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Re: Menopausal Weight
12 Feb 2013, 15:51
Menopause or MENopause..........mmm.....I decided that as they (meaning MEN!) had hijacked what should be an exclusively feMALE situation, then they (meaning MEN!) could just learn to take it on the chin. As result, I sailed through my MENopause happy in the knowledge that HIM indoors would take it like a MAN! Boy, did he suffer, night sweats, mood changes, tears, he did the lot! Meanwhile, I pigged out on chocolates and bottles of wine, bemsed by his discomfort, come on, a girl has to do what a girl has to do and when it comes to chocs and wine, well, it's just a no-brainer, or, as they are known in our house, MEN! To this day I can hear him moan to his MEN friends about how hard the MENopause is. Ah, bless! Good luck girls, just pass the buck, MEN usually do! xx
Re: Menopausal Weight
12 Feb 2013, 18:01
I'm possibly several months post menopause (won't know for sure I suppose for about another year). Although there were several issues involved in my weight gain, a rather painful hip problem being top of the list, I certainly felt my shape changed during the menopausal years. Apart from the ease of this way of living, I have been most delighted with the change in my shape. I have a waist back!! My apple profile has definitely changed and I lost 5 inches off my waist in the intial 4 months. The weight loss has slowed down since then (mostly due to Christmas when I put some back on although that's come back off all ready) but I'm back to losing slowly again. It's very slow, but the main thing is I feel I can keep going.

Look, to be honest, I don't expect to regain my 20 year old figure so I'm really pleased to have got to where I am now. The last time I was this weight was before I was pregnant with my youngest (15 tomorrow, happy birthday baby girl). Since then I have yoyo'd up and down, but never quite reached this low again until now. It'll be nice if I can get lower, but to even be at my mid 30's weight feels so good in itself, so even if I don't lose much more I'll be happy. I feel much healthier and I don't feel as dumpy and stuffed up round my middle. I don't wince as much when I pass a mirror either. Personally I think this new way of eating/living is suiting my new post menopause life. I've got a bit evangelical about it, urging anyone who will listen to try it. Of course it won't suit everyone, but I think it could suit more people than not.
Re: Menopausal Weight
14 Feb 2013, 08:41
Ballerina wrote: Menopause or MENopause..........mmm.....I decided that as they (meaning MEN!) had hijacked what should be an exclusively feMALE situation, then they (meaning MEN!) could just learn to take it on the chin. As result, I sailed through my MENopause happy in the knowledge that HIM indoors would take it like a MAN! Boy, did he suffer, night sweats, mood changes, tears, he did the lot! Meanwhile, I pigged out on chocolates and bottles of wine, bemsed by his discomfort, come on, a girl has to do what a girl has to do and when it comes to chocs and wine, well, it's just a no-brainer, or, as they are known in our house, MEN! To this day I can hear him moan to his MEN friends about how hard the MENopause is. Ah, bless! Good luck girls, just pass the buck, MEN usually do! xx

My "HIM indoors" is going through the MENopause!...(well,according to himself)
It beats me how this is possible, seeing as he's never had one "MENstrual" cycle in the last 40 years :?
Re: Menopausal Weight
19 May 2013, 21:43
Hi! I've been reading about the menopausal post with great interest! I'm almost 51 & I think I'm technically post-menopausal but I am on bio-identical hormones which I can't say, for certain, if they are helping or not! I did the flat-belly diet diligently a couple of years ago & got down to 130 lbs which was great! I worked out for 2 days a week (weights & some light cardio) which helped. I really was enjoying how I felt & looked but then I hit a wall! I just absolutely could not stand to weigh or measure one--more--thing! What started out as a fun challenge became tedious & exhausting! I started to eat my husband's wonderful albeit unhealthy meals again (Chicken Parm, pasta & garlic bread anyone?) Keep in mind that these soon became huge portions (even by American standards & our portions are ridiculous). Let's not forget the tons of red wine, too! Needless to say the weight just quickly pounded back on! I have also gotten way too sedentary! Short story long (my apologies), I think my wt gain is a combo of menopause, over eating & laziness! I got a profile view of myself last night & was appalled at the size of my butt as well as my gut hanging out! Oh, when menopause nailed me at 45, I also developed high blood pressure (on meds); I've had high cholesterol forever, even in my skinny days (on statins for that); also on a low dose of celexa when my anxiety grew along with the menopause!
Today is day 1 of this diet! I am so hoping it will work for all of these areas! I appreciate any advice, tidbits, etc! I also work full-time & my hubby is the stay at home parent so easy food prep is helpful for me! I can do fresh etc if Trader-Joe's has it!
Thanks for "listening" & for the support! -Kerrie
Re: Menopausal Weight
20 May 2013, 05:32
Hello Kerrie and welcome to the forum. There is lots of advice on the boards to give you a hand and it seems as though you've been having a good browse.
Good luck and hopefully you'll enjoy this WOE and it'll stay a fun challenge :clover:
Re: Menopausal Weight
21 May 2013, 11:12
Hi Kerrie, welcome to the group! All the best to you on this new way of eating. I wasn't able to succeed thr forst time I tried it so I'm having another go & hoping. I arrogantly thought that I would always be very slim as I ate what I liked & was often on the borders of underweight. I put this down to being a worrier / stress ball, being naturally active & although I ate a lot I only ate when hungry. Actually that's still the case except now I'm permanently hungry! It was the menopause ( surgically induced by total hysterectomy) that did it for me. I'm trying to wean off HRT as I think it may be that is why my appetite increased??? Or maybe I'm just plain greedy......... Regards, Rose
Re: Menopausal Weight
21 May 2013, 11:43
I have had hot flushes for nearly five years now, but never really knew exactly what was happening re monthly cycles, as I had a hysterectomy 16 years ago, when I was 41.

