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Re: Optimal October
03 Oct 2013, 23:16
Sue.Q wrote: Well I don't know Penny :heart:
Last week it was baggy trousers , and now this week its baggy knickers
Happy shopping :heart:
Night night baggy nicks :heart: Sue

I don't know.. a girl can't keep anything quiet these days! (and good luck trying those tops on, @Sue.Q)

I'll let you know tomorrow the results of my shopping spree...
Re: Optimal October
04 Oct 2013, 01:06
Nessie wrote: I am delighted today :lol: The 3lb I put on with my Chinese meal on Sunday are away again. I have been good doing my two fast days and two 16/8 days. I hope I can keep going for the rest of the Month. Good luck all optimum octoberers :clover:

Chinese and Italian are the worst! We had both this weekend. Plus, PMS/TOM and a slow moving digestive track. I am still up almost 3 pounds after 2 of my 3 fasts this week!
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 09:10
I lost 2lb this week, making a total of 10lb since starting 5:2 only 3weeks ago.
Whoop! Whoop! :grin:
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 12:56
Right! You're all doing so well and I'm somewhat struggling (in a few ways) . However, I've looked at my glacial weight loss and have actually lost a pound since last week, despite only doing one fast instead of three! That's usually my total for the month.
the wet fish has truly skelpt me across the face and I'M IN TO OPTIMISE!- if you'll have me a wee bit late.
Beloved is away this week, so no excuse not to exercise in the morning before work.
Back to 4:3 as it's easy. Like Sue I enjoy the routine of it, and hopefully I'll get a bit of a lift and back into the swing of it.
Enjoy your shopping penny and well done everyone else on your losses!
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 13:29
Well Done janeg its still a loss and may kickstart things to move for you know and with the hubby away well you've no excuses at all :heart:
I would probably lose a stone if my OH moved out for a week or so :heart:

Penny one top fit lovely and the 2nd far to small but she's not getting
it back I will make it an aspirational top for next year :heart:
October is going well for me at this moment got workmen in to do a much needed job before the winter so doing nicely indeed :clover: Sue

Karen you've done a fantastic job in your 3 weeks :heart:
And an even Bigger job this year well done :victory: :heart: :clover:
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 13:34
I lost a pound this week but now after two eating days since my official weigh in, I am up over four pounds! Not sure what is going on as I didn't eat that much. At least I don't think I did.

I go away on Wednesday and am doing ADF until then. Will get back to being optimistically optimal after I come back hopefully :)
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 14:31
Umliela you know how this WOL works it weaves its magic when you least expect it :heart:
So worry not and make your next few fasts ''really god ones'' you know the same as we did on day one :heart:
More importantly enjoy your holiday ( i'll follow a week later )
Then on our return we'll repair any damage done
( in my case demolition)
well on our return easy !!! Enjoy and Good Luck :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 14:35
Aww thank you Sue. Yes, I know it does weave it's magic but sometimes I get shocks alomg the way. It's all good though and I'm definitely looking forward to my hols and lots of yummy Thai food, especially the seafood :like:

Where are you off to?
Re: Optimal October
05 Oct 2013, 14:45
Majorca this time and we've been before many years ago
Cala d`or Love this place so will be nice to return and check it out.
Not been to Thailand at all I'm sure the rest will do us good, but for me I really can't see myself fasting but will make healthier choices and do the best I can calorie wise plus plenty walking I usually manage the 10,000 steps daily so maybe that will help keep the damage down :heart:

Take - care :clover: Sue. :clover:
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 04:54
Thanks Sue for your kind words
Started optimising this morning!
Managed to get out of bed and have done day one of 'the shred'
will be ouchy soon, but so far feelin' good.
When are you (Sue and Umleila ) off on your holidays?
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 06:46
My optimal October is turning into orrful October (as are the puns). I've gained, and consequently have only lost 400g since 23rd August, having gone back up to 64.4kg from 63.2kg. Feeling VERY frustrated.

I had a good week but my weight had other ideas from me. I didn't want to have to stick rigorously to the TDEE but I guess I am going to have to to see whether that makes a difference. I ate a bar of Lindt Creations, vanilla and almond in front of an old episode of Midsummer Murders to cheer myself up and will fast again tomorrow and hope that things get better.

Here's to a new week and all you other ladies who, like me, haven't done as well as you hoped. :heart:
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 07:54
Sympathies Debs. I am also feeling a bit 'meh' for various reasons - not least weight staying same since early Sept. The high of reaching size 12 and waist half height last week has dissipated quickly leaving me feeling a bit flat. I can sympathise with your frustration. Maybe this is just a low to counteract the highs. Never mind I am off on leave again a week Friday ...
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 08:38
Awe, Debs and Silver darling, big hugs.
Are you going away for a holiday, Silver? I'm envious of @Sue.Q and @Umleila's forthcoming holiday.
Never mind, folks, we'll stay behind and cheer ourselves up on here!
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 09:02
Thank you Penny and Silver! I can't wish I was going on hols as I had a big one already but the hubby is home on Tues after six weeks away for work so at least I have something to look forward to, as long as he doesn't complain about my slack housekeeping which he normally does :wink:

P.S. Should point out HE is the domestic goddess, I can only watch in awe!! (now, I'm sure I saw a hoover once somewhere)
Re: Optimal October
06 Oct 2013, 13:12
Penny and Debs - am off to Staithes (on the sunny North Yorkshire coast nr Whitby :lol: ) have booked a cottage in the main village and plan just to chill (not literally I hope, there is a woodburner :grin: ) explore the village and nearby. Lots of arty crafty stuff, James Cook museum (he started work at a chandlers in the village) food shops, gallery, pubs, cliff and beach walks ...
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