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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I missed this thread somehow. Lots of variation on feelings isn't there. Can't say I feel any different physically - but mentally feel that I'm doing good for myself and, although not energised physically or mentally, just generally feel good about myself. Have just started doing 36 hr fasts with no food whatsoever. I certainly felt lightheaded the following morning and whereas I don't usually eat anything until lunchtime, on that morning (after 36hr fast) I broke the fast with a banana. Interesting thread - glad I finally spotted it !
Hi Dominic,

Further to your query and after some 15-ish fasts I seem to notice that I definitely feel more chipper on days after a fast. Loads more energy, feeling more cheerful etc. Fast days themselves do not seem to affect my mood very much. As to the question what to ascribe this effect to, I wouldn't know. Serotonin? Psychological factors (eg being happy with the weight loss/more selfconfidence)? I'm afraid this doesn't help at all, but frankly I don't care very much about which factor is responsible for which effect as long as it's all positive, which it is. Not only the WoE itself with all its beneficial effects, but this forum as well with so many positive, helpful and knowledgeable people. Have a great day, fasting or otherwise.
Yes physically and mentally.
I find if I eat loads of junk I feel awful.
On a fast day I eat a very healthy meal, no junk, and I feel 100 percent better.
Roll on my next fast day.
Have abandoned it this week as my daughter is here, and has wanted to eat breakfast and lunches out.
We have had lots of invitations too so decided to let it go for this week and do ADF next week in preparation for my holidays and to get back on course.
Replying to my own question from up thread.
I now think the feel good feeling on the morning after a fast is due to "dual fuelling", using ketones and the recently ingested carbs/sugars from breakfast. I dare say the other factors I listed are also playing a part too.
I am also in the boat of feeling great after a fast.

On a fast day I generally feel a little hungry and towards the end of the day my energy levels really dip which I don't like. I have a massive flight of very step stairs I have to walk up to get home after work and on fast days when I get to the top of the stairs I always feel like I'm going to collapse. Luckily from there it's only another 5 minutes to home and once I have my low cal dinner I feel a-ok again.

The day after a fast I feel like my body just appreciates the food and calories so much that it rewards me with feeling light and energised! There was an article on here a while ago written by a naysayer that seemed to put this good feeling down to adrenalin that is released due to fasting putting you in fight or flight mode. I really hope that isn't true because that can't be good for your adrenal gland! Does anyone know if there was much truth to that study?
I am another person who feels amazing on (and after) fasting. I fast on Tue and Fri and as an example I will take fasting on Friday and the "high" feeling starts somewhere around Friday lunch time-afternoon tea time and continues through the night and into the next day. By Monday I am starting to come down and on Monday afternoon/night I am glad that I shall be fasting again on Tuesday.

I see the "high" feeling as a huge pro with this way of life.

The Cons. Some nights I am cold (not always and it is not always weather related) and some nights my brain is running at a million miles an hour which means that I can't sleep until I am absolutely exhausted. I can handle the cold as I just rug up with more blankets or warmer p.j's but the brain running flat chat frustrates me a little. Has anyone found a solution to the brain running a million miles an hour problem?
Absolutely!!! I have much more energy than normal. I actually look forward to my fast days and the challenge of what I can eat for 500 calories!!
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