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Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
06 Jul 2015, 06:30
Been away from the forum for a bit but still fasting!

ill be in it as a late comer Sallyo.. looking to keep up some good fasting and do the 10000 step thing. I have a Garmin Vivofit since Mothers day and have been kind of tracking my steps. My Vivofit keeps going to sleep but i saw 10001 once!!!!

generally speaking i average 5,000 to 7000 on a weekday and 8000 to 9500 on a weekend. yep not good enough

do not look at my tracker!


Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
06 Jul 2015, 07:51
No, just this thread today. I used to post on the other thread more often but got out of the habit.
@Sassy1, I am 1.77m so together with high levels of exercise I do have some calories to play with thankfully.
My knee only hurts after running but perhaps I haven't been building it up slowly enough. I use sometimes one of those blue rollers to roll my thigh over but not often enough. ;) Cold and wet in Adelaide today too but we've had one of the driest winters in years so can't complain about today's rain.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
06 Jul 2015, 12:19
Welcome back @Juliana.Rivers! You do realise telling us not to look at your tracker means that we immediately do...! It looks more dramatic because the scale on the y-axis is very large, but I can understand if you aren't impressed!!

@Wmr309, if your knee hurts after running, perhaps you should get it checked out by a physio, to ensure you get some appropriate exercises and don't do any permanent damage. Hope you don't mind me saying - if I had got advice, maybe I wouldn't have ended up totally rupturing my ACL. (I have a blue roller too and don't use it enough either :( )

I fly to Adelaide this Sunday evening, for one of my regular visits to my parents. Mum is finding it very cold this year, but is also glad of the rain as she loves her garden. :)
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
06 Jul 2015, 14:02
Sassy1 wrote: Welcome back @Juliana.Rivers! You do realise telling us not to look at your tracker means that we immediately do...! It looks more dramatic because the scale on the y-axis is very large, but I can understand if you aren't impressed!!

@Sassy1lol after I wrote it i thought exactly that.. that everyone will look at my tracker chart. oop.

I'm ok with things weight wise. After seeing 69. something a few times, that hasnt happened for quite sometime.. not too worried as ive set a higher "lower weight" goal.. this sounds bad to say on a forum like this but im comfortable at my new low weight goal and the weight restriction doenst restrict my 24/7 and if anyone follows my food blogging (via facebook and a bunch of facebook groups i discovered.. not foody blogs but "living simply " and grass roots type facebook groups) will know we eat really well here. and work on a very light eating pattern religiously, 3 days a week. Indeed like everything i do for the first time , im quite obsessive about it and food photography and capturing the beauty of a well prepared meal.. no over the top stuff or cheffy stuff. just good solid food. Have taken our "good camera" out of the cupboard and even got good at the zoom lens and macro lens for flora and fauna around the place.. anyway if you are wondering where ive been.. . working of course, but when im not, im perusing my food mags and books, preparing food, eating and photographing and blogging. Oh and gardening.

Anyway with this thread I will definitely post daily.. ...thanks @SallyOfor setting it up.. it will keep me correctly focussed on eating well and fasting properly. I guess too, the summer season is fast approaching so its good to be "lighter" at this time.

On the subject of food, its a fast day for me and we had a magic light dinner today.. a ricotta cheese and vege frittata I conjured up a recipe for. Only about 180 calories though had some accompaniments. I did post the recipe on the Fast Day facebook group if you know it.

frittata2.jpg (73.05 KiB) Viewed 947 times
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
07 Jul 2015, 23:41
I am so eating light today.. if i post what i ate last night for dinner and dessert you will all be upset about making you hungry.
so... its not much at all till tea (maybe some cottage cheese and essential expresso) and then maybe search chilli steak (just a little) and stir fry asian veg. Fruit for dessert.

love 4:3
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
08 Jul 2015, 12:13
Lovely to see you here, @Juliana.Rivers; I do hope you will post lots of pictures. I don't know how to do that. I'm not sure what number we are up to. Tomorrow I will go back in the thread and count us up and give you a number.
I am not setting a very good example on this challenge. I haven't posted every day and I haven't done 10,000 steps almost any day! Life is a bit odd at the moment. The house renovations seem to go on for ever, but we think they will be finished this week. Today the build-in wardrobes were installed. The cupboard in my sewing room is done, except for handles and the final paint job will be done tomorrow or Friday. The floors are finished in one room. I can't wait for the furniture to move back to its normal places and to sleep in my own bed again. Meanwhile the OH continues to be very sick and I have to be on call, driving everywhere, visiting doctors - 4 times this week. ( Monday, the lung specialist, Tuesday , the Sleep apnea people - all right, not doctors, Thursday, the blood tests, Friday the GP. ) I feel as if I am living in a parallel universe and am waiting for everything to get back to normal. But perhaps this is the new normal and I'd better come to grips with it and start walking! The weather is freezing. Literally. The worm liquid bucket was covered in a layer of ice. But jonquils are flowering, and wattles.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jul 2015, 05:39
Sallyo wrote: Lovely to see you here, @Juliana.Rivers; I do hope you will post lots of pictures. I don't know how to do that. I'm not sure what number we are up to. Tomorrow I will go back in the thread and count us up and give you a number.
I am not setting a very good example on this challenge. I haven't posted every day and I haven't done 10,000 steps almost any day! Life is a bit odd at the moment. The house renovations seem to go on for ever, but we think they will be finished this week. Today the build-in wardrobes were installed. The cupboard in my sewing room is done, except for handles and the final paint job will be done tomorrow or Friday. The floors are finished in one room. I can't wait for the furniture to move back to its normal places and to sleep in my own bed again. Meanwhile the OH continues to be very sick and I have to be on call, driving everywhere, visiting doctors - 4 times this week. ( Monday, the lung specialist, Tuesday , the Sleep apnea people - all right, not doctors, Thursday, the blood tests, Friday the GP. ) I feel as if I am living in a parallel universe and am waiting for everything to get back to normal. But perhaps this is the new normal and I'd better come to grips with it and start walking! The weather is freezing. Literally. The worm liquid bucket was covered in a layer of ice. But jonquils are flowering, and wattles.

