The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Carol, I'm the same. I dislike housework in general but I've found myself doing some spring cleaning even though it's Autumn here! Most odd.
Good idea chook I will hit the housework today after work, keeps me busy through a fast day. I generally feel great through the day but I can't sleep at night on a fast night, ok at other times.
Thanks wildmissus for bringing this zombie topic come back to life and I'm sorry I've left it hanging for so long, but I couldn't see any pattern to how people feel on fast days.

But just maybe there is something about the longer fast that gives a 'high', if not on the fast day itself then afterwards? Those who have done the 36 hour fast do seem a particularly bumptious lot! :wink:
Could wildmissus or our 5 or 6 others please explain what, when, how, they manage a 36 hour fast really interested to find out, been looking for a post or thread that picks this up or shall I start one. :?:
After the first few fasts when I had a headache I generally feel good on fast days, and sleep well and wake refreshed. I'm not able to exercise as such but I have noticed a rise in energy levels.
I don't go to bed hungry, can't stand that but do keep within cal range usually.
Hello Gemini
the 36 hour fast works out by e.g.
day before fast day - dinner at about 7pm
nothing to eat before bed
go to sleep
waken in morning
no food until 7pm or later
500/600cal (or nothing) dinner
nothing to eat before bedtime
bedtime and sleep (or not!)
waken up
evetually have breakfast
so, it's 36 hours from last main meal until next main meal - not counting the 500/600
Hope this explains it
janeg - that`s regular 5:2ing in my opinion. 36hr fast means no food for 36hrs so nothing from dinner on day1 to brekkie on day3.
cool, skippy. Thanks for clarifying.
Are you in Japan? (trying out my reading of Chinese)
in japan with very british weather, pouring with rain....
gemini wrote: Could wildmissus or our 5 or 6 others please explain what, when, how, they manage a 36 hour fast really interested to find out, been looking for a post or thread that picks this up or shall I start one.

Here is wildmissus's thread about 36 hour fasting which I have only recently read: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3814. Basically you go a whole day with no ( or minimal) calories. So from dinner on day 0 you eat nothing until breakfast on day 2. I already do dinner on day 0 to dinner on day 1 (22 hours), as do many of us.

I should point out with my 'mod' hat on that 36 hour (and longer) fasts are not part of the regular 5:2 prescription and concerns have been raised that longer fasts could cause loss of fat-free-mass (FFM - muscle basically, because of protein deprivation) or, for some people, other complications.
jealous! it's really hot here and dusty and overcast- yuck
I agree, 36 hour fast is no food for 36 hours. There have been some threads that I have been reading where some have been fasting for even longer. I don't know how to do the techie thing to attach the topic but one was started by MGM, where she was going to fast for 3/4 days! I can only manage Tuesdays and Thursdays but may think of doing a 36 hour fast if the weight stalls.

I think that Dominic is right, longer fasts are not 5:2, but the topics make interesting reading.
So for weight loss 5:2, 4:3 or 36 hour fasts is the next question, I suppose it's different for each of us ..I think I will do a trial on myself
er sorry Caroline, the ketones are your guess about what? (I was awake early this morning, a bit dopey now sorry!)
skippyscuffleton wrote: Feelings on a fast day vary but I would say that in general I don`t feel better. I like to exercise on a fast day which always helps me get thru the day but I wouldn`t say I feel more energised or mentally `with it.`
However I am like redhead in that I generally feel great on the morning post fasting. I am now back on 36hr fasts and break my fasts with a bowl of muesli, some fruit, some yoghurt and honey plus a white instant coffee. I always feel very energised for the remainder of the morning and often into the afternoon. I actually feel that way now and am 28hrs post fast breaking, long may it continue...
I`ve often wondered what the feel good feeling is post fasting. Is it one of the below or a combination of:
Slightly elevated blood sugar, as the fast is over?
More endorphins circulating as the fast caused some stress?
Lower blood pressure?
Had a better quality sleep than usual?
Body has got more comfortable burning fats which in turn generate more energy?
More ketones fuelling the brain?
More feel good hormones (whatever they are) circulating because there`s also a feeling that I`ve achieved something good?

Who knows? But long may the feeling continue.

My guess is the ketones...

Sorry Dominic, missed a whole page of posts so thought I was replying to skippyscuffleton! Oops!
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