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Hi Juliana

Wish I could say I've reached my Christmas goal but it was a bit optimistic. Can add another 300g to the total weight loss which is a total of 700g, not a lot but I made the 500g per person. Can I get my BMI below 22 by next Friday?
Sorry, I'm guilty of not checking in. The trouble is I haven't lost any more weight. I'm stuck around 63 kg, which is only 1 kg from my original target. I have been fasting regularly but a few festivities in between times which is probably why I'm not losing. At least I'm stable and not gaining.
pipsqueak2 wrote: Sorry, I'm guilty of not checking in. The trouble is I haven't lost any more weight. I'm stuck around 63 kg, which is only 1 kg from my original target. I have been fasting regularly but a few festivities in between times which is probably why I'm not losing. At least I'm stable and not gaining.

Stable and not gaining is a good place to be, of course better than increasing weight so hang in there and start fresh 2014!!! though maybe aim for 1/4 kilo by Tuesday week?
Bracken wrote: Thanks Juliana.

I think that it is probably the reduction of carbohydrate and dairy fats that has brought about the improvement in blood glucose levels, together with the impact of the weight loss itself. I think that I am a more thoughtful eater, hopefully without being obsessive about it.

I allowed myself a brief extravagance last night after fasting until my evening meal with work colleagues. I expected my glucose levels to be high this morning after half a bread roll, a little pastry and an eton mess dessert, but that was not the case. There was a slight elevation. I'm very pleased.

dumb question... glucose levels can only be measured at a GP/Doctor?
spanner wrote: Member number 76 checking in!
Another 0.5kg gone so I am now only 0.4kg from my Christmas club goal!
I soooooooooooooo want to go green for Christmas!!

still 10 days to go so GREEN is within site

go go go
fast fast fast
repair repair repair.

party party party
I'm afraid mine is a dog's breakfast; dropped and then gained again. No idea why but very peeved!
0.4kg to lose before next week! I am trying! x
Ok, my first check in. I need to drop another kg to hit my Christmas goal, not sure if that's going to happen!
#26 checking in: new lowest weight today: 70.2kg. Only 200gramms . 001 to go. I could make it.
Number 94 checking in. I'm still maintaining my goal weight, so I'm very pleased. Thanks, Juliana!
Tantalisingly close to 60k, but not quite there yet! I am hopeful though.
Still 1/2 pound to go till goal. And to think I was so sure I'd be there by my birthday in November. Then certainly by Thanksgiving. Now hopefully by next weekend.

It's only a number, but it would be fun to declare myself done...eventually....

It's all good though. New clothes, comfortable in body. Getting some compliments.
Not sure if I am doing this right. Checked in yesterday but not in the updated stats yet.

Member 109 and I have reached my secondary goal (to lose the weight I gained on holiday) and am now hopeful to reach my original Christmas goal to be below 160 lb. My actual numbers are in my signature and I don't deserve the green font yet :smile: ..hopefully by Christmas
Debs wrote: I'm afraid mine is a dog's breakfast; dropped and then gained again. No idea why but very peeved!

Similar boat. was all excited about 69's for about 5 days and this weeek ive been 70 to 70.6... big oops. i had a huge meal on monday night and still paying the price.

at 70.1 today so hopefully next week will be all 69s .. heres hoping.

dont worry Debs it will happen - important to feel happy and positive about all the weight you have lost
No 57 reporting. Still maintaining, this morning I was down 2lb but not recording it as I have had a high sugar day, enough to make me feel quite ill. I will have a low cal day tomorrow and definitely no sugar or white carbs. I do hope you all reach your targets.
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