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weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:14
Hi all,
I'm wondering if anyone weighs themselves more often than once a week. I think the guidance is to only weigh once a week (after second fast day?), but I like to have lots of data points to get a more refined average. I also find it interesting (though of course a little disheartening) to see it go up and down through the week. Does anyone else do this?
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:21
Lots of us do! The secret, if you think you might get discouraged by the odd blip, is to use an app such as Libra (free on Android) that gives you a trend line. I think the theory is that your true weight is actually an average of the past 7 days and that is what apps like Libra do for you. It smoothes aout the ups and downs that you get naturally when you fast so you can see which way you are really going.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:22
I also weigh every day and track it using the True Weight app. Personally it keeps me more motivated as I can see where I am at all times... weighing once a week sounds scary - what if you weighed on a heavier day (today I was a pound and a bit heavier than yesterday)!!

But I know others have a completely opposite view - whatever works for you is best I guess :-)
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:26
I am a daily weigher and often weigh myself before bed so I have an idea what I'll be in the morning!! Slightly overkill I know, but I only count my weekly weigh in which is on Monday morning (I fast Monday and Thursday) so for me that's the highest weight and therefore the most 'true' reflection of my weight loss. I have been using a daily weight tracker app and I've found that really helps with the ups and downs. I find it keeps me motivated as although I have up days at some point over the course of the week I see a new low (usually day after a fast or following day) and that's what I focus on as I know that means the trend is downwards and I will see that low weight again on an official weigh in day at some point. I think daily weigh ins aren't for everyone, but for me it keeps me on track and motivated. I know other people don't suit this way of weighing so it's up to you. If it helps you that's all that matters. Good luck in your journey
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:27
I do. I use true weight. Didn't like what the scales told me this morning, but true weight is happy with the data I entered today so must be ok then!!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:34
miffy49 wrote: Lots of us do! The secret, if you think you might get discouraged by the odd blip, is to use an app such as Libra (free on Android) that gives you a trend line. I think the theory is that your true weight is actually an average of the past 7 days and that is what apps like Libra do for you. It smoothes aout the ups and downs that you get naturally when you fast so you can see which way you are really going.

A few years ago (pre-smartphone-era), a friend and I made our own regression equation for weight loss in excel, so I use that (excellent use of our grad school education in statistics, I must say). Back when Google was pushing their home page with customized widgets, they had an app in their labs that did it too. It would tell you if you were in danger or not based on the true trend. :)
But either way, more data points are required to get this to be accurate, so am sucking up and daily weighing!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 11:37
Like Mariposa, I now weigh myself in the morning and at night before I go to bed. The night time weigh is more to give myself a worst-case scenario for what the morning might bring, which I oddly find rather reassuring.

If I don't weigh daily, I lose track of my weight gain and tend to think that I haven't gained that much. That's one of the ways (weighs?) that I got into this mess in the first place. I sometimes didn't weigh myself for months on end.

I don't let the variations distract me. I think I'd find a steady downward progress a bit abnormal. As long as it's an average weekly loss, however small, it's still an improvement.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:17
Gosh I thought twice daily was completely OTT, but it seems I'm not the only one - phew !!! I also track my weight on my phone's app. OCD or what :lol: Although I track and record, in my head it's Saturday morning which is my weekly weigh in and when I see if I have lost or gained weight - and it's that weight I put on my tracker stats. Glad I'm not the only one :bugeyes:
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:22
I weigh every morning and track it on TrueWeight on my iPhone, and also track it on Weight Monitor app on my Mac! I love watching the lines descend, and I don't worry about the ups and downs during the week any more. :)

Whoever it was who originally recommended the True Weight to me, THANK YOU! xx
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:23
Only once a day? He he. When I'm really focused and feeling like I am on roll losing weight I have been known to weigh myself when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the loo. Well you never know do you I might just have dropped a sneaky pound ;) ;)
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:28
I weigh in about once a week, but there are definite variations across the week. The main thing is not to get hung up on increases unless it's a longer term trend. Weigh frequently, but review less frequently - ie don't change what you're doing unless it shows no change over at least a month. I reviewed my progress over 15 weeks recently and it looked very different retrospectively than it seemed week to week. I thought I was doing badly on the weight loss front, but I was doing great - and much more consistent than I thought when I was focusing on 'have a lost a pound this week compared to last week?'
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:45
I too get on the scales every morning. I use the bathroom scales for this and find it fascinating how weight fluctuates from day to day. It also keeps me on track.
My official weigh day is Sunday if home or Monday if away for the weekend (Tuesday if Bank Holiday and away). For that I weigh on the Wii Fit. I keep that solely for tracking my progress.
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 19:53
Interesting to read about so many people weighing daily (or more!) I have gone to the other extreme and only weigh once a month now. Saves the agonising over the odd blip!
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 20:05
I too only weigh in once a month now. I use to weigh myself a couple of time a week in the beginning when the weight loss was really that it has slowed somewhat, I find it too discouraging to weigh too often. If you go a week where you feel you've worked hard but doesn't show a loss I find it very hard to take...
Re: weighing yourself everyday?
20 May 2013, 20:15
I do so all my life, I find that it is the only way to not gain weight!
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