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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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This weekend will be my third on 5:2 but I have a feeling Easter might be a challenge. I have three big meals out, to try and navigate. I figure you can do this successfully (and avoid pigging out!) if you plan ahead. I'm going to try tomorrow (Good Friday) to eat little during the day and save my calorie content for a meal my friend is cooking. The same on Saturday (both are 'feast days' but I don't want to gut nuts!). On Easter/Resurrection day - got the family over and suspect the Easter eggs will be out in force and so I may just cut myself some slack there! If I eat too much, I eat too much! Monday, aiming to be back on the wagon. I'll try and work in a couple of gym visits too, just to make sure I'm in balance!

That's the plan! Do you have one? Do you stay fully on the plan during the holidays or do you allow yourself extras?
Well, I have no big family get-togethers to contend with!

I'm looking forward to a hot cross bun for breakfast tomorrow, and in teh evening I'm making little easter rocky roads with my step son.

Dont have any special meals planned for the weekend, and I'll probabaly wait till the easter eggs are half price next week before I treat myself to a small but luxurious one.
I'm not going to go nuts & pig out constantly, but then for me it's only really one day of potential excess, ie Easter Sunday when we'll have an Easter egg each. No doubt I'll end up having that instead of breakfast or lunch though. Tomorrow we're having a takeaway but that happens every couple of weeks and has never been a problem.

My issue is going to be the following week as it's my husband's birthday and not only does he want a fancy meal at home on the day, but a dinner out next Friday too. I shall probably chuck in a half fast on Saturday or Tuesday (0 cals all day until a normal dinner) to balance the calories a bit, but I'm not too worried. It's only a week out of a lifetime afterall :)
The important thing is not to stress about it. I will try not to overeat but if I do I'll put in another fast day, no problems.
i will do the same kind of thing as Moogie
My usual fast days are Tues and Thursday and i try to do a half fast on saturdays as well
no kids so not a huge amount of chocolate to worry about and it is one thing that i can take or leave - jelly beans on the other hand are in serious danger any where near me :-)
April is a tough month for me as its my hubbys 50th, and my brother, brother in laws and one of our friends birthday all within 10 days so quite a few meals out and drinks to contend with but as moogie says - whats one week in a lifetime

hope you can stick to yur plan but dont beat yourself up if you dont
feel like I have a few hurdles, children home from school and will munch constantly, husband home bank holiday Monday (fast day) and will munch constantly, easter eggs will be everywhere. PMT. Pub tonight (fast day). It is the pubs opening night (please don't let there be a buffet!)

I have a mantra...'I would prefer to be slim'
I am planning to fast tomorrow and Monday which will leave me free to relax and enjoy myself on Saturday when OH gets back from London and Sunday when we are having friends over. That is the beauty of this regime, it is so flexible.
I will be able to keep to my Monday/Thursday fasts and plan to "treat" with hot cross buns and just a very little chocolate.
At least the buns have fruit in them and are filling!
That's the plan.
Happy Easter everyone.
I haven't been doing 5:2 for very long so as it's the easter break and me and hubby both have the week off and have lots planned, I think it's best to start a new after the easter holidays.

It's going to be crazy to try and fit in the fast days.
I was just asking myself the same question!
We are away in the caravan (thank goodness it's got excellent central heating!) so I have preplanned our meals.
We are going out for a posh lunch on Easter Sunday, but as we said, we don't want to live without such treats.
I've lost 17lbs now, and I don't want thoughtless eating to be responsible for putting any of it back on again.
Tablet and mifi will be going with us (we're in a corner of a very remote field in Wales!) so I can keep in touch with this forum to keep me focused!
I am going to try and fast on Saturday.

Got family coming down on Friday for the weekend and then more coming on Sunday for Roast, which I have finally got all prepared and ready for. (It costs a bloody fortune! when we go and stay with them we have to bring our own food!)

I don't know what to do really, I don't want to be "special" but then again, I don't want to work hard all week and not see a loss, I think I will just have to try and be sensible, luckily I don't rate chocolate, but love Cider and Wine and port and cheese and hot cross buns and King Edwards roasted in Goose fat and bread sauce and chips and more cheese and port......Why did I start that sentence on a fast day?????????????
I've been doing this since 31st January and I am now finding that I am eating less generally. If I want a bar of chocolate or biscuits on my eating days I eat them but my food portions have got much smaller without any conscious effort on my part. My problem before was that I was eating the same size portions as the 4 teenage boys in the house! So I am going to eat the same as everyone else at Easter including my Easter egg, I am going to fast as normal on Monday and Thursdays but my portions will be more suited to the 51 yr old, 5 foot person that I am! Have a great Easter everyone.
Well my fast day is sunday, so easter wont be an issue for me! haha Im having my easter egg on monday!
By ignoring it completely! I am stuck on my mine site in remote WA with no access to chocolate so it will be a choccy free zone. But please don't feel sorry for me as I shall be at home next Wed with Salamanca Market to look forward to, jam doughnuts and homity pie, followed by a couple of days on Bruny Island, amazing cheese, smoked fish, classy wine, and all the chocolate I can lay my mitts on!!
I can cope with that!
This is only week two for me so I'm a little worried about the long weekend :frown:
Today is my second fast day of the week so I'm thinking I'll just treat tomorrow as a 'normal' eating day then we're at a party on Saturday so I've planned a good long walk in the morning (I'm making the puddings for the party so I know I need to have used some extra calories!!)& then hopefully I can have a good night. Sunday & Monday I'm going to try not go overboard & then I'll be back to fasting on Tuesday :starving:
Have a great weekend everyone :smile:
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