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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I think Easter is a good test for seeing how 5:2 fits into my life style, after all there are plenty of celebrations throughout the year and for me this is about finding a way to be able to stop feeling guilty about food and enjoy life! I did my usual Thursday fast yesterday and am planning to do the usual Monday one as well; in between will have dinner at a friend's on Saturday and enjoy some chocolate! :smile:
Oops, just had TWO hot-cross-buns for lunch. With butter. Well, it had to be done! :wink:
I had planned a fast day today.....2nd of the week, but our elderly friend has decided , and is very excited to take us out for Chinese food.
I've told her I'm on the diet to try and prevent the recurrence of breast cancer.
She gets that, but I didn't tell her that it involves calorie reducing.
She says she's just going to do what I'm doing and refuses to eat unless I do.
Frankly I don't want the responsibility of her calorie reducing.
To cut a long story short she's staying with us for a month. I'm going to tell her I don't eat out the days I'm skipping breakfast and lunch. Not tonight obviously as she's so excited to treat us.
I'm having friends over for dinner tomorrow night, and my dad on Sunday, so I'll just do no breakfast or lunch and get back on track on Monday.
Good luck everyone and enjoy your weekend.
I'm fasting today but not bothering from tomorrow as its my brother's wedding, then we're away for a week. Back on plan Monday 8th.

If we weren't going away I'd be fasting today and Monday as usual.
I'm going to eat what I want, includng chocolate. My next fast will be on Tuesday. No problem :-)
Bugger, bugger bugger!
My mum has changed dinner from Sunday to Monday (fast day) and I've managed to put myself down for an all you can eat buffet tea on Sunday - cant move fast day to Tuesday as I'm off with dad to his singing cafe, where there is a lot of cake, think ill have to skip a fast for the first time- wish me luck!
I agree with Debs I'm trying to ignore it completely!! Although Thursday was a normal day but I ate and drank way too much on a night out, last night was the same (although we ate early). So I am trying to do a 24 fast from last night to tonight as I'm out again tonight at a friends for Steak and Ale pie to try and undo some of the damage from the last 3 days.

The rest of the weekend I will be good and have been to the gym every day so hopefully my excesses will be cancelled out :-/

I'm on holiday the week after next and really want to lose 3lbs or as near as I can so I am officially not overweight for my hols!!

Will be super good after today!!!
No hot cross buns in France unless I make my own. No buttons eggs either only posh dark chocolate things I dislike. No Good Friday here either! Will have choccie tonight as is Saturday treat. Normal fast on Monday as no visitors but want to make this part of life so will always try to keep to plan no matter what is happening around me.
I plan to eat like a :pig: tomorrow then be sensible for the rest of the week.
We fasted Friday. Normal but lighter bkft and lunch today, then out to dinner tonight. I plan on getting the salmon salad with dressing on the side. Yum and lighter!
Easter Sunday we go to family and I will bringing a big salad with all kinds of yummy stuff in it and a couple of lite dressings people can add. That way I can have a little egg casserole, a little grits, a small homemade cinnamon roll etc. and a big salad. Then probably only yogurt for dinner.....if we're hungry. which we probably will not be.
Monday is a fast day. So all should be good.....IF it goes as planned. ;-)
My fast days are Thurs & Mon, (but i did Good Friday this week as i was on a heavy going training course!). I have treated myself to a smaller easter egg, as opposed to a bigger one, so i dont feel left out when hubby & kids are tucking into theirs :wink: & i dont pinch the kids eggs, so hope i will be ok. Have told my parents & sister not to buy me any choccy as well. But Monday is a fast day anyway so if i do over eat, which i am not planning on doing, then i will be back on track & Monday is my weigh in day!!!
Yes Rupey. Having Monday as a weigh in day for us is a little added "help".
Friends coming round in a while. The chicken casserole and lots of veggies will be fine. Nuts and crisps instead of starters (I can avoid them), no puddings. Hmm, my downfall will be cheese... Oh, and wine... :confused:
I got through yesterday, I think! I was going out to a friend's for dinner and not being sure what I'd be served, did a pre-emptive gym visit and did around 5 miles on the treadmill. I ate carefully during the day, just some toast and a yoghurt. Dinner was Mexican but healthy with a focus on vegetables. I killed it by having a bottle of wine but because dinner was pretty healthy, I think I might be ok.

Today has been ok....4 mile walk along the beach and beef and roasted veg. Had a bit of chocolate but not too much. Basically, I'm eating what I want, but not lots of it....and I'm doing a lot of exercise. So, we'll see!
My plan is to intersperse fasts and mini fasts into my holiday. So Good Friday was a heavy eating day, went over my TDEE by a good 1000 calories, therefore today, Saturday, I skipped breakfast, lunch & all snacks and just ate a normal dinner (including pudding); tomorrow, Easter Sunday, I'll be eating alot again so on Monday I will do my usual 500 cal fast.
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