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Re: Spectacular September
07 Sep 2013, 06:23
Well, still failing on the exercise front although I'm convinced my general moving about is up. What's that called again?
Weigh in for the forum stats and had a lovely surprise. Weighed last week, the frst for a long time and all was good. Weighed today and down one whole kilo! Amazing as that is a month's worth!
Well chuffed.

And Beloved, who decided last week to embark on reduction (not on 5:2) is just under 2kg down. Well done him. He has quite a bit to lose. :heart:
Also measured his waist. He can either grow 18cm or try and get the weight down.
Wonder which will be easiest...
Re: Spectacular September
07 Sep 2013, 06:45
Good start for September for me..... 2 lbs down today :) That's me 12st 9 lb (80.5kg)
Aiming for 12st 6lb by the end of the month. This does work!
Re: Spectacular September
07 Sep 2013, 17:30
Exercise today consisted of lifting 50cent's manual and flicking through it. What a work out! What a body!
Re: Spectacular September
08 Sep 2013, 09:16
Start of a new week for me, so a fasting day. No exercise done as yet and it's midday, but i'm hoping to get in a jog later on. Have a good day everyone :)
Re: Spectacular September
11 Sep 2013, 09:36
So far, September is doing OK - parkrun was quicker on Saturday (and I can still run faster than my big son!), first bike-ride since cast came off was painless and reasonably fast, yesterdays ride with my old mate took in the same spot where I fell off - and I did not fall off this time - and the wrist worked OK on the climbing wall last night, my hips became the limiting factor as usual.

All in all, a good start to the month - and winter seems to be holding off a bit longer yet...
Re: Spectacular September
11 Sep 2013, 17:23
Sounds good Pete! Pleased you're back on your bike.
I'm still failing miserably but my NEAT is definitely much better. Every little helps!
Re: Spectacular September
12 Sep 2013, 07:59
@Janeg I disagree that diving doesn't count as exercise! Moving through water head a much higher energy cost than on land, plus the kit weighs so much...especially if you have more body fat as you need more lead! I'm always completely shattered after a day's diving! And I go in for hanging in the water watching the fish rather than trying to complete some kind of distance/depth challenge. OH is an extremely keen uw photographer so doesn't move much and I stick with him!
Re: Spectacular September
16 Sep 2013, 12:13
Hi all
Had a good week last week. I managed to keep off the wine for four days, indulging at the weekend only. Also did two fasts and one lot of exercise at the gym, although I managed to walk my dog most days. Result 3lb off!! woohoo.
Beginning this week on a positive note, although this cold weather reminds of when I started last January. I only hope I don't feel as cold as I did then, although I have worn my 'sexy' bedsocks already this month!
Hope all other 'Spectacular Septembers' are doing well
Re: Spectacular September
16 Sep 2013, 12:31
Nice one hilaryjane on the exercise front. Bedsocks already? My goodness it must be chilly!
Still not getting any gym/madmax sessions but NEAT def up.
Caroline, much as I agree with what you say about diving, I still would be cheating to count it; I have it down to a fine art of minimising lifting and literally flop off the boat into the water, sink, get neutral and do a lazy ankle flip. Probably even less movement than couch potato-ing! Although I do move tanks about the boat. Hmmm
Re: Spectacular September
17 Sep 2013, 06:49
Janeg - the thought of being in warm water to swim in! Moving those tanks about is pretty hard work. I have seen divers come in off the murky coast of Brighton and they all appear to be physically very strong, lifting equipment off the boats!
The spur in getting me a little more active is that we are going away at the end of October and I would like to look a little more decent in my swimming cossie (although having lost weight they are slightly baggy :shock: )We are off to Marrakech for a week, so at least it should be hot, or hotter than the UK at that time. As you may have noticed by the 'sexy bedsocks' I don't do cold!
Re: Spectacular September
20 Sep 2013, 13:07
Well, bit of a weird start to the month. Couldn't log my data or get onto the forums last week as I had PC problems and I've lost where I wrote last Friday's figures down.

I've actually gained weight-wise, but have managed to lose 1.5cm off my waist. I've not particularly exercised so don't think it's muscle toning, but anyway, if my clothes are fitting better I'll go with that.

I'm wondering if we need new batteries in the scales? Husband can vary his weight by half a stone just by getting on and off, and mine goes up and down by a pound or two as well, so perhaps that's the problem. We bought them in January, but we have been using them far more frequently than we ever used our old ones. They didn't used to very like this when we first got them.

So right now it doesn't look as if I'll reach my target for the month, but we'll just see how it goes...
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