technical stuff as well.
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 00:25
DomDom wrote: So to summarize you are saying that regardless what biochemistry dictates you will reject it? Interesting mindset.

Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 06:02
Peter Attia has discussed the question of sugar in fruit very nicely here: ... vegetables
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 07:15
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 13:43
All great links.

I have this feeling that there is just so much to study and read to really get my head around my new way of eating. Not that it worries me as im a bit of an academic/book worm at heart but where do i find the time in my busy busy life lol
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 18:00
Yahoo just had a neat article: Are Carbohydrates Messing With Your Brain?

Here is the url: ... 00086.html
Re: "I Quit Sugar"
17 Sep 2013, 23:32
hilaryjane wrote: I've been doing 5:2 since January but recently I read 'Fat Chance - the bitter truth about sugar' by Robert Lustig (there is another thread about sugar and how toxic it is for you.) Since reading this, I have looked at all the labels on food and also find that anything labelled low fat or 'light' etc. is really heavy on the sugar! I now take the full fat version but limit the portion size.
It has also meant that I cook a lot from scratch, as anything processed seems to contain loads of sugar (even things like tomato ketchup!), and at least I know that when I add some sugar I can control the amount! It is hard though, as fruit contains sugar so I now limit my intake of fruit to mainly berries, although Robert Lustig states that you can eat most fruits limitlessly.
Anyway, having cut down my sugar intake, I do feel so much better and I'm still losing weight.

:like: :like: :like:
i couldn't agree more, I have lost loads of weight by doing 5:2 and watching my added sugar intake. Am also a great fan of Robert Lustig who espouses that the world obesity pandemic is driven by sugar, not fat in diets:

The article that kicked off the 4 million you tube hit: ... _sugar.pdf

The you tube video:
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