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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi All

We're going away for a few days next week (Weds-Fri) as it's our 20th wedding anniversary, and I'm contemplating fasting Monday and Tuesday. I just wondered how difficult/easy people find it. I normally do Tuesday/Thursday, although this week I'm doing Monday/Wednesday (the rebel I am - mixing it up a bit lol)

Any ideas for doing back to back would be gratefully received :-)

I did it once (for similar reasons to yours) and found it quite hard, so I haven't tried again. But some people who have done longer liquid-only or water-only fasts (caveat caveat) have reported here getting a big 'high' on the second day (serotonin? ketones?)...
I have done two back to back fasts before. Each one before a holiday. For me they are challenging but possible. The 2nd day is a lot harder.
I don’t know how effective they are as I don’t weigh when on holiday and never lose much when I get back. But I did enjoy my holiday (food) more knowing that I kept with 5:2.

Oh and congratulation on your 20th wedding anniversary!
Thanks dominic and Legoman - sounds like it's going to be difficult then. I guess the other option is to do Sunday and Tuesday - not sure how easy/difficult I'd find fasting when I'm at home though. I find it very easy when I'm in work, as there's no temptations and I'm busy!

Decisions decisions!!
Michelle Harvie's "Two Day Diet" (topical today) is two consecutive days a week on restricted carbs & calories.

She hasn't found it necessary to separate the days.
But doesn't the Two Day Diet have a bigger calorie allowance on the fast days?
carorees wrote: But doesn't the Two Day Diet have a bigger calorie allowance on the fast days?
Not really, at least not in the clinically tested versions. Higher protein though.

Point really was that the "consecutiveness" doesn't raise its head as an issue with them, in fact they seem to promote it - see FAQ 23 at
I did it once and found it quite easy. Day 2 I was less hungry actually. But I ate very low-carb, I think that helps. scrambled eggs with coconut oil in evening each day for my 500 kcal. Good luck and congratulations!
I've done it once and its alright if you just gotta do it once, you actually feel less hungry on the second day. can be a bit mentally frustrating though :)
I do Tues / Wed each week find back to back easier, if something changes I have done Wed / Thur and I have felt less hungry on 2nd day so will always try to do it this way, you have to find what works best for you, play with it a bit
Hi there,I have been fasting Mon and Tues since October last year.
Every 6-8 weeks excluding the whole of December have had a 3-4 day weekend (blow out/splurge) due to visiting my daughter/granddaughters or being away with my OH. This xmas was the first ever I didnt put weight on,but it has meant an average weight loss of 3lb per month.I have also had no side effects of light headiness or headaches and have even managed to work out to Davinas Fit in 15 DVD at home.
My advice give it a go but listen to your body and drink plenty of water or low cal/low sugar drinks :clover: OCTOBER 1st 70.3kg FEB 1st 65.0kg SLOW BUT SURE !!! :smile: Extra splurge today sons birthday so we're off out HARVESTER meal (their puds alone start at 750kcals-well the ones I like :oops: ) Have had 150kcals so far today but will fast in full Tues and Weds and aim for 1000max Thurs and feast for rest of week my TDEE is about 1650 Wish me luck and good luck to you :smile:
I've done it twice for similar reasons to you, having only just started 5:2'ing about a month ago. I didn't find it hard at all, so i would say give it a go - you might be fine with it. I think i will be doing this at least once a month to get my days to fit in with 'life stuff'! I was pleased to have managed to get two good fasting days in, despite travel plans for half the week and felt like i was keeping on track (even while stuffing my face whilst away lol).

Good luck!
I regularly do 2 day fasts in this way and don't find it at all difficult.
I've just done it and was STARVING all day today but stuck it out!
The one time I did it, I felt awful the day after the second fast. I try to avoid it!
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