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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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@MaryAnn thank you so much for running this challenge - there should be another one!
I love the challenges - they focus me on the target. And as I'm going to miss my Equinox target very comfortably, I'll have lots to improve on for the next one :grin: :grin:
Well having plateaued for the last 4 weeks I had given up hope that the last 2 pounds were going to come off in time for the Equinox challenge, but I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise they were both gone. So my final update of the challenge is -2 lb since the last update and GOAL!! Nearly came down to the wire, but I got there :victory:

Thanks @MaryAnn for running this, it was a great motivator!
That's great @fancyacuppa :victory: Err, now stay away from the scales! :wink:

I'm a gnat's whisker away from my goal, so if I make it tomorrow (after fasting today) I might count that rather than my usual Saturday weigh-in! Is that cheating?! :?: :razz: :lol:

And yes, thank you @MaryAnn :heart:
All's fair in love & 5:2 Fasting, I say, @golarne!

You take that victory when it comes...for it will be well-deserved!

As a wimpy returner....I have nothing but admiration for you Challengers. Will be joining in on the next one now that my mojo is returning...

Will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Hi @Hazelnut20 - very well said! I love your mo-jo too, as you know well. Onwards we all go. :heart:
Congrats, @fancyacuppa!

I think a few of our maintainers have also met their goal, but I didn't want to jinx them by tagging them prematurely...
Hi @MaryAnn thanks so much for hosting this challenge and spurring us on. :like: :cool: Whoopee, I just made it! Parachuting in at the higher end of my maintaining goal :bugeyes: 126.4lbs. Thanks to everyone for the support over the last few weeks. I'll rise to accept the offer of hosting a challenge at sometime in the future, but not quite yet. Blimey, I'm already thinking about the next challenge 125lbs is my ideal weight to maintain. Good luck to all as we move forward. :clover:
Well done, @Lizbean! I've gone ahead and colored you in.
3.5lb down this week. That's 4lb off target. Still less than when I started though so still a win. Thanks @MaryAnn for running a great challenge. Wanted to add that I have lost 5lb overall which is half of what I wanted really.
#30 reporting and I've stayed the same, what a week for that to happen!
I'm 1.5lb off target . i!m not too disheartened I'm feeling healthier and looking better than I used to
Well done to anyone that made the challenge :like:
And thanks for all your hard work @maryann
One last fastday today - I'll take tomorrow's weight as Equinox End. It's not looking too bad, under the circs!
Good luck fellow Equinoxeers.
Happy (Partial) Solar Eclipse day for those who can see it this morning! Looks like we're getting around 92% coverage up here in the northeast. :)

Well I weighed in this morning and I'm just 1 kg off my target weight but with the wedding tomorrow and lots of wedding-related and family activities starting today, I'll now call my own work in and say, hey... not too bad, really! I fit very comfortably in my dress and feel healthy and energetic.

I'm only 1 point away from a healthy BMI, which is probably the healthiest I've been in at least 2-3 years.

So when's the next challenge starting? I'll try and join it in a more timely manner this time. :)

Next week, once I find I have some mental space to think about things that AREN'T the wedding, I'm planning to go back to swimming again. I found myself too self-conscious to get into a suit in public for a long time which was sad because I not only love to swim but it's also so good for me.

I'll try and post some photos of the wedding next week.

xox Ladan
oops. after a good start, I ended up with a Libra weight of 72.8 300g above 72.5 my goal. did drop from my original trend weight of 73.5 so im not entirely unhappy about the result.
towards end of challenge i started to calorie count on fast days which has really helped.
shall await the next challenge.
thanks @Maryann
What's a libra weight?
Thanks for organising this Juliana! I was going to weigh tomorrow (I assume that's our last day) but drat if its not my TOTM and so it won't be a fair weight. Boohoo. I'll weight anyway just for the hell of it...and only let you know if its any good :wink:
Can I say well done to everyone in advance...for reaching your goal, or if you didn't, for giving it a jolly good go.
Here's to the next challenge!
Well, the results on my final weigh in were 11:13. However, I'm about to start my TOTM so to me I think I probably made it to 11:11. Im not going to weigh again until the day before my sister June!
Good luck everyone and Well Done Too xxxx
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