Life can be challenging thats for sure.

Please upload a picture of your flowers and wattles.. easy.. if you can get a picture onto your computer and resize it down to 400 pixels wide. then you can do it by clicking upload attachment. easy way is just with Paint or some grpahics program like (donation ware) ..

i hate the 400 pixel restriction but thats the way it is.

as for me.. this is my official daily post .. after a reasonablish fast day yesterday. im feasting today so its leftover casserole but we are experimenting with a cheese soufle . if it works i wiill post a pic.

i keep forgetting to weigh these days.. happens in winter.. its so cold to get undressed in the morning which is the only time i like to weigh myself (no heaters in bathroom).. may do it saturday morning to make sure i can see a better downward number! Yesterday my stomach was growling a lot so thats a good sign ive been fasting well
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
12 Jul 2015, 06:24
Hello from me again.! A wonderful gourmet meal last night, a huge piece of home made and more tonight.. looking forward to a good fast tomorrow. I always wonder to myself.. why doesnt everybody incorporate 5:2 or 4: 3 (or eating windows) in their lives. With the excesses of today's food consumption which is hard to avoid it just makes perfect sense to restrict occasionally.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
16 Jul 2015, 22:54
I've not been visiting the forum as I've had visitors but more importantly a very sore 13-yr old daughter with mastitis. They ended up draining the abscess that had formed and another dose of antibiotics but it has been stressful and putting me off preparing food (but then having quick bites late at night), with couple of wines and less sleep. She's still in pain, the poor thing. I'd taken the week off to do some 'fun' things during school holidays but that didn't work out. The dog was left alone more, and did more chewing of (new) fairy lights...
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
17 Jul 2015, 10:04
@Juliana.Rivers, you are Wild Winter Challenger #14. I'd like some of that home made. .... Did you mean to add some more detail there? Some of you will have seen snow this week! Not me. It is freezing down here, but no snow in Forth. But i have seen photos on Facebook of snow in the Blue Mountains and even Queensland!! Bizzarre! So I am keeping up my 2 weekly fasts but the other parts of my challenge I'm not doing so well on. @Wmr309, mastitis on a 13 year old! I had it when I was breast feeding, but I didn't know you could get it outside of that. Nasty business. I remember it being a bit like having the flu - not just sore breasts but aching limbs and all that. Rest. I am making rum babas tonight. Just saying, and it's not a fast day.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
17 Jul 2015, 23:15
Thanks @Sallyo - Hello everybody
It has been a slow progress and a long time coming, but I am at my lowest Fast day weight since starting, and I am pretty pleased about it. I certainly have not been Fasting all this time, but when I do focus and am motivated, it does work together with avoiding sugar and starches where possible. On top of that I am not emotional eating, so I am feeling good both physically and mentally.
I completed two successful fasts this past week, and am already looking forward to Monday - normally unheard of! :lol:

Have a wonderful week end, chat later.
Maggie :smile:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
18 Jul 2015, 01:05
Oh such good news, @Maggiee. How exciting to be at the lowest weight and in the middle of winter. You are doing so well. And @carmelk46, I see you lurking here. How are you going? Are you still fasting any days?
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
18 Jul 2015, 03:46
Hi @Sallyo ,
I'm not doing too well at fasting at the moment.We are selling our house of 42 years so my mind is on other things.I only manage one fast a week and sometimes not even that.I will get back to my regular fasting as soon as things settle down.I do manage to look in on the site most days so I'm keeping up with the news.
Cheers all
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
18 Jul 2015, 13:08
Thankyou ladies fore getting me through a very cold (middle of summer day in Scotland) I am on a fast day and had not read this thread. I wish you all well and a successful winter. I also wish you all well with your various trials and worries.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
19 Jul 2015, 00:30
Thanks @nessie,
well Sallyo, the holidays are over and back to normal routine. you were right about me not eating till 5 pm being ambitious. It was. i could do it some days but i had quite a few lunches with friends so it wasn't sustainable. it snowed at Bulluburra which is one suburb up from our house at Lawson and only probably 50 metres higher than us. yesterday we drove up to katoomba and medlow bath and saw snow on the roads and paths remaining from the snow fall 3 days ago. I put some in my esky and we rolled them into balls and we had a snow fight after dinner.
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