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Our Wild Winter Challenge
03 Jun 2015, 23:59
Hello people in the Southern Hemisphere. I decided to start a challenge especially for us. I haven't done this before. So here goes. Winter poses special difficulties. I want to eat lots of pudding in winter, cheese on toast for lunch.But it is also the season of soups and stews. They are the faster's friend. I have often lost weight in summer only to put it on in winter. 5:2 has stopped that pattern and for the past 2 winters I didn't put on weight. That has been my goal for the past and I guess it is my goal now too. In this challenge the participants will set their own goals. The challenge starts now and will finish on the last day of Winter. For me, that's September 21st, the Spring Equinox.
For me, Challenger #1: I set these goals.
1. To continue to fast 2 days a week.
2. To walk 10,000 steps 4 days out of the 7 every week.
3. To post on the forum at least daily in this thread.
I am not going to set a weight loss goal as I don't find that helpful but you are free to do that if it is helpful for you.
Who's joining me?
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 00:23
Well done sallyo x i admire yr goals and i like the name ..wild winter challenge has a certain ' je ne sais quoi' ring to it! Xx
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 00:44
Thanks @Sallyo, I will definatly need to join you when I get back from my OS trip.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 00:47
Lucky you, @Wineoclock My trip to Italy has been postponed due to the ill health of the OH. You can be WW Challenger #2. When do you go? Return? I am so envious.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 00:53
@Sallyo Im sorry you had to postpone your Italian trip. I loved Italy and we have family there.
We are going to the UK to tour around and catch up with friends. Then home via Macau. We leave Friday next week and are home late July.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 01:04
Ooh not long now Wineo @wineoclock You must be SO excited! X :like:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 01:08
Thanks @CandiceMarie there has been so much happening that I havent had time to get excited yet!! I just want to get on the plane and leave it all behind, then I will get excited :grin:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 01:12
Thanks @SallyO for thinking of us Southern Hemisphere types. Please count me in.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 01:13
@Pilchards, welcome. You are WW challenger #3. What are your goals?
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
04 Jun 2015, 01:47
Thanks @SallyO my goals are:
to fast Monday and Thursday
to achieve my daily Fitbit step target (13,200 steps) at least 5 days out of 7
to eat mindfully on non fasting days
to emerge from my winter chrysalis slimmer, fitter and ready for a Sydney summer
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Jun 2015, 04:52
Any other takers for the Winter Challenge? Any Kiwis here? Other Aussies? Any one in Africa? South America?
My pledge is to write a daily post here, so here goes. My life is all up in the air due to OH's dramatic health crisis, last night, when I had to call an ambulance and he has been taken off to hospital. But I won't go into that now. I have been to see him today and I am now at home. I had a hearty breakfast and just had one ladle of minestrone soup. My plan for today is to eat to my hunger levels and pay attention to eating. Mindfulness they call it. Dinner is home made steak and kidney pie - local steak and kidney, cooked by me on the wood heater and puff pastry also made by me. I did all this yesterday, on my fast day. I like cooking on a fast day. It keeps me calm. Obviously there is no famine if I am cooking. I will also have pumpkin and cabbage, both grown in our garden. Then I have an apple dessert, made from a recipe my aunt sent me this week, and our own apples, obviously. Now I have to get busy clearing out rooms ready for renovations which start on Monday. I REALLY don't want to, but there you are: I have to.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Jun 2015, 06:27
Great idea SallyO, then you can chat away whilst we are all Sleeping. Good Luck to you all from me. Love the way you're keeping it simple, a very relaxed attitude. :clover:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Jun 2015, 13:00
well, it's about seasons, not time zones, @carieoates, MaryAnn for example is in Japan where it is summer, but in our time zone. Someone in South America is in winter, but in the US time zone. Still, I imagine most WW challengers will be Aussies since we are the predominant group in the southern hemisphere. Thank you for your support.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
05 Jun 2015, 15:09
Hugs to you and your poorly OH @Sallyo, do hope he recovers soonest x
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
06 Jun 2015, 02:13
Here is is Saturday, and a public holiday. My daily post. Are there other Aussies out there? @gigi55, @Julianna, @Maggiee, @Sassy1 carmel, @Juliana.Rivers? Want to join the Wild Winter Challenge?
I have scoured the list of users on the forum - there are over 700 pages of them. I have picked out all the southern hemisphere users in the first 100 pages and here they are: @Mousie, @Mullumgirl,@cdesmondj, @Dottiyam, @KataMac, @Lynnieannie, @Caro. Most of you have not posted on the forum or not for a very long time, but perhaps you are still doing 5:2 or would like to start again. I cordially invite you to join the Winter Challenge.
Tomorrow I will look through the users list from page 100 - 199.
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