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Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 05:33
Spring is in the air today.. 6 weekends to go but I can just start feeling the warmth of the sun. And the snowpeas are bursting with flowers.

Time to starting planting tomato seeds!

Weight is steady for me. And with gourmet weekends I dont worry again till Monday fast day.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 07:55
Whereas England feels like it's slipped into late autumn with continuous rain and cold winds. It's 10*C here this morning!! At least it's a bit brighter but won't last apparently ... Hey ho.
Hoping you 'southerners' have a good spring, hugs all round :0)
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 08:50
Still feels very much like winter in Melbourne. Snow forecast for tomorrow locally... It has certainly been a "wild winter".

Still haven't weighed myself; the reflection in the mirror and the jeans still indicate I have a way to go to get back to goal.

I am trying to increase my activity levels, I think my body needs a bit of a shake up to start shifting that holiday gain. I am being stricter with my fast days, I hope that makes a difference too. And I must learn to be patient - weight takes longer to come off than it did to go on... If I can be back to goal by the end of the year (ideally before of course) then that will be two years since I first reached goal. And I am still considerably slimmer than when I started 5:2 - must keep telling myself that!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok??
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 11:30
Wild weather here tonight. Snow forecast down to 400 metres. And big winds and rain. In our new double glazed house we can't hear it and that disturbs me. I have to keep opening the door to see what the weather is doing. (it's night. I wouldn't have to do that in the day time.) I have realised that I have got much too relaxed with my fast days and am eating much more than 500 calories. I did a My Fitness Pal check on Friday and was well over 600 calories. And that wasn't counting everything. SO, Monday, I will start afresh and be very strict. I will weigh and measure every thing that passes my lips. I will log it on M F P. Some one on the fasting today thread, was it you @Sassy1? said that maybe that was why they were not losing weight. Well, that's a novel idea! It struck me to the quick. Lots of spring flowers in the garden, jonquils, daffodils, etc. But it's still clearly winter here.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 12:55
@Sallyo, someone else mentioned getting the fast day calories in check, and I think I said that I need to be stricter on fast days too. I will still be relying on my rough counting of calories, the main thing for me is not letting myself have assorted bits and pieces later in the day, which is my main problem with exceeding cals (not what I eat for the meal). I have never used MFP or weighed and measured anything... Can't be bothered and prefer not to. :grin:

Your double glazing must be very good, as we can still hear the strong winds with ours. Very gusty tonight.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 15:12
Good luck with pulling back the fast day winter creeping. :clover: Watching you all closely for tips in prep for my first full winter maintaining. It's not the fasting I mind or the cold as I can find a way to get warm, it's the lack of LIGHT and darn it, I can't do anything about that. Sallyo, I have images of you regularly popping outside to feel the weather, does it feel good?
Keep going WWC :smile:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 21:49
Thanks @Lizbean. For some reason I find weight maintenance harder in summer weather - but that is probably due to having more holidays then... Apart from that, the seasons don't seem to make much difference - but then we don't have it quite so bleak as you in winter. You seem to have been doing very well in maintenance - I am sure you will be able to keep that up whatever the season. Best wishes! :clover:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
25 Jul 2015, 22:54
Thanks @Sassy1 I'll be on the Vit D, greens etc ... to help my daylight - I like to think and plan ahead, hence popping in to see how everyone is. I have a two week break in the UK and then a week in the Dordogne. Holidays and weekends are stress free and easier for me rein in and think of me. Interesting?
Good luck WWC :clover:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
26 Jul 2015, 08:37
Actually, @Lizbean, I check the weather channel on my phone : 6 degrees, feels like 1 degree! That's like something from a sci-fi novel!
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
29 Jul 2015, 21:55
Nothing like a hot chocolate drink with marshmallows and home baked brownies to finish another cold day in SA... That was yesterday so the scales weren't kind this morning :( but I woke up feeling too hungry to do a fast today.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Aug 2015, 01:00
only 3 more weeks to Spring!!! woop woop.

scale hasnt really moved this challenge but at least its not going up! have suffered a heavy head cold in last 3 days so that usually helps with the scales as my appetite is always lower.

i use my Vivofit daily now and even recorded 12,200 steps in one day and that was just doing housework, gardening and a quick trip to the shops.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Aug 2015, 18:52
I'm here in the high, hot, desert of Nevada--108 degrees as I write! Can I just pretend it's winter?
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