The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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How did you hear about this forum?

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myfitnesspal thread
Total votes : 180

It was okay when I last looked, and I saw the link to the forum there too but forgot about it. I presume someone from here put it there?
carorees wrote: Oh? That's news. I'll add it as an option. I never thought to look at Wikipedia...hope the information therein is accurate?
Hi all,
I believe I did a Google search for "intermittent fasting" (I have been doing those daily lately), and this site came up. You seemed like a nice gang, so I joined. :)
A link from FB group - missed the original programme in August last year as on holiday and only discovered it a few weeks ago. Normally i know about every diet going and have tried them all but this one is the best yet as finding fasting no problem.
There is no option in the poll for the wa i found it. I found it after firstly reading an article by Mimi Spencer in one of our weekend newspapers here in Australia, then I followed up by buying the book on iBook, then googled 5:2. I have been posting on Facebook about this and now I have just found out that several of my friends are doing it too. I have sent all of them the link to this as well as the video and book. It spreads like wildfire! Most importantly my precious daughter is doing it too! Thank you for a great forum!
Oops I just realised I should have voted Google, so I have now done so :-/
Whilst I selected '' - it was actually your comment dominic that showed me the trail of breadcrumbs ;)
I got here from too. But how did I get there?! I'd watched The Programme, thought I really should try doing that, and didn't do anything but it was always vaguely in mind. Somehow I didn't see any of the TV or print publicity in January, but there must've been something in the air. Maybe it was overhearing someone in a cafe, having a bowl of soup and saying she was 'fasting' that did it?

Anyway, I'm sure glad I found this forum! There's nothing like shared experience to keep on enthusiastically on the right track.
I found it when it was mentioned on a fb page. A forum seems the better medium for discussions, much as I love fb. Interesting posts are quickly lost on fb.
After seeing the Horizon programme and investing in the book, I decided to look up on google as there was bound to be a 5:2 forum somewhere!
I didn't realise it was such a new forum. Thanks for setting it up Moogie - it's going to be so useful! :D
i got evicted from Mumsnet and B&W invited me over
I'm dying to know what you did that was eviction worthy....!? :shock:
I started a new account when my old one stopped working.
Because MN never told me that the old one had been blocked.
They admit that they should not have blocked the old account.
They admit that it took them two years to notice the new account.
They now have a watch on my IP address.
Bless 'em.
I believe I discovered 5:2 after reading a series on posts on MFP and watching Brad Philon's video on Youtube on Eat Stop Eat. I normally already fast Monday's and Thursdays as a religious practice, but never thought anything of it considering I ate my days calorie worth in the evening. Glad to see the practice scientifically substantiated and hope to control my routine to restrict calories . Glad I found this forum as well!
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