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Re: Spectacular September
02 Sep 2013, 20:47
Aiming to get into the 70kg bracket in September. Stuck in 80 's for the summer.....but no gains. Routine back to normal now school back so no excuses. Will let you know how I go. Back to zumba this week too. Good luck everyone for all your goals this month. X
Re: Spectacular September
02 Sep 2013, 21:00
Crawling sooo slowly to my goal so my September weight aim is 75kg and my goal is definitely walk my dog Maxie every other day.

Problem is he walks me so dont look forward to the battle every day. Know I a wimp eg who is in charge here. Well it is Maxie. No amount of heeling does the trick but luckily there is a perimeter around our house but he does prefer his neighbourhood sniffathon. I am onto it...walk Max!!!
Re: Spectacular September
03 Sep 2013, 02:24
I had hoped to drop in the 160's in August. Didn't make it so shooting for it in September. I'm considering adding some other exercise in besides walking but don't want to rush into anything, ha! And there will be plenty of days to do inside exercise when winter hits...going to miss my walks.
Re: Spectacular September
03 Sep 2013, 13:55
I've got a big dog that needs big walks.
I usually manage about 5 walks a week. I'm lucky in that I live near a beautiful forrest so it's good for both my dog and me.
Like Claire I'm aiming to increase the speed.
I also do yoga 2-3 times a week.

August was ok for me. But it was really the last 2 weeks that I seemed to get a stride going. I've made a few tweeks to 5:2 that are going well for me, so I'm hopeful that September will yield good results.
Overall feeling good and optimistic :smile:
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 15:12
How did I miss this thread? I was in Jubilant June and Joyful July but I had an awful August! Just went up and down the same pounds! I have started September really well but need to read all your posts as they give loads of support. I am determined to go to the gym (began a membership in July)at least three times a week (although I have only managed it once this week) but my dog, Jack, who is getting quite old, is enjoying his walks in the recent good weather.
Here's wishing September to be Spectacular for all :smile:
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 15:58
I'm actually looking forward to winter so I will go out running! I can't stand running in summer, I get too hot as I dont really sweat and I just overheat...and everywhere decent to run is packed. Winter though and everything empties out, and a woolen bobble hat keeps my headphones in my ears! :)
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 16:08
How are all the Los Spectacularos doing?
I'm failing miserable but no too worried as iT is a work in progress. Did the madmax thing after work on Monday and it pooped me. Did feel good and fine next day though.
I am weakening in the morning in time to do stuff, but really just like cuddling into Beloved and am not moving. Tuseday was Incredible Me 2 night, so no chance. Wed was trail to Ikea so no joy there except the sprint round to get out , but I don't think that counts.
Thursday, tonight and I'm really hungry and it's a fast day and I didn't get in til late.
Friday is diving day and that really doesn't count exercise wise and hard exercise isn't advised after. So hopefully manage something AKA make the time for it on Saturday. Then it is another new week.
Must try harder but it's not over yet! ;)
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 16:34
janeg wrote: How are all the Los Spectacularos doing?

Must try harder but it's not over yet! ;)

We've driven east across the uk to see DD and SiL, help with decorating etc. so I'm not even thinking about fasting till we get home after the weekend. In fact, after driving 300 miles AND going to the dreaded ikea, in this heat, I'm pooped! Not a member of the Spectacularos at all! :lol:
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 16:48
Well, things are looking up in September already - the cast is off the wrist I broke in Awful August and I can use my left hand again. Hooray! All that beautiful weather wasted by walking and sunbathing - suppose it could have been worse - just got to sort out why I lost two pounds whilst being inactive and eating well - it's put me below target...

Of course, winter starts tomorrow with heavy rain and low temperatures...
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 17:43
Lost one pound so far in Spectacular September.

I have 3 dogs and I can hire them out to any of you for prolonged walks (hire fee is a chewy stick per dog per day)

*warning* they love water, mud and rolling in anything smellie!!
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 22:08
I've got a dog, she likes to run, I like to walk, she likes to run and run, maybe I should run with her, might have to strap "the girls" down first! Then we could run together. Mmmmm could be my September with the dog. Actually she runs a lot, maybe I should just get back on my bike, no strapping required, and get her to run next to me.
So, this Spectacular September I shall............move faster :)
Re: Spectacular September
05 Sep 2013, 22:39
Sportjock do a great sports bra. Canicross is a good way to run with turbo-boost...
Re: Spectacular September
06 Sep 2013, 10:19
So, not a great start to September for me as I'm in steady-state this week with no weight loss. However, last week was high loss, so I often find the next week is not so good after that. Plus I have PMT, so I'll assess where I am next week. Onwards and downwards :lol:

My next interim goal is to get out of the obese category and I've got 1.4kg to go, so would be lovely if I can achieve that by the end of the month! My reward if I do so is to finally book my appointment for the NHS healthcheck - they sent me a letter in March but I decided to put it off as I'm sure the nurse would just spend her time wittering on about obesity. I don't need the lecture when I've already got this WOE to help sort out that issue and I'd rather she spent her time covering all the bases rather than just focusing on weight.
Re: Spectacular September
06 Sep 2013, 11:29
My goal for September is to see the low 180's! Weighing in today at 193.5. Lets say 185 would keep me happy!
Good luck all!
Re: Spectacular September
06 Sep 2013, 12:56
Not a great start for me either. I only managed one full fast so far . I'm trying again today. The week's not over yet!

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