my sister (emm) told me about it. in addition to its intrinsic value, i love it because we have another way to keep up with each other (she's in the uk, and i'm in the states and it's hard to read her scale from here...)
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Er...none of the above
was chatting on a chicken forum and carorees pointed me in this direction!

Hi, the 'fast diet' was recommended by my local GP so I went to Google to find out more about it and came across this forum. So glad I did!

I'm new to the diet but have used forums whilst dieting in the past so googled 5-2 diet forum! I find this way of eating so much easier than your regular diet and the motivation from being part of a forum helps if I ever have a rough patch and crave on my fast days!

So many different routes here! I like that a GP recommended the diet, Halfpint...
Good think that you googled '5-2 diet forum', jodieemily24! @Moogie, we still don't seem to have 'intermittent fasting' anywhere in the tags/headers/main text for the website, I just googled 'intermittent fasting forum' and this forum appears tenth below lots of lesser sites (and even then only a link to a post where someone used the phrase)...
Good think that you googled '5-2 diet forum', jodieemily24! @Moogie, we still don't seem to have 'intermittent fasting' anywhere in the tags/headers/main text for the website, I just googled 'intermittent fasting forum' and this forum appears tenth below lots of lesser sites (and even then only a link to a post where someone used the phrase)...

I already knew I wanted to do 5:2 so I googled 5:2 forum and found my way here

I followed Moogie here from the fast diet website forum after she posted some info on weight loss stats for 5:2. It's a bit horrid over there, very basic and very lacking in moderation. This place is lively and well run. It appealed so now you're stuck with me

Incidentally, when doing as much reading on the fast diet I stumbled on the mumsnet forum - they have really looooong running threads regarding fasting etc... but it was so hard to keep reading it in their format! I think the link to this forum was in the thread that was dedicated to fasting tips and research - and so I followed 


Oh, my heart beat a little faster then....only to be disappointed. Thought for a mo that the lovely Dominic was back
Anybody else missing him - it's not just me, surely?

Yes dhana I've been wondering where he's got to
How's it going with you at the moment?

How's it going with you at the moment?

hey Sue! - Doing well, not losing any weight at the moment, but as I am not fasting this is not surprising!! Skipping breakfast mainly and just happy not be gaining anything. I have become a lot less greedy, and eat healthier than when I started. Will go back to fasting soon and tackle those few last pesky pounds!

Puny wrote: I followed Moogie here from the fast diet website forum after she posted some info on weight loss stats for 5:2. It's a bit horrid over there, very basic and very lacking in moderation. This place is lively and well run. It appealed so now you're stuck with me
I keep looking at 'that' website because there seem to be some very strange people on there

I noticed that Moogie had snuck in some cheeky links

I've never been back. Not even to update on my weight loss.
It's really friendly and helpful here. Don't get me wrong there were helpful people over there too but without anyone in charge people can say some really inappropriate things at times and be quite offensive.
And now that I've discovered the wonders of the tracker and all the info it gives I'm all set
It's really friendly and helpful here. Don't get me wrong there were helpful people over there too but without anyone in charge people can say some really inappropriate things at times and be quite offensive.
And now that I've discovered the wonders of the tracker and all the info it gives I'm all set

I typed "Bovril Calories" into Google and arrived here!

The Aardvark wrote: I typed "Bovril Calories" into Google and arrived here!
Welcome aardvark

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