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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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1. I can manage quite well without breakfast.
2. I'm not very big - I don't actually need much food to keep going.
3. I would eat for something to do, or when I what I really needed was a drink.
1) Having gained control over one area of my life has given me the confidence to do other things I thought I could not do, such as, swim in the deep end of a swimming pool as I'm terrified of water

2) Being hungry is no longer a trauma.

3) I no longer waste time and energy on things which are beyond my powers

Ballerina x :heart:
1. I thought I would be overweight for the rest of my life and I was wrong
2. I really don't need such big portions on my plate
3. The extra weight was sapping my energy
*You can fast during your vacation without suffering
*I was afraid of being hungry and constantly avoided that state (but it is actually being full all the time that is the state to be afraid of)
*Food taste so much better if you actually are hungry when you start to eat.
So much to choose from but

1) I don't need or want breakfast anymore. I won't collapse from lack of glucose
2) For me high protein/low carbs is the way to go. I haven't needed the Buscopan in well over a month.
3) I've probably been dehydrated for most of my adult life. A big fear I had about fasting was migraines as I used to think that low blood sugar was a big factor in getting them. But I haven't had one while fasting which I put down to being really well hydrated.

Agree with so many of the other posts and could easily do another few lists. This WOE has really opened my eyes and mind
Hmmmmmm I can't say that I learned something that I didn't know. I always succeeded when I was determined to do something.
Perhaps I learned that no matter how much I diet, my stomach will host vast quantities of food and I'm very happy for that! :-)
Echoing most of the sentiments here:
1. Hunger will not hurt you, don't be afraid of it.
2. My body will not go into starvation mode and hold onto fat.
3. I actually have more energy on my fast days, and run 4 km on those days with no problem. I have never felt any issues/lightheadedness, etc.
I need a number 4.
4. I am so relieved... I CAN do it... and I don't have to give up my lifestyle.
Most of the things i have learnt have already been covered here.
I loved reading people's chosen three and was knocked out by some of them..
Like Ballerina saying she has found the confidence to swim in the deep end tho she is terrified of water...that is really fab and shows how IF actually affects all areas of our lives!
My three..trying to think of some new ones,but have to say like many others have..
1) yes i can actually be hungry and its ok,nothing awful is gonna happen,except that the hunger will pass
2) the morning after a fast, i can wake up not hungry..i assumed i would be awake about four a.m. ready to eat a horse between two bread vans
3)my body is ready to tell me what it needs me to eat, if i give it the chance!
1. This is lifestyle is easier to maintain than I expected it to be.
2. I can eat out on a fast day if I plan ahead.
3. I savor food more now when I'm eating.
1- I am a lot more impatient than I initially thought!
2- I actually do have the power to say no to food when offered now
3- I eat out of boredom.
1. My self-discipline is far better than I ever imagined.

2. I don't mind going to bed hungry.

3. My portions were way too big before I started 5:2.
Great idea
1. I can control what I put in my mouth
2. Sugar is the enemy
3. With a strong family history of type 1 diabetes I had been told it was important to stabilize my blood sugar with several small meals each day. Rot! I have been migraine free and have never felt wobbly when fasting. It is ok to feel hungry.
Great thread, thanks for bumping up as I'd not seen it before. My 3 are
1.No need to 'let yourself go' just because you're older.
2.I have more will power than I thought.
3.I now have more sympathy with anyone struggling with weight issues and just want to tell them to try this WOE.
1. I am a stronger person with far more willpower and motivation than I ever thought I had.

2. My "muffin top" belly, wasn't "just me"... it was caused by over-eating too many carbs!

3. Can RUN.... long distances too!
1) Amazingly I CAN lose weight whilst drinking wine, eating HIGH GI carbs
2) There is never any food in the fridge now I'm a faster..shaking head
3) I seriously need a personal chef ;>)
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