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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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So after doing some reading, I have decided to have just one meal on fast days and go for a full 24-hours with no food at all. Last night my last meal was at 7pm, so I will wait and have my dinner at 7pm tonight and then wake up tomorrow and eat normal.

After doing this for a while, I find fast days have gotten easier and easier. It seems like no big deal now to go all day without food.

Anybody else doing this?
Rufus, go for it! I've been water fasting for over a month now (zero calories for around 36-40 hours twice a week) and not only have I lost a lot of weight, I feel great and it's becoming easier. I think the longer you go without food, the more you learn about hunger - what's real, what's not and that you can ride out the 'waves' fairly easily with practice. You'll feel great tomorrow after your 24 hour water fast!
Hi Redhead (love the avatar!),

Thanks for the positive feedback. Yup, I think I'm ready for it. So true about the hunger pangs. Some of it is not real.... it's just psychological because my body is used to eating at certain times. Since I put it in my head that I'm not eating until late this evening, I have felt no hunger at all.

Hi Rufus, I just have one meal on fast days though do tend to have a bouillon drink mid afternoon so don't know if that counts as a full 24hr fast or not. I find its much easier to go without food & have a proper meal in the evening, as you say once your head knows foods not available till then it's not looking for it!
Hope it goes ok.
Hi Rufus,
You will be fine as I now seem to be doing this more and more, not deliberately but I don't have breakfast anyway and if my lunch is substantial then I find it easy to not eat again til the following lunchtime.

Hi Readhead,
Brave girl, although I find one meal a day easy, not sure I could get through it just on water but I may try this sometime, or then again, I may not!

Ballerina x
Hour 23 of my 24 hour fast. The last few hours have been the hardest. I took a long hot bath and ended up taking a nap in the bathtub. I started fantasizing about food a few hours back. My body is hungry, but not really hungry. I'm looking forward to having a meal in another hour. I have a huge salad made and some broccoli ready to steam along with half dozen egg whites to scramble. Hoping this will fill me up as I'm going out to a pub tonight to listen to live music (something I do several nights a week). I will drink water at the pub.

A little tough doing the 24 hour fast today. Hoping it gets easier as time goes on. I wanted to eat my meal as late as possible today (8 p.m.) so I won't get hungry later when I go out for the evening. Also, it should help me sleep better.
Hi Rufus

This 24-hours-without-food fast is what I do on fasting days. It seems to work well for me - I usually aim for about 6.30pm to 6.30pm, and go for a walk at about 5pm as that's when my body starts telling me that I'm now hungry!

Yesterday/today was my 23rd fast day, and I've only given up on one occasion (I fasted the next day instead).

It's great to see how different people experiment with 5:2 and then seem to find exactly what suits them. Good luck with trying out the 24-hour version!
I do the same. I still try to have a small dinner on fast day but it works well for me. I find it quite liberating to not have to think of food all day.
I'm glad to learn other people are doing this as well. I am quite astonished at how many green veggies I can eat for under 500 calories!!!
Hi Rufus,
I do the 24 hrs also now. The first couple of weeks I had a light lunch but found I could delay it gradually and now do 6.30ish to 6.30ish.
I have a big plate of veges for dinner too, including carrot, beetroot, pumpkin, beans and follow with fruit. I feel very cleansed and healthy, ( though I sometimes slip in a frozen fruit ice block later)
Apart from the first fast day all mine have been 24 hour fasts. I find it much easier than planning small calorie counted meals.
I have settled into this way of fasting and find it easier. I did one yesterday of 26 hrs and have enjoyed breakfast without feeling starving. The more I do the easier it is.
Hi Rufus - I find the more I do it the easier it's become. I almost look forward to a 24hr fast day now.... almost, not quite :grin: I eat 7pmish and then not again until the following evening at 7pmish which , to be honest, at the moment is mainly homemade soup (HUGE bowl for around 250 cals), then maybe a piece of fruit. That's then until the following lunchtime. Quite hard for the first few times, but now it's easy peasy ! Love this WOL - hope it goes well for you too Rufus :clover:
I do a 24hr fast when I'm working,I find it easier as I'm concentrating on my job and not thinking of food.
Other days I stick to 600 caps. Both methods are fine,24hr one is hard a first but becomes easier.
The poll of fast day meals shows over half of us have just the one meal and I think most of those involve a 24 hour or nearly 24 hour fast.

I don't stick religiously to 24 hours but I start my fast after dinner the night before and have no calories until the fast day dinner so it's usually around 24 hours.
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