I was determined not to go on HRT, so decided to eat really healthily when the flushes started, and also to do a lot of exercise, such as running, cycling and swimming.

I have kept my weight down to 55-59 kg in my fifties, apart from a period of 3 months, 3 years ago, when I fell off the wagon and went up to 70kg.

I enrolled for a boot camp in 2010, and lost 15 kg before I went, by following a low-carb regime.

Since sticking to this WOE,(on my 8th fast today), my hot flushes have really decreased overall, and are non-existent on fast days.

The menopause doesn't always have to be something to dread. Being positive can really make a difference.
Re: Menopausal Weight
23 May 2013, 04:34
Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts & advice! Today was day 2 for me. However, I was at work & skipped breakfast which did not work for me at all. I had that low blood sugar lethargy all day & could barely think! Next time I'll try some eggs & veggie for breakfast & see if that's better. I did my first day on the previous Sunday & it went well. Maybe partly since I could sleep in & loaf around in the morning vs work where I'm running around!
Re: Menopausal Weight
01 Aug 2013, 19:41
I want to encourage other women going through menopause that this regime can be super helpful.

Never thin, I really piled on weight over 2 years with menopause and then it was stuck to me like dried concrete as everything that had worked when I was younger to lose weight, totally failed. I mean totally. What was up with my body???

I was so miserable, was I now condemned forever to be 40 lbs overweight? I was also on HRT and that made me feel quite ill 2 weeks out of 4.

For the last 3 months I have been on 5;2 - lost 15 lbs and switched recently to bio-identicals from HRT (expensive but worth it) and life is much much rosier. I know I will lose all the weight, nothing can stop me now that I have learned a few tough moments in a week are nothing compared to fitting clothes I have not worn for years. And as a regime, it is so flexible around "life". My brain is back to normal in terms of memory, I have more energy generally and my mood much brighter. So do try it - and look in to bio-identicals too as a lot of HRT is synthetic and your body might not respond well to it - mine didn't.

JL x
Re: Menopausal Weight
15 Aug 2013, 17:44
Dear Sazza - I have found this regime very helpful with menopausal weight gain. It also seems to help with hormonal swings though I have to say I am now on bio-identicals to help as well. I was getting pretty desperate as all the weight solutions that had worked in the past were failing me during menopause and I was heading up and up and up. So my relief to find this regime has been immense. Not the fastest reduction rate BUT it is very do-able and it does work as long as you are sensible the other 5 days. You don't have to be fierce but sensible. In fact, the fasting days really help me work through light hunger on the 5 days and I find I am much happier to eat the right thing and at the right time. the sense of control is just marvellous. Good luck!!

Re: Menopausal Weight
16 Aug 2013, 01:34
I am into menopause 7 years now. I was told it is a 10 year process. I am happy to say the night sweats and random hot flashes have been gone about 2 years now. I hope that's the end because there were times I thought I was going to spontaneously combust! Since 5:2 my inner tube is slowly deflating and I for one anticipate my twenty year old body will be back.
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