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Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 05:37
Here are another batch of Forum members who live south of the Equator. Please consider yourselves invited to join the Wild Winter Challenge.

@juliewil10, @pdhgirl, @Panda_Po, @mackcooper, @shannan_mm, @jenwren, @princessfiona68,@emjay, @NewMe1111,@Jayde, @MichBennie, @Sparkly63, @Ani, @TheFrog, @wizzywig @Delly and @pamie
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 05:53
Here is my daily post for the Wild Winter Challenge. It is really freezing. Clear and occasional scurries, (Is that a word?) of rain, which feel almost cold enough to be snow. Our house is being pulled apart and there are a lot of doors being left open and cold breezes in the house. The OH is getting out of hospital today and i am making chicken pie. I had some left over chicken breast and puff pastry in the fridge I do love non-fast days. I had left over soup from yesterday's fast for lunch and shared it with the builder. I am not going walking in this weather. How are the other WW challengers? Any new ones?
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 09:34
OK @Sallyo, I just remembered too. 15,000 steps, delicious food but not overboard today. Will do a calorie restricted day on Thursday, so tomorrow will be whatever I fancy, not sure what that will be :-)
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 09:54
Hi @SallyO thanks for revving us up downunder. I would love to join. Ill, check in rergularly, fast 2 days one week and 3 the next and walk 4 times a week
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 13:33
Hey! Our first Kiwi to join the challenge! Welcome @juliewil10
You are Wild Winter Challenger #8
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 18:27
Thanks for the invite Sally, @Sallyo. I had written a long acceptance post a few days ago, but it got lost when the wifi signal was not strong enough to load the message and it has taken until now for me to write another post...

I will join the challenge once I am back from my travels in early July. I am in Sorrento, Italy at the moment, moving on to Orvieto tomorrow. So far we have visited Rome, Sorrento, Capri, Positano and Amalfi. It's been fabulous - so much of interest to see and lovely warm weather too, though stormy in the late afternoon. I can't find words to properly describe how wonderful it is to see the history in evidence in Rome. And the Mediterranean coastal towns are so spectacular!

I will certainly need the challenge when I get back. I can almost see myself expanding with every bit of food I eat!!! :( All my clothes are tighter, and we have only been away 9 days!!! It is impossible to eat the mainly vegetable diet I am used to (which normally helps me keep my weight in check because I can satisfy my hunger by eating lots of veggies) as there is just no access to these foods. And I find I feel the need to eat more when travelling than normal - and it is not because I am more active. I have been able to buy some carrots and tomatoes, and some apples, which is something, but when I have ordered a salad as a meal, it is about one-fifth (maybe even one-tenth) the quantity I would usually eat. So I am eating more bread, more cereal, more cakes (...!!!) and less protein than I usually would.

So my challenge will be to get back into healthy eating regularly on my return, and to fast when I feel that I want to, with the aim of feeling comfortable with my body/weight again (and not have the horrid bloating that I am living with each day, probably due to the higher sugar levels than usual in my diet).

Best wishes and good luck to those of you who are already active with the challenge. :clover:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
09 Jun 2015, 20:53
Sassy - have a wonderful, wonderful time - I spent all my childhood holidays in Italy with my Dad and family, Rome, Capri, Sorrento, Florence, Sicily, Tuscany, Milan, Naples, Venice .... days before package holiday............ we rode through France and different routes over the alpes via Switzerland, Austria, Germany in a Vauxhall Victor, no route, no hotel bookings, just a wad of cash and a boot full of food for 4 hungry kids. It's Dad's birthday tomorrow so we are raising a glass of Campari and soda to him. Great adventures and memories. Enjoy! :heart: :heart:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
11 Jun 2015, 21:25
I hate that! Write a post and lose it bah Humbug. So short version: I have lost 1.4 kg after only 2 fasts, tho last weigh in was after party day and now after fast day. I am amazed that if I restrict to around 800 cals X 3 days a week I lose weight and waay easier than 500 cals! So 2.5kg to go back to goal weight. Hope all of you Wild Winter Warriors have done well...posts please :cool:
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
11 Jun 2015, 22:38
WW #3 reporting for duty. I have lost 1.2 kg since the beginning of this challenge which I am very happy with. Have fasted twice this week, eaten mindfully the rest of the time, Plenty of walking and a step class. Looking forward to a nice restful weekend. Keep warm winter wonderlanders!
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
11 Jun 2015, 23:06
Fantastic progress, WW #3 and #7. Well done both of you. I have given up on the Women's Weekly 5:2 Diet Recipe book. Too many odd ingredients which I don't have in the house and which are out of season. I can't face weighing myself so I don't know if I've lost any weight. Very encouraging to know that you have though.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
13 Jun 2015, 00:06
Not sure if I've lost weight either Sally. I'll weigh in next Friday and we'll see but jeans feel good and I stuck to my 2 fasts and 3 walks so I'm happy.
Xxx julianna
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
13 Jun 2015, 12:31
Hello WW Challengers. My daily post. I went for a walk, just around town in Devonport. Parked the car and walked to Katmandu to check out down jackets. I couldn't buy one; they were too expensive and not the right colour. Now I see they have a winter sale on soon so perhaps they will get some new stock in and they will be cheaper next week. Today i finished moving all my clothes out of the bedroom, leaving a small collection accessible and most bagged up waiting for the new wardrobe. We will spend next week sleeping in another room while our bedroom gets new windows and insulted walls and new plaster and ceiling. The week after that, when the plasterers come in, we will retreat to the Ulverstone River Retreat. I ate reasonably and made a coleslaw with my own cabbage, carrot, apple and walnuts, plus ingredients from the shop. Also I made my first cheese with the new 'Artisan Cheese Making Kit.' It is quark. It is now draining in cheesecloth over a colander. Cheese making is my new winter project.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
14 Jun 2015, 04:52
@Sallyo I really don't think you should insult your walls :grin: well I am in calorie restricted day today, only done 5500 steps (which surprises me as we walked for an hour this am and I walked the supermarket aisles) but will drag myself and the dogs out later, not really in the mood, would rather faff about doing nothing today, but needs doing. Easy working week coming up, with chiropractic visit Tuesday which my back is seriously looking forward to, I feel like an old lady today! Here's to continuing success.
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
15 Jun 2015, 10:39
Ended up doing 14,999 steps for Sunday :-) similar today, will have another low cal day tomorrow. Rain has set in here, so I'll be walking 16 dogs in the rain tomorrow boo boo. But as I say to the beasts, it's only water. Had a shock this morning when I put my dryer dried pants and could hardly do them up, eek! Still it'll all be ok I'm the end :-)
Re: Our Wild Winter Challenge
15 Jun 2015, 13:22
At the end of my Monday fast and celebrating that I went for a walk!! At last. I was so sick of being in the house full of builders hammering and banging and drilling. Then I had a fight with my superannuation organisation who seem to be very incompetent. It all got too much and I walked out the door and down the road. Excellent. Fasted well and feel good about it all.
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