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Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 20:21
I'm trying out weighing myself daily this week ,not sure if daily weigh ins are for me just yet well. I guess its all just trial and error to see what best suits you I don't think there is really a right or wrong way to check you progress.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 21:01
OwnedByCats wrote: Like Mariposa, I now weigh myself in the morning and at night before I go to bed. The night time weigh is more to give myself a worst-case scenario for what the morning might bring, which I oddly find rather reassuring.

If I don't weigh daily, I lose track of my weight gain and tend to think that I haven't gained that much. That's one of the ways (weighs?) that I got into this mess in the first place. I sometimes didn't weigh myself for months on end.

I don't let the variations distract me. I think I'd find a steady downward progress a bit abnormal. As long as it's an average weekly loss, however small, it's still an improvement.

I feel the exact same way. :like:
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 21:21
I was weighing myself daily, but sometimes it is such a pain to have to wake up and get totally naked to step on the scale and then put the clothes back on again. Call me lazy.. maybe now that the weather is warmer I start daily wieghings again. I'm always a little fearful of stepping on the scale, especially when I've been pigging out for several days, and that happens often.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 21:24
This thread had made me laugh, loving the middle of the night weighing and I must admit weighing myself after a second wee in the morning to see if it tips me to the next lb down! Glad to know I'm not alone!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 03:40
Daily, every morning. First thing I do after visiting the ladies. only bad news is its coming into cold weather here so have to strip off in the cold :shock:

For mine it's a solid reminder of the fact that I have to think about what I consume and absolutely no harm in it and indeed it keeps you focussed.

Have a smart phone and can use apps but instead write it down on the fridge door for all (and me) to see. with a calculation daily of loss since my "base weight"

I do notice that i weigh about 400g less on the morning after fast day (on average) and if ive had a feeding frenzy on feast days it definitely goes up.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 04:04
i weigh every morning and record it on my calendar along with the pretty unreliable fat % that comes along with it. i would be afraid that if i weighed only once a week, my first weigh in might be a low fluke and the next week a high fluke, and i'd think i'd actually gained and that would be discouraging... but having all of the daily weights in front of me the trend is clear.

besides, i am confident like never before that 5:2 is going to work (and i have another 30-35 lbs to go), that i haven't gotten discouraged, even when i only lost 1/2 a pound in 2.5 weeks.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 05:55
mariposa wrote: This thread had made me laugh, loving the middle of the night weighing and I must admit weighing myself after a second wee in the morning to see if it tips me to the next lb down! Glad to know I'm not alone!

Hee hee, I was just sat here contemplating that as I've gone up 500gms but I know that it's jaut my scales being indecisive!!!!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 06:18
This has made me feel better I'm trying daily weighing for this week so far with mixed result I seem to up and down the same couple of hundred grams ( I must have indecisive scales too AnnieD)
but I'll stick with it until saturday to get a clearer picture of what is going on with me and decide if it going to work for me. So far after 4 week and a couple of big drops it looking like I'm stabilising and will be interesting to track weight loss from here.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 07:58
Thanks for the post, I am reassuringly normal!! doing all the above daily weigh stuf, including sometimes in the night. Only count the once a week one tho as a formal weigh day. Like lots of others I need the regular feedback to keep on track
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 08:13
Rufus wrote: I was weighing myself daily, but sometimes it is such a pain to have to wake up and get totally naked to step on the scale and then put the clothes back on again. Call me lazy...

:lol: Giggles.....I sleep naked anyway, so this had never occurred to me, but I can see that you have to be really motivated to take cosy pjs off!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 08:19
kencc wrote: For me, it's essential I weigh daily so I get feed back on whether I'm eating too much.

That's exactly why I'm weighing myself daily. The changing/rising numbers don't bother me at all as long as the trend is downwards (on Libra app). And if it is upwards then I know I have to cut back on food a little. So far, it's been working great for me.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 08:24
I weigh myself daily in the morning. I usually insert my weight in MyFitnessPal but will download one of the apps you are mentioning as MyFitnessPal doesn't have much details except a straight line lets he how that goes :)
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 09:01
Naked? In the morning? After my warm bed? No way! I weigh with my jammies!!!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 09:10
Definitely every day at least once . Naked in the morning but sometimes I hop on the scales during the day followed by a bit of mental gymnastics deducting the supposed weight of my clothes - actually perhaps this is a bit over the top - can you be addicted to weighing yourself - the only time I stop weighing is when I know I am putting on weight. It's like opening bank statements after Christmas, I'd rather not know!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
21 May 2013, 09:32
I weigh every morning in the same nightie- and yes, it is getting cold in my summer weight attire.
But I will not be deterred! :wink:
I, too, don't get fixated on the daily fluctuations but like to keep check it's not an upward trend!
So far it's working.
I use and find it great and just do my stats once a week.
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