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Re: Menopausal Weight
08 Feb 2013, 07:14
Really hoping this is the WOL that deals with post meno snuck up on me early about 10 years ago, mid 40's, and 20lbs just sits round my middle. The fast days can be a bit tiring, but we have had a stressful agenda recently...but have not been comfort eating and weight is going slowly but surely, and waist measurement is particularly good.
Keep on celebrating those Caribbean moments in these snowy times. :lol:
Re: Menopausal Weight
08 Feb 2013, 15:54
Hi Sazza. I didn't start the diet specifically for the menopause, but since I started the menopause I have gained weight and found it stubborn to lose. While I have always had a small waist the weight over the last few years has definitely settled there. I am losing weight easily, from my waist, but the biggest benefit for me has been my hot flushes are definitely less dramatic and don't last as long either. Hope this helps. Keep with it.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 18:12
Hello I'm new to this diet, started last week, and am post menopausal! I have done 4 fasting days now and don't appear to have lost any weight which is disappointing, but I will stick with it. I want to lose it from my middle and am finding it hard to shift with just eating sensibly and exercise. Do hope this diet works!
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 20:08
Stick with it, the repair days are good.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 20:13
Hi Wendi Dont be too disheartened - this is a long term thing and I am sure you will see results soon. I have changed my diet since going through the menopause - no white stuff any more - the only carbs I eat are veggies, wholegrain bread ( rarely) and sometimes sweet potatoes. I have noticed a big difference doing this - not easy I know and I do have the odd treat - but it stops the bloat and I feel a lot better for it. Its great that you are exercising too so you are doing everything right - its just these pesky hormones!!! Don't give up - we are all in this together!! Deb
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 20:30
I so identify with many posts here. I too am post meno. It must have happened but I wasn't too aware of specific symptoms though at 58 haven't had a period for years now. Barbara I'm another who doesn't intend retiring. All our friends seem to be moving into bungalows but we are busy developing and growing our business.
Hopefully the 5:2 will be our answer to this horrible middle age tum.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 20:57
I'm on HRT and have been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and have lost only a lb. It is disheartening. Having said that I do feel as if my waist is getting slimmer, or maybe it's wishful thinking!
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 22:03
Thanks Debbie good to hear that there is still hope! Why do you cut out white carbs? I must admit I have been limiting bread for a while as felt I put on weight if ate too much, but love potatoes and pasta. Should I cut them out on non fast days?
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 22:32
I have cut out all foods with a High GI which potatoes and pasta are. I only ever eat protein and lots of fibrous veggies such as broccoli green beans asparagus etc and hardly ever have rice, pasta or potatoes and if I eat bread its the odd slice of wholemeal. I eat legumes occasionally - lentils,beans etc and I also have porridge for breakfast. I love roast potatoes and mash but only have them as a treat now and then. I find this works for me. It may be an idea to reduce them for a couple of weeks and see how you feel but make sure you eat lots of fibrous veggies. I started going through the menopause when I was about 44 - 10 years ago - and was fed up with how much weight I put on quickly round my middle which I just could not shift. I did Atkins for a while and noticed a big difference although I was not prepared to be as strict as they suggested. I have kept to my version of it and it has really helped me. Hope this helps Deb
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 22:35
Gillb wrote: I so identify with many posts here. I too am post meno. It must have happened but I wasn't too aware of specific symptoms though at 58 haven't had a period for years now. Barbara I'm another who doesn't intend retiring. All our friends seem to be moving into bungalows but we are busy developing and growing our business.
Hopefully the 5:2 will be our answer to this horrible middle age tum.

Hi Gillb , you have to have something to get out of bed for dont you.? I'm not saying that sometimes I could do with less to do ,its just that its not going to happen.
Good luck with the business. these are difficult times to be doing business in.

