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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello everyone! Been lurking and this is my first post.
I'd love to send a hot cross bun to you americans. No hot cross buns? Poor things! :razz: I can recommend a recipe though.

I've tried various recipes before with not much success but I've made 2 good batches of this recipe that was on TV recently. I often find bread recipes so much easier to copy when I get to watch it being done rather than just trying to follow it on paper.
The clip will no doubt vanish at some point when the BBC notice it!

Recipe here:

Slightly different recipe than usual as it has apple and orange rind in it. (Personally I would double the spice, or maybe add nutmeg).

I'll be fasting on monday :smile:
I have walked further with the dogs this morning than I have in probably the last 4/5 years! It was rather chilly, but we at least have sparkling sunshine.
I shall enjoy my posh lunch out, too.
Thank you, 5:2!!
I started this diet last week, but should have waited until 2nd April to start. I have eaten so much since my last fast day on Thursday that I suspect I will gain weight after this weekend. It's my husband's birthday tomorrow so the overeating is set to continue. Oh well... Easter only comes round once a year. I am determined to start doing the diet properly next week and hope to be able to report success with it, like so many other people on here. :victory:
I had a hot cross bun for breakfast but without butter so I do feel virtuous but one son is now coming for lunch tomorrow so roast lamb & all the trimmings. Unfortunately no wine for me because of still taking Dysentery medication!
I will be fasting on Tuesday instead of Monday next week.
Im trying not to think about this weekend, had a friends hen night yesterday and chocolate today.....will do a 4:3 next week to compensate!
Oh Isis, that thing is really giving you a hard time. Hope you're A-OK very soon!!!
Thank you very much TML13.
I am feeling much better & hooray I have just taken my last tablet, but alcohol is a no no for another 48 hours because of nasty side effects with my medication. I am really looking forward to lunch & seeing my eldest son & telling him about our holiday in Egypt which was brilliant & I have learnt so much about ancient & modern Egypt. It is well worth visiting. :smile:
Well, Easter is over and I was semi-successful with it! I exercised on Saturday and Monday, though last night, had way too many nibbles. When I got on the scales today, I'd gained 2.5 lbs, but I suspect that will be just water from the extra carbs I had last night.

I am on a fast day today and I expect to see the results of that tomorrow! Have to admit, today's fast day is quite a struggle, probably because I've had 4 days of not really paying any attention to what I was I'm having huge carb cravings! I am pushing through though!

One added benefit of having 2 fast days, is that I cannot give in half-way through the day. If I give in today, I would then have to fast Weds and Fri or Thurs and sat....and I really value having a little extra calories to play with on weekends. So, one slip up today, results in me losing a whole week....which I do not want!

It's cool, the psychological effects here!
Isis wrote: Thank you very much TML13.
I am feeling much better & hooray I have just taken my last tablet, but alcohol is a no no for another 48 hours because of nasty side effects with my medication. I am really looking forward to lunch & seeing my eldest son & telling him about our holiday in Egypt which was brilliant & I have learnt so much about ancient & modern Egypt. It is well worth visiting. :smile:

One more day and you'll be good to drink! HOORAY!!!
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