Well I guess I should probably let the cat out of the bag, and announce that shall be leaving all you fine ladies and gents for just a little while. I recently found out that Jamie and I are expecting our first child I'm very excited, however incredibly nervous- its one thing to work with them and say goodbye at 3:15 but it another to be responsible for 1 24/7!!!! I'm sure it will be just fine. I am really missing the routine of fasting but with the morning sickness I was kinda semi fasting anyway. I have completely gone off chocolate, the thought makes me feel sooo queasy, and have recently developed a craving for fruit which is good. I have gained almost 4kg in a few weeks however so I'm concerned about that but I'm just trying to eat as healthily as I can, take some nice long walks while the weather remains good and just hope for the best. I have my first scan in 4 weeks and I can't wait to see that little bean in there growing. So yes, this is a goodbye from fasting for now, but I shall be keeping up updated and keeping an eye on the forums. I just wanted to thank you all on my journey so far, hopefully with all the fasting I've done I should have a relatively smooth pregnancy.
Much love to you all, and I wish you every success in your journeys., I'll be back this time next year!!
Much love to you all, and I wish you every success in your journeys., I'll be back this time next year!!