Some women do seem to breeze through menopause, my mother apparently was one and I think I got away lightly when I hear some of my friend's stories.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 22:46
debbiewright wrote: I have cut out all foods with a High GI which potatoes and pasta are. I only ever eat protein and lots of fibrous veggies such as broccoli green beans asparagus etc and hardly ever have rice, pasta or potatoes and if I eat bread its the odd slice of wholemeal. I eat legumes occasionally - lentils,beans etc and I also have porridge for breakfast. I love roast potatoes and mash but only have them as a treat now and then. I find this works for me. It may be an idea to reduce them for a couple of weeks and see how you feel but make sure you eat lots of fibrous veggies. I started going through the menopause when I was about 44 - 10 years ago - and was fed up with how much weight I put on quickly round my middle which I just could not shift. I did Atkins for a while and noticed a big difference although I was not prepared to be as strict as they suggested. I have kept to my version of it and it has really helped me. Hope this helps Deb

Hi Debbie , I gave up all those foods too.Giving up bread was the hardest as I was a bread maker.In fact it was the purchase of a breadmaking machine which walloped a stone around my middle. I read a book called ' WheatBelly' by William ? Davis MD. Quite an eye opener in fact jaw dropping in places.
Some interesting things have happened since I gave up carbs . My sensitive teeth stopped being sensitive ,my eyesight improved so much that at my last eye test the optician told me that my distance glasses wernt helping and to stop using them.My close vision although never bad now needed no specs at all.Also , and this is one of the funny things ,funny ha ha, my Bum and thigh backs ,which had , according to my hubby been like those of a polar bear !! had warmed up to glowing point. Also my brain fog cleared , I became sharper again and my energy improved. I didnt lose weight but felt so much better that I still stick to it.
The only 'white 'food I eat now is cauliflower.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 23:11
Thanks Monty for the encouragement,I find this forum brilliant for exchanging experiences with each other, makes you feel normal that your not on your own with these problems during Meno time. bit of advice my GP gave me was to drink a glass of soya milk each morning for the flushes, i also take Evening Primrose capsules, which i have done for 3 years, after taking soya milk for 6 weeks i started to see a difference in my flushes, i still take them but only now and again, it used to be every other day and most nights.
I've just finished my second week and lost 5lb and an inch of my waist, it gave me such a lift, what i would like to ask is all this chat about high GI food etc., is all this information in the book and should I buy it? i would really like to eat healthier on non fast days now that i have the calorie bug, any advice anyone please.
Re: Menopausal Weight
09 Feb 2013, 23:48
Thanks Debbie for the good advice. I'll try and cut out potatoes and pasta for a while to see. I have porridge too and find this helps with the IBS that I get sometimes.
Re: Menopausal Weight
10 Feb 2013, 06:08
sazza13 wrote: Thanks Monty for the encouragement,I find this forum brilliant for exchanging experiences with each other, makes you feel normal that your not on your own with these problems during Meno time. bit of advice my GP gave me was to drink a glass of soya milk each morning for the flushes, i also take Evening Primrose capsules, which i have done for 3 years, after taking soya milk for 6 weeks i started to see a difference in my flushes, i still take them but only now and again, it used to be every other day and most nights.
I've just finished my second week and lost 5lb and an inch of my waist, it gave me such a lift, what i would like to ask is all this chat about high GI food etc., is all this information in the book and should I buy it? i would really like to eat healthier on non fast days now that i have the calorie bug, any advice anyone please.

That's very interesting, I've always had soya milk just because I prefer it in porridge etc, I started my menopause around 49ish ...5 years ago, and so far I think I've got off light compared to others, I've never had a "hot flush" like some describe it, I know my mum used to be terrible with those!
And also I try to do low GI and avoid the white stuff, I like a bit of bread, soya (again) & linseed, but that's only occasionally, I haven't eaten meat (only fish) for over 20 years.
To be honest the only down side of the menopause for me (so far) is the menpot :(
Re: Menopausal Weight
10 Feb 2013, 06:32
Excellent topic! I have been on HRT for about 18 months due to terrible hot flushes and night sweats. Since going on that I have had no problems apart from great difficulty in shifting about 10 extra kilos. I have not had a period for probably seven or eight months and about 11 months before that and consider myself to be in menopause. I have fasted six times now and coincidentally or not, I have had some spotting after the last three fasts. While I will get this checked out by my GP, I did a bit of investigation regarding spotting during menopause and found that rapid weight loss or fat loss can result in spotting as the fat cells release estrogen as you loose fat. While I haven't had rapid weight loss (damn it), I am hoping that I am losing fat cells due to fasting and exercising while fasting and the spotting may be due to this. Has anyone else had this happen? Any opinions welcome
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