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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I first noticed an increase in well-being on a fasting day back in October, several weeks after I went from eating 3 small meals during the day, to not eating until I felt hungry and lasting 24 hours (I have to say greatly to my surprise!). Whether that has any relevance to the OP I know not.

About hunger on fasting v feed days - I've offered my musings on this thread here:
Both of us here feel wonderful on fast days and actually look forward to them. We are in the more energy category. Get more things done on these days and both have had great success so far. Have never had headaches, dizziness etc. that some people talk about ;)
Sarahmania wrote: Usually, I feel heady, tired, cross and cold.


I'm huddled under a duvet with a hot water bottle at the moment.
I'm 4 weeks in now and at first i really felt hungry by the end of a fast day, my stomach was gurgling like mad, but now it doesn't bother me at all. I cant say i have noticed any difference in energy levels, by my fast days are Monday Thursday, both days i work. I find it easier to fast on these days because my job means i am out of the office most of the day visiting customers so dont have time to snack. But i do drink plenty of water, as i find i can get a bit of a headache if not.
For me, it depends on the day. Some fast days have been easier than others. I try to keep busy so as not to think about eating or feeling hungry. This has made me very productive on fast days which has been good. On normal eating days I sometimes feel an energy crash in the afternoon which I never get on a fast day so I know it is related to blood sugar etc. Last Monday I ran 3 miles on a fast day and then went to work. I did not feel well at all! I felt weak, spacey and it was hard. I did feel better after my small lunch and made it through the day fine keeping to 500 cals. Other days I have been able to exercise and have not felt too bad.
It varies for me. Sometimes I feel awful in the morning of a fast day and then perk up as the day goes on - even before eating. Other days I feel perfectly ok and stay that way.

I feel more energetic generally though which is great and a big bonus for me.

I have to be a bit careful with caffeine on a fast day though as it affects me even more than normal! so can feel a bit hyper for that reason too.
I'm another that feels cleaner and lighter. I also get more done. Maybe the time saved from cooking and eating and washing up?

I remember having similar feelings during the short time I was a vegan, and on fast days I eat vegan (just works out well calorie-wise for me).
I definitely have more of a spring in my step on fast days and generally feel happier. The only problem I have at the moment, is feeling so cold and can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit.
No afraid not, don't feel bad though & I do get a great nights sleep after a fast. Keep hoping for an energy surge but no such luck :cry:
I'm definitely one of the lucky ones!

Just 15 hours into my fast and I can feel the energy building up. Just took out the rubbish with a skip in my stride (pun unintentional! :smile: )
Hi Dominic............I'm high!

Don't know if you've seen my current thread called 'trying a 36 hour no food fast'. I gave it a go yesterday and some others came on board as well. The general consensus is that we all feel great and still feel great the day after. I have just noticed that most of us (ok, there is only 5 or 6 of us 36ers) have currently got very similar weight losses, within 1kg of each other. Though you might be interested.
Catscratch wrote: I swear I can feel the fat burning.

I wish I did.
From my first fasting day I noticed that I sleep very well that night and I wake up feeling very refreshed.

I can't say that I feel more energy, but like others I tend to do tasks that I normally try to avoid. Personally I believe that has more to do with trying to stay busy than it does with having more energy.

I haven't had any dizziness, but I have felt nauseous. It was very brief, and only a couple of times.

Towards the end of the day on my last fast day I did start to get a headache, but it never got very bad and didn't last very long at all.

On my fast days I'm trying to maintain <500 calories over a 36 hour period.
I start the day with a couple of cups of black coffee, then after 10:00 am I'll eat some fruit, about 100 calories, I try to eat dinner around 6:00 pm Usually chicken breast or fish, and a vegetable for around 300 calories. I also drink about 250 mL of fruit juice throughout the day taking a drink when ever I need a little pick me up. I'm also drinking about 4L of water on my fast days. I like my water room temperature. I find if it's chilled it can cause nausea, and headaches.

The evenings are still very difficult for me, because I have become so use to snaking late in the evening. That is a habit I'm trying to break even on my feed days. The funny thing is I can find the willpower to go without a snack on my fast days but I find it very difficult to do on my feed days.

I've only been doing this for two and a half weeks. I just finished my fifth fast day yesterday, So I'm very new and speaking with little experience.
Feelings on a fast day vary but I would say that in general I don`t feel better. I like to exercise on a fast day which always helps me get thru the day but I wouldn`t say I feel more energised or mentally `with it.`
However I am like redhead in that I generally feel great on the morning post fasting. I am now back on 36hr fasts and break my fasts with a bowl of muesli, some fruit, some yoghurt and honey plus a white instant coffee. I always feel very energised for the remainder of the morning and often into the afternoon. I actually feel that way now and am 28hrs post fast breaking, long may it continue...
I`ve often wondered what the feel good feeling is post fasting. Is it one of the below or a combination of:
Slightly elevated blood sugar, as the fast is over?
More endorphins circulating as the fast caused some stress?
Lower blood pressure?
Had a better quality sleep than usual?
Body has got more comfortable burning fats which in turn generate more energy?
More ketones fuelling the brain?
More feel good hormones (whatever they are) circulating because there`s also a feeling that I`ve achieved something good?

Who knows? But long may the feeling continue.
Yes, generally feeling very light on my fast days now. If running, I tend to get a bit of a burst of energy that I don't usually have (since I exercise after a 10 hr work day). I do reach a point where I may not have any more energy by 8 or 9 pm but that is when I usually have my calories for the day.
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